413 Commits over 61 Days - 0.28cph!
better controller support
Added <bold> <shake> and <wiggle> tags
Shader supports object triplanar
Slidecube scales planar
Animations is now a list that can apply to multiple targets. DefaultAnimation still targets SpeakingObject for convenience
Pre-calculate parsed dialogue at the start of each entry, so box doesn't resize with the dialogue
Added support for <anim:x> tags in dialogue
Update .gitignore
Basic animation set up for cutscene
Climbable surface
Remove unused asset
Triplanar on opacity
Update playground
Usual Map Updates
Mute run effects for the moment
Don't look at camera in dialogue
update scene
Wall slide anim
Dive does damage
Map and texture adjustments
Added Water Footsteps/Particles
Fix player not always jumping out of a dive when pressing space
Added Dive/Slide particles
Made it so you can't cancel a Dive mid-air
Added short Hop when left clicking while sliding from a dive
Diving into a jump pad will cancel the dive. Sliding to a halt will cause you to exit the sliding state
turn off shooters in playground
LookAt Component with axis lock
Fix Pause Menu not being able to unpause properly
Fix WallJump making you jump a nearby wall when grounded
Improved the wall slide and fixed Ability.HasGravity
Added wall slide particles (will look a lot better once there's an anim)
Remove some logs
Exit running state when running into a wall
break stuff ontop on punchable stuff
Map update and Guard Dialogue
Don't allow wall slide on same wall
Ability to reverse direction
more stage progress
Support multiply platforms on path
Fix maps with platforms to support new system
Goofy Guard initial NPC setup
Added NPC template and Dialogue Bubble fixes
Basic Rubert NPC + Dialogue
Added Prefabs/Templates for a bunch of useful stuff
Fix player sliding around sometimes. Abilities now have more control over the player.
Added LaunchAbility and updated Jump Pad to use it to launch you along a perfect trajectory.
Ginnle NPC Intro Dialogue
Update playground_testing.scene
NPC Ginnle and Update to Map