22,724 Commits over 1,642 Days - 0.58cph!
Add StreamUser.CreateClip
Add StreamUser.CreatePrediction
Add StreamUser.CreatePrediction
Only proceed with irc login if websocket connected, try a reconnect if it fails to connect
Make Stream.Init awaitable so menu can know if it failed
Check websocket is valid before trying to join/leave channel
Save stream service type to cookies
Add MenuTools.SetStreamService
Init stream service in MenuInterface.Init. Connect/Disconnect stream service in GameLoop
Add StreamGame.Broadcasts
Add Stream.GetGame (from game name)
Add Stream.GetBroadcasts (from game_id)
Add StreamUser.Channel and StreamUser.Broadcast
Added Sandbox.TagList struct, interfaces with "tags" FGD type
Fixed a minor issue with "tags" FGD editor
Remove stream connected/disconnect events for now, doesn't make much sense currently
Move Sandbox.Stream to sandbox.engine so multiple connections aren't made for menu, client, server
Remove OnChat callback, dealing with chat commands should be dealt with addon level
internal set StreamPoll properties
internal set StreamUser properties
internal set StreamChannel properties
internal set StreamBroadcast and StreamChatMessage properties
internal set StreamUserFollow properties
internal set StreamPrediction properties
Move prediction lock/cancel/resolve to StreamPrediction
Optional username param for GetUser
Move get following/followers to StreamUser
Bump COORD_NOTINIT so Hammer selection bounds don't get clamped to
99999 in every direction
Merge BanUser and Timeout user, the only difference is perm ban or timed ban, clarify this in the summary
Change channel modify functions to properties
Parse any time response data to DateTimeOffset
Fix ConVarRef warnings
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fixed "Open X assets in external tool Y" opening way too many editors
AccessControl unit tests
AccessControl.CheckRules is around 625x faster
ReflectionCache builder is 14x faster
Do a proper error if steam init failed, instead of crashing further down the line
Move IRCMessage to StreamChatMessage constructor
Add summary to all stream events
Deserialize prediction response
Add prediction to api
Move stream events under Sandbox.Stream instead of Sandbox.Event
Document all public Sandbox.Stream functions
Add Stream.CreatePoll, Stream.EndPoll
Deserialize poll response
Add Stream.GetUserFollowing and Stream.GetUserFollowers
Optional channel param in Stream.SendMessage, sends to your own channel if non specified
internal Stream.Connect and Stream.Disconnect, auto connect to twitch service on loop init
Implement Sandbox.Stream.GetUser
Refractor so that TwitchService handles client and api
Added Particles.SetPositionComponent and Particles.SetOrientation
More IPanel properties
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Obsolete Property.FGDType & Hammer in favor of FGDTypeAttribute and Hammer.SkipAttribute
ResourceTypeAttribute and BitFlagsAttribute now derive from FGDTypeAttribute
Add channel modify functions to Sandbox.Stream
Internal twitchapi