
209 Commits over 123 Days - 0.07cph!

3 Months Ago
Bullet flash fix
3 Months Ago
Shadow/layering fix
3 Months Ago
Fix more ui alignments with new font Enemies squirt on fire More UI + Nametag updates Fix the bullet damage desync issues when networking Fix PickupCollector for connected clients
3 Months Ago
Player healthbar is rounded Align icons on PlayerInfo Monkey hand Clean up Main Menu scene and remove wood bullet
3 Months Ago
Emojified the game
3 Months Ago
Fix item room floor tiles Independent bullet wiggle Fix UI issues Add 3rd player and weapon
3 Months Ago
Fix bandage size Update Key Lock Smooth damage numbers Remove font smoothing, Vitals invincible fix Fix U Shape Room Tiles Remove most of the old Textures Remove most the sprites + add player hurt sprite Replaced the smoke particle and removed the old sprite/textures 2nd player and 2nd weapon sprite Replaced pixel font with high res font
3 Months Ago
Update loading image Fix minimap with new tile scale Update bullet sprites
3 Months Ago
Player Sprites Updated Tileset Update Money Pickups More tileset updates Coin pickups have different size with their associated value Update Key/Bandage Sprites Updated Box + Chest sprites Updated enemy sprites Fix enemy sprite issues Upscale tileset
3 Months Ago
Make the Generating Map UI look nicer
3 Months Ago
Use pixel font for damage numbers Rename minimal.scene -> game.scene Basic MainMenu with FrontPage More front page work Started Lobby Menu Move GameResources into Roomlite category Added CharacterResource Proper Lobby Menu Basis Lobby Menu shows current character stats and allows you to change characters Fix minor issue Game now starts when everyone is ready in the lobby Hooked up the Main Menu play buttons Update StartupScene Associate Icon with WeaponResource, displayed in Lobby menu Add StartingSpeed to CharacterResource Add BulletCount to WeaponResource Player starts with Character's starting weapon Added Shotgun Weapon Added shotgun sprite and some other stuff Start with random character if testing in game scene without starting from lobby menu
3 Months Ago
adjust particle text size
3 Months Ago
particle text
3 Months Ago
Fix player surface reference
3 Months Ago
Buff Squirt Fire Fix wiggle bullets Can't outrun coins when getting sucked in Controller Support
3 Months Ago
Fix DamageTrigger logic Update ShopItem in OnStart for connected client Suck coins into player
3 Months Ago
Fix ItemComponent NRE Fix silly mistake Player no longer has friction when running against walls Enemies no longer have friction against walls
3 Months Ago
Fix heal NRE
3 Months Ago
Fix players not colliding with enemy bullets lol Enemy projectiles are now entirely client-side so there's much less load on the host and gameplay is much more fair for each client
3 Months Ago
Shop items are greyed out if you can't afford them Speed the player up 1.5x when not in a room with enemies
3 Months Ago
Replenish item room for number of players
3 Months Ago
Hide pre-spawned shop doors on the map, revealing once discovered
3 Months Ago
If a player disconnects, their player gets removed but state is regained when reconnecting (so they dont lose everything) Fix ShopItem desync for connected clients Fix item shadows Force enable player during retake Don't show dropped players in the list Fix medkit not healing for connected clients Fix recoil networking Projectiles can't leave the room they originated in, and doors block all bullets Prevent any movement when map is generating
3 Months Ago
melee enemies
3 Months Ago
Check if Interactable is valid on ShopItem (should fix NRE when entering new floors)
3 Months Ago
Added basic chatbox Basic Voice Chat (no UI)
3 Months Ago
Expose "Does Restock" as Prefab Variable on Shop Item Add Locked Door, Shop Rooms have 50% chance to be locked
3 Months Ago
Add more shop rooms Fix item room bounds Chest fixes + Vitals now has CanTakeDamage and IsInvincible (can take damage but no health is depleted)
3 Months Ago
Added Shop Item and first Shop Room Shops actually take your money now
3 Months Ago
Fix chest warnings
3 Months Ago
Added `give_coins` and `give_keys` commands Added Chest, requires Key to open. Has small chance of dropping an item
3 Months Ago
Added some more rooms
3 Months Ago
Fix healthbar fill
3 Months Ago
Okay maybe don't do that bc it breaks fucking everything Minimap TAB view is zoomed out further Minimap based on Camera instead of Player
3 Months Ago
Run GenerateMap parallel so the loading UI doesn't freeze up during generation
3 Months Ago
Update SpriteTools (should fix any shadow issues)
3 Months Ago
enemies find closest player can check enemy line of sight to player dont aggro target unless can see them enemy w/o aggro target pathfinds to nearest player
3 Months Ago
fix room generation collection changed error move stuff to pathfinding class
3 Months Ago
Update SpriteTools
3 Months Ago
Remove old un-needed code
3 Months Ago
Hopefully fix issue with items spawning overlapped
3 Months Ago
Fix massive bullet shadows appearing for a frame on connected clients Only spawn rooms on network once finalized instead of after each attempt Toggle pathfinding overlay with a ConVar (defaults to false)
3 Months Ago
show player grid pos show pathfinding debug
3 Months Ago
Tileset helper functions
3 Months Ago
Added HomingModifier and Homing Bullets item (Effect exaggerated for video)
3 Months Ago
Fix not being able to pickup coins
3 Months Ago
Fix bullet bounce colliding with things it shouldnt Fix Player Range upgrades not being applied properly
3 Months Ago
Added BounceModifier and Bouncy Bullets Item
3 Months Ago
Broadcast damage/health FX Re-implement damage numbers Fix dungeon generation lag Add simple death state Dead players respawn on next floor Enemies only target living players Fix networking issues with projectiles Fix shadows not showing proper on connected clients Added Player.Living separate from Player.All, fixed NREs when player is dead Add GameManager.LoadFloor(index) Network item inventory Added GameOver UI which displays when all players are dead Reset enemy aggro target after killing player Fix projectiles checking collisions on all clients Game fully resets when both players Ready Up on the Game Over UI Added Spectator UI when you're dead but other players are still alive Flag certain objects with `dontdestroy` tag. All objects without this tag are cleaned up upon room generation EndFloorTrigger takes the amount of living players instead of all players Fix NRE when spectating player dies Network some GameManager variables + fixed player reviving issues Damage RPCs Improved Generating Map UI
3 Months Ago
Limit aim to 8 directions, apply a bit of movement velocity to fired bullets