1,645 Commits over 245 Days - 0.28cph!
Integrate death sounds, two/one enemy left sounds played to killing team
Recoil compliments spread now
Can cancel cook
Adjust some throw code
If grenade is holstered and state is not thrown, set state to idle
Throw grenades owned by thrower - do damage on host
Thrown grenades don't collide with players for now - they can be pushed through the ground if you stand on them
Expose cook time properly
Crosshair velocity scale increased
Anarchists team colour adjusted to be less intense
If guid is empty for connection don't print left the game log (make a note to investigate why)
Add drop on disconnect for C4. Add WeaponData.DropOnDisconnect set it to true for C4
Don't pickup weapons if we're not alive yet
Add TimeSinceLastRespawn for player and use that as well to determine if weapon can be auto picked up
Crosshair detect friendlies, show cross
Add radio input bind to chat
Restrict noclip to editor only
Get rid of 1 second delay when the round decides a winner, not sure if this'll cause any problems but it's much less awkward
Fixed final round of the first half round count being wrong
Notify match point to all users
Show the winning round on scoreboard if your team can win
Crosshair update, lines, distance based on velocity, spread, recoil
Would help if I actually pushed the fix :thumbsup:
Add hidden radio sounds, play bomb defusing radio when CT tries to defuse bomb
Fixed planted c4 beep sound being missing
Added DefuseWinCondition, MaxRounds / 2 + 1
Basic weapon state persisting system for dropped weapons
Persist AmmoComponent for dropped weapons
Fixes #39
Switch weapons with mouse wheel
Fix NRE in RadioSounds if there's no sounds
Fix team radio sound chat message being sent to people on other team
Fixed GameOverview style with game setup that doesn't have many rounds
Synchronize TimeUntilCannotBuy
Add KillGameOnEnd rule to take everyone back to the menu when the game has ended
Added game rule for BuyZoneTime, so you can only buy for the first X seconds after a round starts
Add GameOverview, which shows blocks of all the rounds in a game and the half swap time (https://files.facepunch.com/tony/1b0211b1/sbox-dev_vY7imbfsCk.png)
Show a status text at the start of the last round of a half, informing players, fixed kill feed layout being screwed, start working on adding time remaining beep sounds
Show and warn users if they're trying to join an editor lobby
Remove unused stylesheet attributes
More accurate lobby name instead of this crap I did
More work on settings page
padding scss improvements
Show icon next to party members in scoreboard
No idea how this compiled, I assume it's renaming [Broadcast]'d params
Add settings menu, can tweak mixer volumes, added radio volume mixer, send radios to that channel
Buy menu background is less intense
Restructure menu a bit, added pause menu
Add radio spam prevention