
17,176 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.55cph!

1 Year Ago
Revert "Rect/Margin.Left/Right/Top/Bottom capitalized" This reverts commit a341d660819ccc63d6d3b9c2571ba45bc7e49bbe.
1 Year Ago
Rect/Margin.Left/Right/Top/Bottom capitalized lowercased variants obsoleted, warnings all fixed up
1 Year Ago
Default -> Default Value
1 Year Ago
Remove the big shit delete button and add a context menu on the page item
1 Year Ago
Automatically show a default new setting page if there's none existing. Update the page icon automatically based on display type and if it's a new setting
1 Year Ago
Automatically update page names when the Display Name is changed
1 Year Ago
Don't save a file to C:\\temp\\ during compile
1 Year Ago
Fix all newly introduced obsoletes
1 Year Ago
Auto document (#440)
1 Year Ago
Add Margin/Rect.Width/Height, obsolete lowercase variants Consistency with other properties and classes
1 Year Ago
Cleaning up Rect struct Added proper method descriptions Obsoleted Rect.GetEdges, Rect.EdgeSize, use Margin struct Removed Rect.Add( Vector3 ) (Vec2 overload works with Vec3, no addons broke) Added Rect,Add( Vector2 ) Obsoleted all Expand/Contract overloads, use Shrink/Grow Rework how asset browser thumbs are sized Added Rect = Rect.Contain( size, align ) Added Pixmap.Size mimicking Rect.Size
1 Year Ago
Change ConVarName description
1 Year Ago
Change wording
1 Year Ago
Some tidy up and add info explaining how they work and a warning that ConVar.Replicated is preferred
1 Year Ago
Build addons as part of ci/pull Upload zip on ci
1 Year Ago
Get free dragging working from C# using the native stuff for it that does loads of shit. Tidy up lots of redundant parameters since we pass the CMapView now Make static ToolRender class that uses the current CToolRenderContext - only called from Hammer MapView atm Hook up some quick and dirty progress indicators for cloud models in hammer. Fair bit of shit code, but I want to get the flow good first
1 Year Ago
Fix CI complaining about Steam
1 Year Ago
Fix addons writing .vs folder in a random place Zip up documentation assemblies Run sbox-dev.exe -test on pull/ci
1 Year Ago
Compiled resources again
1 Year Ago
Allow optimizer to keep transition information fixes path speed
1 Year Ago
Style tweak Remove unused code
1 Year Ago
Updated to use NavigationView and add EditConVarPage
1 Year Ago
Added NavMesh.GetAdjancent to fetch adjacent areas Closes sbox-issues/issues/2161
1 Year Ago
Left-hand scroll pane and add button for settings and tidy up
1 Year Ago
Added NavMesh.GetNavAreas() Closes sbox-issues/issues/2180
1 Year Ago
Fix some small annoyances with move helper
1 Year Ago
Hoodie texture fixes
1 Year Ago
Only grab the server's replicated convar if we're clientside Merge branch 'master' into lobby-settings
1 Year Ago
Only grab the server's replicated convar if we're clientside
1 Year Ago
Process queue for SyncContext.MainThread in ManagedTools.RunFrame() - the frame is ran manually when QtDrag blocks, so lets make sure we can still do async tasks on the main thread Now we can load cloud models whilst we're dragging them around
1 Year Ago
Add remote location to asset browser, fill it with model query Add drag data to Package in AssetList: e.g package:// Add managed handler for Hammer map view drag drop events ManifestMount from Sandbox.Game -> Sandbox.Engine Bare bones dragging models into Hammer Tidy up map view drag/drop targets in C#, interop more MapDoc so we can create an empty model and asynchronously set it's asset from the package fetch. There's still some messy code here, I think I need to figure out how to do handles for map nodes before this becomes a sprawling mess. And the async method is getting blocked on the main thread once dragging.. but a background thread is going to crash it. Paginate assets in browser so we see all of them Make our package drag data in the format "" we could easily extend this code to let you grab these assets straight from the website then Delete dota healthbar SFM code that plagued the IToolService and ISource2Engine
1 Year Ago
tv aerial - lods Animgraph: Do a fully copy of parameter properties Fixed game window not being resizable when switching to windowed mode Fixes #413 old window - texture tweaks Merge branch 'master' of sbox Always override loop settings, we don't care about loop settings in the wav file Inherit collision attributes of first shape on a body when adding new ones dynamically More robust warning cleanup for steam audio bird spikes - lodded Merge branch 'master' of sbox Add visibility radius to path baking for SA New Hair! - Mullet + Small Adjustments New Scruffy Mullet Hair. + Adjustments to Hoodie textures and Sneaker skinning. Animgraph: Only hide dock widgets that aren't floating when entering fullscreen mode tv aerial - prefab and lods Merge branch 'master' of sbox Change how IsFromMap flag applies so it works in Entity.Spawn Fixed obsolete warning tv aerial - collision Merge branch 'master' of sbox Citizen/animgraph: updated attachments & small graph updates Fixed replicated convars not saving the correct value Fix material browser asset window crashing when selecting "show hidden assets" Merge branch 'master' into lobby-settings
1 Year Ago
Fix material browser asset window crashing when selecting "show hidden assets"
1 Year Ago
Fixed replicated convars not saving the correct value
1 Year Ago
Citizen/animgraph: updated attachments & small graph updates
1 Year Ago
tv aerial - collision Merge branch 'master' of sbox
1 Year Ago
Change how IsFromMap flag applies so it works in Entity.Spawn Fixed obsolete warning
1 Year Ago
tv aerial - prefab and lods Merge branch 'master' of sbox
1 Year Ago
Animgraph: Only hide dock widgets that aren't floating when entering fullscreen mode
1 Year Ago
New Hair! - Mullet + Small Adjustments New Scruffy Mullet Hair. + Adjustments to Hoodie textures and Sneaker skinning.
1 Year Ago
Add visibility radius to path baking for SA
1 Year Ago
bird spikes - lodded Merge branch 'master' of sbox
1 Year Ago
More robust warning cleanup for steam audio
1 Year Ago
Inherit collision attributes of first shape on a body when adding new ones dynamically
1 Year Ago
Always override loop settings, we don't care about loop settings in the wav file
1 Year Ago
old window - texture tweaks Merge branch 'master' of sbox
1 Year Ago
Rename `AssemblyRegistation` to `AssemblyRegistration`
1 Year Ago
Added TrustedBinaryStream * Required by AssemblyRegistation * Only created by AccessControl
1 Year Ago
Fixed game window not being resizable when switching to windowed mode Fixes #413
1 Year Ago
Animgraph: Do a fully copy of parameter properties