776 Commits over 489 Days - 0.07cph!
Particle prewarm, controllers, and opaque mode
Moved copy/paste component stuff. Can right click GameObject inspector to paste component as new. Accept mouse event when opening context menu for component sheet to prevent passthrough. Set accepted on a bunch of OnContextMenu stuff to prevent passthrough. Add undo support / edit log for removing a component.
Copy Component/Paste Values/Paste As New
Undo Support
Use EditLog
Merge pull request #60 from Facepunch/copy-paste-components
Copy Component/Paste Values/Paste As New
Add descriptions for particle scenes
Make particle sequence time multi-component, so we can have direct set and/or time scale
ComponentSheet groups are nicer, folding
Particle CollisionIgnore works
Particle SheetSequence group
Shader uses new helper classes
Messy-ish start to editable saveable terrain
Fix editor scene time
Compile fix
Fixed sprite shader fog
Nicer Task handling for GameObject/Component
Can debug draw Scene.PhysicsWorld with physics_debug_draw
Fix possible NRE on startup from cookies (?)
Adding play and stop event (#49)
This events has triggered when the scene is started or stopped.
Add GetAttachment method to AnimatedModel (#29)
* Add GetAttachment method to AnimatedModel
Co-authored-by: Fortune <7847372+Fortune117@users.noreply.github.com>
Temporary group header in componentsheet
Move Static to Collider - fixes sbox-scenestaging/issues/28
Fix GetComponents not returning derived classes (fixes sbox-scenestaging/issues/33)
Set the correct surface on ModelColliders (fixes sbox-scenestaging/issues/39)
Make name unique when duplicating (ctrl+d)
Make ID's unique when pasting
Fix GameObject/Component references not filling in disabled objects
Add button for unlit mode to SceneView (fixes sbox-scenestaging/issues/48)
Basic skeletal pose component - only works with Alyx hands, needs some more thought
Remove unused UseRelativeTransform from tracked pose component
Can drag prefabs from assetbrowser to hierarchy (fixes sbox-scenestaging/issues/4)
Collider uses new shape.Tags
Dragging objects into the scene uses physics traces instead of scene traces
Remove drag tags when dropping into scene
Show scene options when selecting scene root (fixes sbox-scenestaging/issues/12)
Keep selected object when starting play mode (sbox/issues/1340)
Add some shorthand methods for PanelComponent
Make PanelComponent partial (whoops)
Add Setclass to PanelComponent
ComponentList: Open menu on same screen as GameObjectInspector (sbox-scenestaging/issues/61)
Make sure all our menu popups have a parent, make them stick to the screen their parent is on
Component headers can be dragged into control slots
Use fixed position when opening component context menu with the button
It just feels slightly better this way
Add support for moving multiple selected GameObject nodes in the hierarchy
GameObjectNode is editable
Added ability to create scripts from a template (sbox-scenestaging/issues/8) https://files.facepunch.com/tony/1b1811b1/sbox-dev_YEq525Gg0s.mp4
Tracked pose component has "Use Relative Transform" property
Expose render/exclude tags to CameraComponent
VR component cleanup, update VR test scene
- Renamed components to better reflect their functions, dropped
Component suffix
- Drop update types - I can't think of a reason why you *wouldn't* want
these to update constantly, but feel free to tell me if I'm being dumb
- Comment everything for when our editor UI shows this stuff
Fix Collider component not cleaning up its OnTagsChanged event
Add GameObject.GetOrAddComponent<T> (#78)
* Add GetOrAddComponent<T>
* Behave more like EntityComponentSystem.GetOrCreate
GameObject networking foundation https://docs.facepunch.com/s/sbox-dev/doc/networking-multiplayer-kaVboe3yRD
Merge branch 'main' into custom-particles
GameObjectNode is editable
Added ability to create scripts from a template (sbox-scenestaging/issues/8) https://files.facepunch.com/tony/1b1811b1/sbox-dev_YEq525Gg0s.mp4
Tracked pose component has "Use Relative Transform" property
Expose render/exclude tags to CameraComponent
VR component cleanup, update VR test scene
- Renamed components to better reflect their functions, dropped
Component suffix
- Drop update types - I can't think of a reason why you *wouldn't* want
these to update constantly, but feel free to tell me if I'm being dumb
- Comment everything for when our editor UI shows this stuff
Fix Collider component not cleaning up its OnTagsChanged event
Add GameObject.GetOrAddComponent<T> (#78)
* Add GetOrAddComponent<T>
* Behave more like EntityComponentSystem.GetOrCreate
GameObject networking foundation https://docs.facepunch.com/s/sbox-dev/doc/networking-multiplayer-kaVboe3yRD
Fixed error involving Connection
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into action-editor
Removed debug logging
ActionGraph: Better support for methods with lots of overloads
ActionGraph: nicer titles for GetComponent nodes with type params
GameObject networking foundation https://docs.facepunch.com/s/sbox-dev/doc/networking-multiplayer-kaVboe3yRD
Update to latest api changes
Add Network.AssignOwnership
Don't try to do NetworkUpdate if no network
Added Network.Spawn( channel )
Changed RenderOverlay to IRenderOverlay
Add INetworkListener
Print joins and leaves in chat
Host creates the player object, rather than having player create their own
Update for IRenderOverlay
Call SceneNetworkSystem.OnChangingScene when loading a scene
Refresh the lobby list
We don't need this scene now
Redraw network status on change
Disconnect from server when leaving scene
Don't delete all network objects on disconnect if Id is empty
Give scenes title and description
Scene ignore Lerp
SceneNetworkSystem keep map name up to date
Send a final update before dropping ownership
List lobbies on menu, show scene descriptions
Add GameObject.GetOrAddComponent<T> (#78)
* Add GetOrAddComponent<T>
* Behave more like EntityComponentSystem.GetOrCreate
Move ObjectMessages to here
Handle new packed rpc arguments
Carrying tweaks
Fix Collider component not cleaning up its OnTagsChanged event
VR component cleanup, update VR test scene
- Renamed components to better reflect their functions, dropped
Component suffix
- Drop update types - I can't think of a reason why you *wouldn't* want
these to update constantly, but feel free to tell me if I'm being dumb
- Comment everything for when our editor UI shows this stuff
Fix NRE in draw gizmos when joint isn't attached to another object
Update UI of custom nodes if their definition changes
Support for renaming inputs / outputs of custom nodes
Hinge limits and friction
Slider joint
Add BreakForce and BreakTorque to base joint (izabu needs to support joint breaking now)
Spring joint
Fixed joint
Don't get joint properties from the joint, they wont exist until scene starts
Fixed missing connections on creating custom nodes
Fixed removing UI elements after creating a custom node
Fix up old example action graphs
Fix node positions in new custom graphs
GameObject inspector header cleanup
Clean RPC system, ownership taking, renouncing
Expose render/exclude tags to CameraComponent
WIP Create Custom Node in context menu
Tracked pose component has "Use Relative Transform" property
Add a spinner to test network jitter
Fixed lerp stomping
IsProxy checks for parent NWO
Define network frequency in scene, allow network transforms to extrapolate
PhysicsComponent read/write physics velocities
GameTagsControlWidget create a TagSet is null
IkReachOut ignore collision layer
Allow keyframe proxy colliders twice as much time to arrive
Dirty envmap probes when changing skybox tint
Base joint component
Start of hinge component
Keep selected object when starting play mode (sbox/issues/1340)
Add some shorthand methods for PanelComponent
Make PanelComponent partial (whoops)
Add Setclass to PanelComponent
ComponentList: Open menu on same screen as GameObjectInspector (sbox-scenestaging/issues/61)
Make sure all our menu popups have a parent, make them stick to the screen their parent is on
Component headers can be dragged into control slots
Use fixed position when opening component context menu with the button
It just feels slightly better this way
Add support for moving multiple selected GameObject nodes in the hierarchy
GameObjectNode is editable
Added ability to create scripts from a template (sbox-scenestaging/issues/8) https://files.facepunch.com/tony/1b1811b1/sbox-dev_YEq525Gg0s.mp4
Merge branch 'main' into networking
Keep deserializing when component missing
Don't serialize default values in GameObject
NetworkObject isn't a component, add checkbox for networking to go
Dump test code for envmaps/sykbox dirtying envmaps
Nicer network status, dropdown menu
Added ability to create scripts from a template (sbox-scenestaging/issues/8) https://files.facepunch.com/tony/1b1811b1/sbox-dev_YEq525Gg0s.mp4