
1,656 Commits over 304 Days - 0.23cph!

10 Months Ago
initial buy menu
10 Months Ago
fixed garbage color values on decals
10 Months Ago
Sync life state
10 Months Ago
Comment out viewbob
10 Months Ago
Some reorganizing of game rules
10 Months Ago
Site prefab
10 Months Ago
Added basic fly mode for louie
10 Months Ago
bombsite decals
10 Months Ago
Some super basic effects on C4 plant / explode
10 Months Ago
Expose lobby id to AsyncGetLobbies
10 Months Ago
Get rid of player controller mechanics
10 Months Ago
Map block out progress
10 Months Ago
Basic planted C4
10 Months Ago
Validate PlayerBoxCollider Player doesn't depossess on death, fixed respawn issue
10 Months Ago
Player.RemoveWeapon() PlantFunction for C4 Just removes when planted atm
10 Months Ago
prevent player hitting their own colliders
10 Months Ago
C4 weapon resource
10 Months Ago
Added some lobby utils
10 Months Ago
Project uses quick play launch mode, which should try to join a lobby automatically
10 Months Ago
Network damage and HP
10 Months Ago
Give the player an extra collider to handle player to player collisions
10 Months Ago
Give the player an extra collider to handle player to player collisions Stash minimap stuff
10 Months Ago
M700 sniper rifle blockout
10 Months Ago
increase movement speed
10 Months Ago
Remove viewmodel camera stuff Make minimap renderer gizmo less obnoxious
10 Months Ago
C4_bomb whitebox
10 Months Ago
Fix missing prefab in Game_setup.prefab
10 Months Ago
throwable weapons whitebox
10 Months Ago
Don't give default equipment if player already has weapons
10 Months Ago
Map Setup
10 Months Ago
Start with a USP in round_based_test gamemode
10 Months Ago
Default weapons are controlled by game mode Just include fps_testing game mode in the scene
10 Months Ago
Update .sbproj
10 Months Ago
Tentative fix for laggy viewmodel inertia
10 Months Ago
Work on minimap renderer
10 Months Ago
Add scene for testing round-based gamemode
10 Months Ago
Add weapon_test gamemode
10 Months Ago
More spawn points
10 Months Ago
Cleanup / documenting
10 Months Ago
Fixed round timer not being networked Rework Respawn() a bit
10 Months Ago
Add gizmo to TeamSpawnPoint Don't auto-respawn during rounds NextRoundDelay, TeamEliminated Some docs
10 Months Ago
Rename test game mode WaitForPlayers
10 Months Ago
Freeze players in freeze time
10 Months Ago
Refactor game loop, basic round status HUD element
10 Months Ago
Split up game mode events into pre / on / post
10 Months Ago
GameMode boilerplate / simple rules Added basic .editorconfig Testing game mode prefab, add spawn points to fps_testing.scene
10 Months Ago
Crush viewmodel move speed when slow walking
10 Months Ago
Crosshair changes Can hit with melee weapons now
10 Months Ago
Change crowbar to be trenchknife instead Removed unused fonts, changed weapon row style a bit Made footsteps more rhythmic
10 Months Ago
Fix NRE for weapons that don't have shooting Add WeaponData.Price Add basic idea of teams, hide non-friendly player markers for now