
12 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

12 Months Ago
Make player & camera a prefab to easily setup new scenes
12 Months Ago
Try a capsule collider for the player
12 Months Ago
Tighten up physics based movement, this seems decent
12 Months Ago
Simple crush logic
12 Months Ago
BaseVelocity carries over
12 Months Ago
Slight air control Improve ground detection
12 Months Ago
Fix conveyors affecting player velocity twice
12 Months Ago
12 Months Ago
Conveyor push cleanup
12 Months Ago
Remove debug code Fix conveyor player push
12 Months Ago
Add necessary player components Tighten up movement a bit
1 Year Ago
Physics based controller test, strip a bunch of previous code