
413 Commits over 61 Days - 0.28cph!

5 Months Ago
Menu clean up
5 Months Ago
Map updates and quest dialogue set up / coin .item test
5 Months Ago
Logo Update
5 Months Ago
Set up some audio mixer channels
5 Months Ago
Settings menu
5 Months Ago
Use img for logo
5 Months Ago
remove some old geo
5 Months Ago
Set up stage correctly
5 Months Ago
Basic main menu
5 Months Ago
Stage 2 test
5 Months Ago
tag platforms
5 Months Ago
WorldPosition > Transform.Position ect..
5 Months Ago
Map Update and Tests
5 Months Ago
Visuals for path
5 Months Ago
Fixed Interactable Prompts overlapping if you edged the interact radius Created ItemResource and ItemPickup Created first item with temp art/model. Added Pickup Sounds Added Item Storage to Inventory Component, with InventoryUI Implemented NextDialogueCondition proper, setup basic rubert condition Can now in-line items in dialogue with <item:id[:name]> tags Set up Ginnie dialogue condition
5 Months Ago
Scene Updates
5 Months Ago
Box projection tweak npc material box project brick and floor mats Remove log Hole shader supports tinting
5 Months Ago
Map Updates and Dialogue added
5 Months Ago
Hammer Stage Missing ui elements
5 Months Ago
Update .gitignore
5 Months Ago
Highlight player if obscured
5 Months Ago
Health + Damage effect Cube reset buttons
5 Months Ago
Camera tweaks
5 Months Ago
Remove camera zoom
5 Months Ago
Don't look towards forward when standing still. Set ViewAngles to forward angles while moving so you don't look elsewhere when you stop Added Reset Camera button to make the camera face the forward direction of the player instantly
5 Months Ago
Fix overlapping ambience
5 Months Ago
Combined the best of the two cameras. Camera follows the forward vector when not moving the mouse
5 Months Ago
Camera 2
5 Months Ago
Created player_gizmo vmdl DeathUI is now FadeUI and can be called externally Created SceneEntrance and SceneTrigger Components. Added scene triggers to intro area / platforming stages Fix CoinUI NRE
5 Months Ago
better logic icon
5 Months Ago
Button + Switches
5 Months Ago
Rubert and Ginnle Anims
5 Months Ago
small ui change
5 Months Ago
Teleport trigger
5 Months Ago
Climbing anim setup
5 Months Ago
Climb left and right anims
5 Months Ago
Climb anim
5 Months Ago
Footstep chain and run anim
5 Months Ago
Run Fast WIP anim
5 Months Ago
Improved climbing collisions immensely, works properly on rotating blocks Move collision improvements for climbing. Can climb between different objects now. Slight adjustment to climb up Added proper friction to climbing
5 Months Ago
quick triple jump
5 Months Ago
Make damageable stuff more generic update slam particle
5 Months Ago
Independent X/Y checking on grate movement Improved climbing up a fence Added HasParentControl to Ability Started on climbing on rotating/moving platforms. Still needs more work.
5 Months Ago
Added/Updated Ground Slam Particles, reduced hangtime from standstill Reduced Dive cooldown Pressing SPACE while dialogue is typing will instantly finish typing instead of skipping it. Then next SPACE press will skip it. Fixed animations not looping and instead just playing the first frame
5 Months Ago
Clean up ui z-index + coin fade out
5 Months Ago
don't store pos if we are on a platform
5 Months Ago
remove logs Store last safe pos, respawn to that location Fade to black
5 Months Ago
fix dive rotation
5 Months Ago
Rubert and Ginnle NPC anims
5 Months Ago
Ground slam ability