
1,633 Commits over 214 Days - 0.32cph!

6 Months Ago
Added cash bag weapon
6 Months Ago
More equipment naming
6 Months Ago
Some Weapon / Equipment cleanup
6 Months Ago
Fix FPS test scene
6 Months Ago
Move around some buy system code, not dictated in the player now, added event where rules can control buy menu
6 Months Ago
WaitForPlayers logic change Resets timer while < MinPlayerCount are connected Skips if >= SkipPlayerCount are connected
6 Months Ago
Re-implemented TDM
6 Months Ago
Re-implement kill / objective rewards
6 Months Ago
Fix player joined chat entry being doubled
6 Months Ago
map updates A site developments
6 Months Ago
WIP game loop state machine refactor WIP everything's compiling again Fix GameMode.Get<T>() returning cached disabled components Hacky fix for game mode display info using prefab vars Reset player balance at start of half Fix game overview not showing Fix winning round display in game overview Re-implement team income Round end status text Clear equipment on start of half Another GameOverview fix
6 Months Ago
Clear equipment on start of half Another GameOverview fix
6 Months Ago
Fix winning round display in game overview Re-implement team income Round end status text
6 Months Ago
Fix GameMode.Get<T>() returning cached disabled components Hacky fix for game mode display info using prefab vars Reset player balance at start of half Fix game overview not showing
6 Months Ago
WIP everything's compiling again
6 Months Ago
Support for spectating gadgets: spectate players rather than pawns directly, network current possessed pawn
6 Months Ago
map updates
6 Months Ago
Fix radio NRE when no team is assigned, no radio when dead
6 Months Ago
Iterate on spread, all weapons have a spread when not aiming down the sights, ADS crushes that spread
6 Months Ago
Acceleration gets dampened heavily when you take damage, or fall from a large height
6 Months Ago
Properly enable/disable drone camera (and listener) on possession events
6 Months Ago
Don't play death sounds for deaths that aren't a player
6 Months Ago
Spawn the drone infront of the player instead of at world origin
6 Months Ago
Use invis tag for the drone when it gets killed
6 Months Ago
Half the spin speed of the drone's turbines
6 Months Ago
Remove MinimapIconType, IMinimapIcon.IconType, add IMinimapIcon.IconPath, IMinimapIcon.IconOrder
6 Months Ago
IMinimapElement.IsVisible passes through IPawn, drone visible on minimap for teammates
6 Months Ago
Add flag helpers to ModifyDamageEvent Add chest/head damage dev commands
6 Months Ago
Update player marker panel logic, display localplayer's nametag if we're not viewing from the localplayer (good for drone)
6 Months Ago
Split Armor out into its own component, hook early into ModifyDamageEvent, renamed GetPlayerName to DisplayName (now on IPawn), drone is killable
6 Months Ago
Fixed sprint being slower than regular walk
6 Months Ago
Fix a couple of leftover NREs
6 Months Ago
Drone eye angles just grabbed from transform
6 Months Ago
GameUtils.Viewer returns IPawn, so let's make that work for all of our code
6 Months Ago
WIP game loop state machine refactor
6 Months Ago
Add drone pawn ( Don't NRE in minimap if we don't have some systems
6 Months Ago
Expose more player movement properties to global
6 Months Ago
Player is slow walking when aiming instead of custom case
6 Months Ago
Track time since weapon deployed, don't allow shooting while deploying weapon
6 Months Ago
Protection needed here?
6 Months Ago
Add cached WeaponComponent.Player
6 Months Ago
Land sound is exposed
6 Months Ago
Fixed Weapon.Owner, network it properly, fix NRE in WeaponRow
6 Months Ago
use core land sound, we'll layer gear audio later
6 Months Ago
Don't play fun kill sound when you've killed a teammate
6 Months Ago
Spectating orbit cam, hide cursor in third person
6 Months Ago
Converted weapon deploy / holster events (#104)
6 Months Ago
Convert player events (#104)
6 Months Ago
New headshot sounds headshots + helmet hits
6 Months Ago
Move EyeAngles interpolation out of CameraController