
413 Commits over 61 Days - 0.28cph!

5 Months Ago
freecam move to
5 Months Ago
Shader supports texture scrolling
5 Months Ago
Remove / clean up old assets and poorly named stuff
5 Months Ago
Updates to intro area and blockouts
5 Months Ago
Lets try making the player face correctly again Sub intro cutscene text Swap to models of platforms
5 Months Ago
Fixed rotate Phys trace Rotate player onstart to face correct direction
5 Months Ago
Move on Fixed
5 Months Ago
Remove tags for moving Phys character updates
5 Months Ago
Once touched check if we have touched the platform
5 Months Ago
Fix crumble platforms
5 Months Ago
adjust spacing again
5 Months Ago
More adjustments 1b
5 Months Ago
Adjust gap on stage 1b
5 Months Ago
We did need to switch this
5 Months Ago
Slopes affect slide speed
5 Months Ago
Menu save slot fixes
5 Months Ago
slide friction More slide adjustment Merge branch 'main' of sbox-piecrumb
5 Months Ago
Make sure rubert checks the dialogue state
5 Months Ago
Update SceneTriggers in first two levels
5 Months Ago
Fix all our warnings
5 Months Ago
Adjust diving
5 Months Ago
Fix the player randomly clinging onto non-existent walls
5 Months Ago
Refactored DiveAbility to make a bit more sense
5 Months Ago
Fix E not always Interacting and fix NPC state
5 Months Ago
Fix releasing jump slowing your fall while maintaining short pressses
5 Months Ago
Fix jump from dive on the ground
5 Months Ago
Save Interactable/NPC states to GameSave. This isn't really used yet NPCs now have "!" above their head if they have something new to say, showing InputGlyph when in range NPC progression updates, saves, and loads proper. Collected items do not respawn when reloading a save Can now check if a dialogue is completed directly instead of having to make a weird 2nd copy. Updated into area accordingly
5 Months Ago
Show current map icon on save select Load into the previous scene/entrance on save load
5 Months Ago
Fix player error on save
5 Months Ago
Scenes are now properly tied to MapResources and saved to the save file
5 Months Ago
Started Save System + Safe OnPlatform check Coins and Items save to file. Collectables that have already been collected will not respawn StartupScene is not the main menu Hooked up the save UI to the save slots
5 Months Ago
Diving from a ground slam now has a similar cooldown
5 Months Ago
Add cooldown to jumping out of a dive
5 Months Ago
Fix running speed animator
5 Months Ago
Can cancel Dive with a Jump Can now dive out of a ground slam WishVelocity Acceleration on Player
5 Months Ago
Rising Pitch w each Coin Pickup
5 Months Ago
Update Train animgraph so it enters idle animation after completing the entrance
5 Months Ago
Physics Player Controller (#13) Minor controller adjustments Update PhysicsCharacter
5 Months Ago
Reset animations properly when entering cutscene Remove debug draws from PhysicsCharacter Fix all jittery camera issues
5 Months Ago
Got BouncePlatforms working properly Fixed CrumblePlatform error Triple Jump working proper Working Launch Pads
5 Months Ago
Got wall jumping working proper, can also cling onto certain rotating platforms Proper wall sliding friction GroundSlam working with new controller Diving Velocity Adjustments
5 Months Ago
Increase Step Height ClimbingAbility working with new controller Fix DiveAbility and more climbing issues
5 Months Ago
reset player pos
5 Months Ago
End level screen
5 Months Ago
Import PhysicsCharacter from scenestaging Initial Implementation of Physics Controller. Got the player moving and Abilities (mostly) working, just need to port Ability-s to BaseMove-s
5 Months Ago
Map Updates
5 Months Ago
stage 1 art
5 Months Ago
stage progress
5 Months Ago
Intro area updates with water
5 Months Ago
Merged menu character animgraph into normal character animgraph. Character now looks at cursor on main menu Added Head and Body LookAts to character animgraph Merge branch 'main' of sbox-piecrumb