
216 Commits over 731 Days - 0.01cph!

10 Months Ago
Demonstrate world input issue
10 Months Ago
menu: Only create the VR player when we're running in VR
10 Months Ago
Add button for toggling hold manually in the editor (outside of VR)
10 Months Ago
If a player fails a serve, reset the state back to serving
10 Months Ago
Kick off the game loop, place ball in player's hand accordingly
10 Months Ago
Ball hit loop Create PlayArea utility component to dictate who owns the area where the ball is bouncing ( Ball bouncing game loop
10 Months Ago
Minor refactors to holdable/hand placement Some boilerplate on game loop, add TeamComponent, Team enum Add global events for when the ball is hit, ball bounces Refactor a bit Team changed events
10 Months Ago
Added HandMenuPointer, use the hand's index finger to cast a ray forward for WorldInput, use RayToLocalPosition to grab transformed ray distance (feel like we could expose this in a better way) Use particle for menu pointer
10 Months Ago
Add DisableIfInVR component, good to get rid of useless flatscreen cameras
10 Months Ago
Simple main menu (
10 Months Ago
The ball is a global instance stored by GameManager
10 Months Ago
Ball sound events
10 Months Ago
Add PlayerBallManager, can spawn ball, recall ball to hand
10 Months Ago
Added super basic paddle ball test (
10 Months Ago
Give ball and paddle suitable triggers
10 Months Ago
Refactor controller input, add InputState
10 Months Ago
Bunch of work all around, code to plant a paddle and ball in the player's hands, start designing hold types
10 Months Ago
Add Hand, HandPreset system from Gunbuilder Create Player Prefab Create other needed prefabs (Ball, Paddle) Start designing player class Fixed barrier prefab being movable Start writing a bunch of code for holding objects w/ hands (based off Gunbuilder, goal of cleaning it up for a lib)
10 Months Ago
Scene Project Start - move all code to another folder for reference, create a basic scene map (
1 Year Ago
Update .sbproj to include resources
1 Year Ago
Fix compile
2 Years Ago
vr pointer particle
2 Years Ago
Removed unused sounds, added another ball bounce sound
2 Years Ago
Goodbye Poppins, you had a good run
2 Years Ago
Updated Helpers to Razor, fixed all game warnings
2 Years Ago
Get rid of ClientPreferencesWidget's template, fixed incorrectly grabbing display title for PropertyDescription
2 Years Ago
Converted MenuWidget to Razor Added non-VR debugging methods to interact with MenuWidget / ClientPreferences
2 Years Ago
ScoreWidget converted to Razor, less code, less shit stylesheet Converted HintWidget to Razor
2 Years Ago
Add VR check to set VR anchor
2 Years Ago
Fix for last month's engine refactor
2 Years Ago
Fix for engine refactor
2 Years Ago
Updated ClientPreferences to use PropertyDescription
2 Years Ago
Fixed compiler error
3 Years Ago
Edited the velocity reflection to be a bit more arcadey This is an odd take, but alter the timescale a bit
3 Years Ago
Remove blur from menu, doesn't seem to work in Vr
3 Years Ago
Give the point to the other team if the serve hits the opponent's side on the first bounce.
3 Years Ago
Actually remove the failed serve sound
3 Years Ago
Game Loop rewrite to account for correct serving rules
3 Years Ago
Started work on menu widget, instead of going straight into client preferences. Improve menu widget style Give players a camera outside of VR, fake WorldInput outside of VR Give menu widget avatars a nice box shadow based on team Can open client prefs from menu widget Added Menu Widget toggle Unset active page if disabling menu Don't play the failed serve sound for now New Menu (left joystick down)
3 Years Ago
Don't play the failed serve sound for now
3 Years Ago
Update README and LICENSE - anyone can learn / take code for their own s&box games
3 Years Ago
Unset active page if disabling menu
3 Years Ago
Added Menu Widget toggle
3 Years Ago
Can open client prefs from menu widget
3 Years Ago
Give menu widget avatars a nice box shadow based on team
3 Years Ago
Give players a camera outside of VR, fake WorldInput outside of VR
3 Years Ago
Improve menu widget style
3 Years Ago
Added VR feet model and bounds particle
3 Years Ago
Started work on menu widget, instead of going straight into client preferences.