
137 Commits over 762 Days - 0.01cph!

6 Months Ago
2 Years Ago
Convert UI to razor
2 Years Ago
Basic animations for players and enemies Fix camera FoV More animation fixes
2 Years Ago
Pain day fixes, player / enemy animations still TODO
2 Years Ago
Updated mazing for client input Merge pull request #29 from Facepunch/custom-client-input Updated mazing for client input
2 Years Ago
Updated mazing for client input
2 Years Ago
New leaderboard API
2 Years Ago
Tweaked enemy awake delay Fixed hardhat again Use new hard hat model Fixed Wizard skirt
2 Years Ago
Disable score submission in tools mode again Smaller time text, add total level count to UI Fixed submitting wrong depth to leaderboard Throw holdables in a parabola Let enemies wake up immediately on spawn again Added legacy hardhat Lava death text tweaks Fixed players not always throwing the key Tweaked enemy awake delay Fixed hardhat again New leaderboard API
2 Years Ago
Lava death text tweaks Fixed players not always throwing the key
2 Years Ago
Added legacy hardhat
2 Years Ago
Let enemies wake up immediately on spawn again
2 Years Ago
Throw holdables in a parabola
2 Years Ago
New leaderboard API Leaderboard API change Use new server-side leaderboard submit method Fixed warning Tell daily challenge spectators why they are spectating Disable score submission in tools mode again Smaller time text, add total level count to UI Fixed submitting wrong depth to leaderboard
2 Years Ago
Use new server-side leaderboard submit method Fixed warning Tell daily challenge spectators why they are spectating
2 Years Ago
Leaderboard API change
2 Years Ago
New leaderboard API
2 Years Ago
Lava sounds Debugging submitting scores
2 Years Ago
Daily challenge Daily challenge fixes
2 Years Ago
Optimizations for the last level Elite wizard bolt tweaks
2 Years Ago
Quick placeholder ending Added timer
2 Years Ago
Fixed dressing player ragdolls Item collect anim tweak Lava model tweak Allow enemies to be removed during a level
2 Years Ago
Add spike traps to the final level Always make sure the key can be thrown into the exit Removed some testing code
2 Years Ago
Enemies only wake up when a player can be reached Final level tweaks
2 Years Ago
Ridiculously big diamond
2 Years Ago
prevent player from vaulting while spawning
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
First pass at last level
3 Years Ago
EliteSeeker anim tweaks
3 Years Ago
EliteCharger refactor EliteKeyhunter refactor EliteWizard sound tweaks
3 Years Ago
elite charger check if player alive in maze
3 Years Ago
elite charger changes
3 Years Ago
Different teleport particles for elite wizards Elite wizard bolt visual tweaks Wizard bolt splash effects
3 Years Ago
Enemy spawning tweaks Fixed missing texture on spike traps Elite seekers vault more often Reduce pathfinding cost of other enemies
3 Years Ago
elite charger elite seeker elite wanderer elite wanderer considers ghosts new elite seeker elite wizard, elite seeker elite keyhunter
3 Years Ago
Disable kill command Trying to fix possible whitelist error
3 Years Ago
Survival streak bonus cap
3 Years Ago
Separate leaderboards for money and depth
3 Years Ago
Fixed enemy starting rotation
3 Years Ago
Enemy initial eye rotation fixes Player vault cooldown fixes
3 Years Ago
Player vault recharge bloops
3 Years Ago
Enemies try to walk forwards after spawning Enemies don't collide with traps
3 Years Ago
Vault recharge particle / sound tweaks
3 Years Ago
Re-implemented wall gap movement assist
3 Years Ago
Show on-screen warning if in editor mode
3 Years Ago
Spike trap polish
3 Years Ago
Enemy spawning tweaks Player collision tweak
3 Years Ago
Working on a spike trap Attempt to fix movement regression #25 Record some game events Spike traps should always face the same way Use capsules for player movement / collisions #25 Spike trap sounds Player collision tweaks High latency movement fix
3 Years Ago
Spike trap sounds Player collision tweaks
3 Years Ago
Use capsules for player movement / collisions #25