
37 Commits over 304 Days - 0.01cph!

7 Months Ago
Rename, this isn't a hud anymore
7 Months Ago
Switch to running in a custom menu, error fixes for latest sbox
12 Months Ago
Less ugly styling for the question list picker
12 Months Ago
Update addon config so the question json gets published Can no longer vote for yourself Minimum player count is now 3
12 Months Ago
Enumerate through all *.jbq.json files in the filesystem to find question lists (should allow addon support?) Unstyled setup screen to choose which question lists to use in the game
12 Months Ago
Game over screen
12 Months Ago
Clear the display in the round results and game over states
12 Months Ago
Fix background, add loading animation
12 Months Ago
Add a timeout_scale convar as a multiplier for the state timeout times (default 1, setting it to 2 will double it, etc)
12 Months Ago
Readme update
12 Months Ago
Reference API from a separate package Fix image assets not being included when publishing
12 Months Ago
Fix round not increasing when nobody answers or votes in time Switch all questions back to text responses (can be configured per question in the json)
12 Months Ago
Refactor to use a state system so things aren't lumped into a single file
12 Months Ago
Cleanup and publish
12 Months Ago
Hook up the round timer UI
12 Months Ago
Make image answers UI configurable by the game state
12 Months Ago
Update endpoint
12 Months Ago
Styling fixes to fix question text rendering
12 Months Ago
Add the API here now that sbox has good HTTP methods
1 Year Ago
Updates for API changes Switch to error screen if the session closes Change back to text responses for questions
1 Year Ago
Remove TTS code
1 Year Ago
Fixes after pain days Update to use new models Mostly support drawn responses
1 Year Ago
TTS the winning answer
1 Year Ago
Pull 20 random questions from questions.json
1 Year Ago
Voting and scoring
1 Year Ago
Show all players' answers on screen
1 Year Ago
Receive responses, add question loop
1 Year Ago
Show player list on screen Implement waiting for players flow + host can start the game when ready
1 Year Ago
More progress
1 Year Ago
Progress on setting things up
1 Year Ago
Answer Boxes
1 Year Ago
Question Section and styles
1 Year Ago
remove icon
1 Year Ago
Body section
1 Year Ago
Starting the Header UI
1 Year Ago
Create project
1 Year Ago
Initial commit