
27 Commits over 122 Days - 0.01cph!

13 Days Ago
Unobsolete obsolete code Fix crash on start / gave myself more work todo Fix null reference when ball physics body is null Fix crash on AnimateIntoPocket / Fix ballhistory duplication Merge pull request #1 from Louis-Ladd/main Fix current crashes and networking issues
56 Days Ago
Some work on updating Pool for newer networking stuff
4 Months Ago
Trick to only play sound to local player
4 Months Ago
Remove this log
4 Months Ago
Some cleanup. Additional IsHost checks in some places / asserts. Fixed BallType not being assigned properly when potting first ball. Ball render alpha is networked / serialized.
4 Months Ago
Set startup scene. Fixed NRE in PlayerDisplay. Can use [Authority] for PoolBall.TryMoveTo now
4 Months Ago
Send actual connection id instead of checking steam id as fixes local testing Fix white ball placement, disable cue renderer when appropriate to hide it
4 Months Ago
Fix toasts not showing up Make some vars private Cleanup
4 Months Ago
Clean up Pot History
4 Months Ago
Update player's BallType in INetworkSerializable.Read/Write
4 Months Ago
Move white ball move logic
4 Months Ago
Started porting over UI. Start implementing game logic for turns and potting logic. Try to network as much as possible right now - some hacky bits in the mean time.
5 Months Ago
Add PoolPlayer, BallPocket, add pocket triggers to table When two players have joined it'll spawn balls (networked), cue (networked), and assign cue to first player for now.
5 Months Ago
Smooth it a bit
5 Months Ago
Fix shot strength fps variable
5 Months Ago
Set substeps, adjust damping, enforce ball z velocity - try to lock balls to axis, collision start event for sounds later
5 Months Ago
Add GameManager. Update physics props of ball / table. Set some sort of sensible angular and linear damping of balls for now
5 Months Ago
Add PoolCue component - do basic logic for cue shot
5 Months Ago
Make 'em a bit translucent
5 Months Ago
PoolBallSpawn uses Gizmo to render in editor - add hitbox, set material group etc.
5 Months Ago
Add pool ball spawn component - ball prefab... setup (roughly) spawns in scene, bring over old enums
5 Months Ago
Random force component test + add rigidbody to the model collider objects
5 Months Ago
Make a really thin box collider for the middle felt
5 Months Ago
Setup camera and colliders (this may not work off the bat)
5 Months Ago
Remove old lounge_v2 Add pool_lounge reference map Add pool.scene and start assembling the table Assembled table mostly except felt marking (white ball line), regular ball area
5 Months Ago
Initial commit - import materials, models, map, sounds and ui textures
5 Months Ago
Initial commit