
17,142 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.55cph!

1 Year Ago
Only create all settings if the Game property (package) is set (BaseGamePanel sets it async)
1 Year Ago
Initial boilerplate
1 Year Ago
Alloc phys data Set shape userdata
1 Year Ago
PathPlatformEntity path changing Fixed an assert in Hammer when length constraint w/ particle is hidden
1 Year Ago
SetAngularVelocity, GetAngularVelocity ApplyLinearImpulse, ApplyLinearImpulseAtWorldSpace ApplyAngularImpulse ApplyForce, ApplyForceAt
1 Year Ago
Set motion type of aggregate (on client, networked bodies get set to keyframed) this fixes SetLinearVelocity etc
1 Year Ago
GPU driven Depth Culling for tiled rendering
1 Year Ago
Adjustments to Scruffy Hair, new vertex colour added
1 Year Ago
New Hair! - Scruffy Short Excited to submit this new short scruffy hair. Plus some small adjustments to the army boots' textures.
1 Year Ago
Added Color[32].FromRgb[a] Color[32] property consistency cleanup Added some Color[32] tests
1 Year Ago
Add collision shapes to body
1 Year Ago
Added import scale presets to modeldoc Now we can stop trying to remember those pesky magic numbers
1 Year Ago
Move surface property manager and phys data manager to their own file
1 Year Ago
Create a temp box shape so we have something to collide with
1 Year Ago
Just return true in our layer filters for now because we obviously haven't set up layers yet
1 Year Ago
Impl SetLinearVelocity
1 Year Ago
Temp disable player physics hull so we don't fly through the world
1 Year Ago
Impl GetCTransform
1 Year Ago
Impl aggregate instance GetRootTransform so we can start to sync jolt bodies to entities
1 Year Ago
Return all bodies as awake in StepEndReadOnlyGetResults for now
1 Year Ago
remove physics body GetUid - unused
1 Year Ago
Impl SetEntityHandle, GetEntityHandle, GetEntityID
1 Year Ago
Impl Get/Set AggregateInstance for body Impl body GetVelocity Impl aggregate instance add part etc Impl aggregate instance IsDynamic Impl aggregate instance GetOrigin Imp aggregate instance GetBodyHandle
1 Year Ago
Build bodies for aggregate but don't set shapes yet
1 Year Ago
Add managed handle to physics aggregate instance
1 Year Ago
PhysAggregateInstance stubs
1 Year Ago
Create temp allocator and job system so we can start to update the physics system
1 Year Ago
Add a empty mutable compound shape to new bodies
1 Year Ago
Few more null checks to get us into the game Edit jolt to not set position and rotation of body on creation (jolt bodies need a shape, which is really shit)
1 Year Ago
Don't assert in GetProfileStats - who cares
1 Year Ago
Add and release ref of aggregate data
1 Year Ago
Impl CreateAggregateDataFromDiskData
1 Year Ago
Return our surface property controller
1 Year Ago
Few null checks in places that are popping up while joining game with mostly unimplemented physics interface
1 Year Ago
Register default allocator for jolt, create factory, register types etc
1 Year Ago
Allocate managed handle after we init jolt physics system
1 Year Ago
Create a bullshit surface property manager for now Install surface property and phys data type managers
1 Year Ago
Get dependencies for jolt physics interface interface init, preshutdown, shutdown stuff
1 Year Ago
Load vphysics_jolt module instead of vphysics2 so we can start to get stuck in
1 Year Ago
Remove VPhys2HandleInterface - looks like a bunch of nothing to me
1 Year Ago
cctv globe - tweak for phys shape
1 Year Ago
Remove GetDebugHighlightCone - unused Remove GetVisualDebugCameraHint - unused Fix all compile errors
1 Year Ago
Some cleanup. Add support for choice setting types in the lobby settings
1 Year Ago
Added support for choices in the settings page
1 Year Ago
and some more
1 Year Ago
Return defaults in a bunch of functions I don't want to deal with yet
1 Year Ago
Some cleanup. Don't put lobby settings into seperate tab. Add GameSettingType.Choice (not implemented yet.) Run game setting convars immediately (this seems to set server-side but isn't being replicated??)
1 Year Ago
Citizen/animgraph: fixed NoclipStart state
1 Year Ago
Remove invalid css Minimum height for folder error box to prevent text getting clipped
1 Year Ago
Add ScenePanel.DisablePostProcessing