
524 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

34 Days Ago
Fix MeleeWeapon not hitting the correct block(s)
34 Days Ago
Using the Character Select menu in the Pause Menu will actually change your character instead of saving your existing character over it. Update Stone Axe/Pickaxe to use proper models
34 Days Ago
Fix CraftingMenu sizing
34 Days Ago
SMG Crafting Recipe makes a bit more sense Balance DamagePerItem for rock node Fix rock resource being Wood type Add Stone Pickaxe Added Stone Axe
34 Days Ago
Added hold_R bone to sword.vmdl
34 Days Ago
updated assetzoo removed errors from first lookdev scene
34 Days Ago
Made some Music to set the mood 🎵 Improved the Roller rolling sound
34 Days Ago
FlattenGround: do bigger things first
34 Days Ago
FlattenGround tweaks
34 Days Ago
added rural_a building kit
34 Days Ago
Update Mining Laser Item Icon
34 Days Ago
First pass at implementing FlattenGroundComponent
34 Days Ago
bothy phys shapes Merge branch 'main' of sbox-hc2
34 Days Ago
Add 0% state for all trees
34 Days Ago
added tree trunks Merge branch 'main' of sbox-hc2
34 Days Ago
mining laser texture update
34 Days Ago
Add sound to Mining Laser. Laser and it's sounds should be networked now
34 Days Ago
Sword recipe makes a bit more sense
34 Days Ago
mining laser textures
34 Days Ago
Don't show .0000001 on damage numbers
34 Days Ago
Tweaked effectiveness of Fallback Carriable, Sword, and made the Mining Laser work again.
34 Days Ago
Fleshed out world damage Now uses passed in Damage value Has falloff up to Radius Got rid of multiple CarveModification hack A bit slow with large radius ATM
34 Days Ago
Check for and take the correct amount of blocks when BrushSize is greater than 1
34 Days Ago
Fix typo Added ProgressBars to Perks panel CraftingMenu slides in the same way Perks Menu does when pressing TAB
34 Days Ago
Melee Weapon now properly aims towards the crosshair instead of awkwardly aiming to the side. Show crosshair when holding fallback carriable
34 Days Ago
Change Brush Size is now ALT+MWHEEL instead of SHIFT since you want to sprint and change items most times
34 Days Ago
Added rolling sound to the roller mob
34 Days Ago
Fix IsValid logic
34 Days Ago
Remove random using statement
34 Days Ago
Added VoxelChangeListener. Listen for modifications within any volume. Added TestListenerComponent
34 Days Ago
bothy now spawns slightly lower in to the ground
34 Days Ago
Pitch the drone's idle sound with it's speed
34 Days Ago
Wait for World Renderer to be ready in HighlightSelectedBlock Added Idle sounds to Mobs Add Looping Idle sounds to Drone Mobs
34 Days Ago
Make sure it also works for brush sizes larger than 1
34 Days Ago
If the trace misses for placing a block, it will check for a nearby block (so you don't need to look at the face of another block to place on it)
34 Days Ago
MeleeWeapon and Projectiles now ignore WorldItems Created Building Overlay that displays when holding a placable block
34 Days Ago
Fix DamagePerItem on node_tree_5
34 Days Ago
Fallback Carriable starts enabled now (disabling if you have items to start with)
34 Days Ago
Don't network mob state machines
34 Days Ago
Restructure world gen so we can modify heightmap while placing objects Actually fix drone NRE
34 Days Ago
Rock scatter added back
34 Days Ago
Adjusted worldgen
34 Days Ago
tree spawns trees spawn less on flat ground and more on the slopes.
34 Days Ago
added foundation meshes
34 Days Ago
34 Days Ago
Cheap clouds
34 Days Ago
Raise and lower devcam
34 Days Ago
Clear WorldPersistence.FileToLoad when exiting play mode in the Editor, fixes Terrain not showing up
34 Days Ago
DevCam "p"
34 Days Ago
Fixed nametag styles import, increased water plane size