23 Commits over 274 Days - 0.00cph!
Api update
Fix triggerteleport NRE
Button auto-reset works, Add OnStateChanged
Crosshair tooltips
Update FuncButton
Update .gitignore
Player can pick up and drop
Remove unused
Player using
GameManager uses ISceneStartup
Player implements IDamagable
Add TriggerHurt
PlayerUse uses new IPressable
Update SceneMap
Add FuncButton
Rename project file
Move UI to its own folder
Add IPlayerEvent
Add PlayerFallDamage, player can die
Update walker.sbproj
Ragdoll collision rules
Update scene/prefab
Inventory system, suicide, stats
Prevent chatbox overflow when typing a longer message
Update to new project layout
Move player controller stuff into library
Remove bullshit from minimal scene
Player Pusher - this doesn't feel like the best way to do this
Don't try to respawn other players on map load
Add text chat
Walk key works
Player tag
Initial commit
Initial commit