225 Commits over 821 Days - 0.01cph!
Added black ball icon class and fixed icon class for win
Added spots or stripes icon classes
Added icon class
delete roundinfo redundant styles
RoundInfo hiding and styling
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-pool into main
Toast Styling
PlayerDisplay countdown and timer
Don't use NextPhysicsFrame in a Task if you want to stay sane
Added Toasts (first pass) ready for skinning
Also update TimeLeftSeconds in PlayRound
Added TimeLeftSeconds for Lewis
Update images and styling on PlayerDisplay
Updated PoolBallType to Spots and Stripes
Smoother cue rotation and the line no longer jiggles
Added some additional sounds
Added some placeholder sound effects
Asynchronous ball potting animation and reduced RespawnWhite/BlackBall to RespawnBall
Fixed issues with pool_felt_tiling_blend
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-pool into main
updated textures/colliders
updated textures/ models/ lighting
update textures
tweak border size
Fixed shot power being remembered next time and updated blend material to use blend.vfx
force update?
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-pool into main
Use correct orientations for the pool cue
adding cue +x orientation
updated pool table element model/texture/materials/prebab
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-pool into main
Fixed absolute path on pool_ball_15
A couple of fixes and moved the positioning of the cue server-side for now until some prediction issues are resolved
Added the shot power line and dotted power circle effect using RenderEntity
adding proper ball model to fix weird render issue/ tweak balls textures
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-pool into main
update materials
A few surface property tweaks
Reduce maximum force of the white ball by shot power and use 10 physics substeps to prevent balls moving through eachother
Fixed Z velocity on balls
I dunno what happened here
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-pool into main
Update hole.vmat_c
updated prefab and side to be func_brush
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-pool into main
Added support for material groups for the balls so each one has a proper material now
Updated physics, positioning and traces to use new 1:1 scale
adding models/texture , 1:1 table
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-pool into main
Don't leave this spammy null log in here