
172 Commits over 457 Days - 0.02cph!

11 Days Ago
Redo resource cleanup on world removal Facepunch/sbox-issues#5834
54 Days Ago
Mark chunks as changed when cleared (#29)
2 Months Ago
Hide / don't serialize SDF chunk components
2 Months Ago
Some thread safety in ModifyChunksAsyncImpl (#27)
3 Months Ago
Check for !IsProxy rather than IsOwner
3 Months Ago
Fixed build errors Ignore .idea and .sln Update with working Sdf2DWorld functionality Cleanup Use new project structure Use new libpolygon API HideInEditor -> Hide Use WIP [Unicast] RPCs Use new RPC filtering API RPC filtering API change Dirty include facepunch.libpolygon Nicer display names for world component types Don't need SdfNetwork component type any more Fix triplanar hlsl Generate UVs / tangents for 3D SDFs, for non-triplanar materials (#26)
3 Months Ago
Fix triplanar hlsl Generate UVs / tangents for 3D SDFs, for non-triplanar materials (#26)
3 Months Ago
Nicer display names for world component types Don't need SdfNetwork component type any more
3 Months Ago
Dirty include facepunch.libpolygon
3 Months Ago
RPC filtering API change
3 Months Ago
Use new RPC filtering API
3 Months Ago
Ignore .idea and .sln Update with working Sdf2DWorld functionality Cleanup Use new project structure Use new libpolygon API HideInEditor -> Hide Use WIP [Unicast] RPCs
6 Months Ago
Fixed build errors
9 Months Ago
Fixed mesh / textures not always updating Fixed box SDF distance calculation
9 Months Ago
WIP way to rebuild chunks from a list of modifications
9 Months Ago
Fix sphere SDF 3D bounds Keep chunks around when clearing Misc changes
9 Months Ago
Fixed SendModifications memory leak (#20)
11 Months Ago
Refactor net writing / reading to support general serialization (#19) Use BinaryReader / BinaryWriter (#19)
11 Months Ago
Update chunk transforms in `SdfWorld.Update()` Fixes #18
11 Months Ago
Some documentation for the new API
11 Months Ago
Rename Tick to Update
11 Months Ago
WIP allow creation of SdfWorlds in menu realm Rename Tick to Update
11 Months Ago
WIP allow creation of SdfWorlds in menu realm
11 Months Ago
Slight tweak to help reliability (#17)
12 Months Ago
Avoid duplicate vertices when clipping 2D SDF meshes
12 Months Ago
Skip generating normals for collision meshes
12 Months Ago
Placeholder materials in mining demo
12 Months Ago
Collision mesh vertex merging (#13) If a 2D layer uses one material for all faces, simplify mesh generation
12 Months Ago
Fix broken normals in 2D SDF meshes #16
12 Months Ago
Polygon lib API changes
12 Months Ago
Tangent / normal fix
12 Months Ago
libpolygon API change
1 Year Ago
New libpolygon API
1 Year Ago
Some initial work for 2D edge styles 2D: smooth cut face normals across chunk boundaries First pass at edge styles Might need to rethink this, large edge radii cause problems Regenerate SDF meshes on resource change 2D: Get rid of inset bias for rounded / bevel edges 2D: Rewriting mesh gen to be edge loop based Identify positive vs negative edge loops Find which positive loop contains each negative loop PolygonMeshBuilder Formatting Refactoring, skeleton of new 2D meshing strategy CutMeshWriter Chunk mesh clipping .addon to .sbproj New mesh writer almost working Fixed rounded edges, dodgy clip fix Bug fixes Fixes Another fix More fixes, UVs for cut faces Small fixes Keep layer width consistent New polygon closing method More consistent position sorting for sweeps Another fix Debugging A bit more stable Refactor, stability Non-reflex angles can split Allow merges in either direction Trying to find isolated polys is buggy, just do them all together Slight optimization Collision mesh generation Remove debug Some cleanup WIP add vertices to limit smooth normal blend distance Fixed off-by-one halving max bevel width Moved PolygonMeshBuilder to its own package Remove debug again
1 Year Ago
Fixed off-by-one halving max bevel width Moved PolygonMeshBuilder to its own package Remove debug again
1 Year Ago
Remove debug Some cleanup WIP add vertices to limit smooth normal blend distance
1 Year Ago
Slight optimization Collision mesh generation
1 Year Ago
Allow merges in either direction Trying to find isolated polys is buggy, just do them all together
1 Year Ago
Non-reflex angles can split
1 Year Ago
Keep layer width consistent New polygon closing method More consistent position sorting for sweeps Another fix Debugging A bit more stable Refactor, stability
1 Year Ago
Small fixes
1 Year Ago
Another fix More fixes, UVs for cut faces
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Bug fixes
1 Year Ago
Fixed rounded edges, dodgy clip fix
1 Year Ago
.addon to .sbproj New mesh writer almost working
1 Year Ago
Chunk mesh clipping
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Formatting Refactoring, skeleton of new 2D meshing strategy
1 Year Ago