
17,088 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.54cph!

4 Months Ago
Fix test to use new behaviour
4 Months Ago
Fix speellings
4 Months Ago
If CompileGroup doesn't need compiling, return previous build status rather than pretending everything is okay Don't close StartScreen until game switch is successful Add Label.TextSelectable Don't load project if it didn't compile Add EditorUtility.DisplayDialog Show a dialog when trying to launch a project with errors
4 Months Ago
Remove null panels Panel RenderOrder takes SublingIndex into account, which prevents them from jumping around Remove unused panels Loading a game looks for "LaunchMode" meta in package before automatically trying to join a lobby Delete InputControl.cs Add MenuPanel Right clicking a package card shows menu Fix NRE in PackageModal Add LaunchMode option in game settings Launchmode check is case insensitive CodeGenerator adds [Description] attributes to enum members EnumDescription contains Title, Icon, Description EnumControlWidget shows descriptions and icons Add icons and descriptions for some enums LaunchMode icons
4 Months Ago
Change SkinnedModelRenderer.GetBoneTransform to TryGetBoneTransform, so we can always be aware that the bones might not be available yet and handle appropriately Fixes ragdoll scene
4 Months Ago
Remove GlobalLobby Strip out GameLobby
4 Months Ago
4 Months Ago
Delete as much as possible from public/rubikon Move the rest to public/physicslib
4 Months Ago
Rename engsoundservice to videorecorder because the movie recording stuff was put here for some reason
4 Months Ago
Delete gameuiservice and soundservices
4 Months Ago
4 Months Ago
Add EditorTool.Trace, EditorTool.MeshTrace CameraComponentTool has a lookat picker
4 Months Ago
SceneOverlayWidget: move children with the edge on resize Camera preview is dpi aware
4 Months Ago
Component EditorTool foundation (Camera Preview)
4 Months Ago
Refactor [Tool] into [EditorApp], to differentiate from [EditorTool]
4 Months Ago
Fix gizmos not drawing in game Add WidgetWindow.InnerRect
4 Months Ago
Fixed double time (sorry!)
4 Months Ago
Add Task.Frame, Task.FrameEnd, Task.FixedUpdate
4 Months Ago
Asset Browser: bail async task when not valid
4 Months Ago
SetPenEmpty becomes ClearPen, SetBrushEmpty becomes ClearBrush Pen tweaks
4 Months Ago
Adjust dragging speed to range (if a float has one) in FloatControlWidget - this makes dragging 0-1 floats a lot more comfortable Fix EnumControlWidget not opening when in a popup Add some extra Paint helper functions Stop trying to be clever in PopupWidget
4 Months Ago
Run tasks in a scene scope
4 Months Ago
Fix ResolveTargetD3D11 srcBox limiting not accounting for offset on dest width min Graphics.GrabFrameTexture uses Graphics.Viewport Fix typos and inconsistent screen uv calc in postprocess shader
4 Months Ago
Fix TakeOwnership RPC not working
4 Months Ago
OnAwake/OnDestroy respect Component.ExecuteInEditor
4 Months Ago
Add InputContext for Scene.FixedUpdate so inputs are reliable when FPS is higher than the fixed update rate
4 Months Ago
Fix ragdoll rendering with wrong rotation, bone transform should be body local to gameobject world
4 Months Ago
Fix root bones not returning in local space
4 Months Ago
Add SceneModel.GetBoneLocalTransform, make worldPosition in GetBoneTransform work
4 Months Ago
Copy renderer bones to model physics bones
4 Months Ago
Strip root body transform from renderer bones, fixes ragdolls rendering in wrong place
4 Months Ago
Add IComponentLister.GetAll<T>() ActionGraph: don't list methods with unsupported parameter delegate types sbox-issues#4275
4 Months Ago
Make the mixgraph as simple as it can be
4 Months Ago
Make sure clearing model in ModelRenderer resets sceneobject to default cube NRE in DrawSelection
4 Months Ago
Add functions to ModelRenderer to set body group
4 Months Ago
Update flex controller weights straight away when setting morphs
4 Months Ago
Fix shadergraph not showing all available nodes from connection, shadergraph doesn't have relevant nodes
4 Months Ago
Strip out Context.Client Protect GameObjectDirectory a bit
4 Months Ago
Update ScreenPanel's properties on awake instead of waiting for the next update Clamp the RootPanel's scale to avoid problems
4 Months Ago
Fix audiostream crash
4 Months Ago
Name the threads properly
4 Months Ago
Fix warnings when compiling in release mode When loading a project for the first time, try to load startup scene, failing that try to load any scene
4 Months Ago
SceneWorld doesn't need DetermineContext anymore Remove DetermineContext usage from Input.Vr Remove DetermineContext from stats Remove Context.Server Fix a warning Fix warnings Build server runs with TreatWarningsAsErrors
4 Months Ago
Tweaked project changing logic, so we wait until the project is loaded before switching to it
4 Months Ago
Fix NRE's when playing video
4 Months Ago
Citizen/animgraph: apply the "Disable scale_height main pelvis offset" Tag to the rolling state. Will need a more thorough solution later. (Facepunch/sbox-issues#4296)
4 Months Ago
3d sound falloff tweaks (obey volume more)
4 Months Ago
Fixed SoundOverride being applied on SoundPoint - even though it's not enabled
4 Months Ago
Fixed UI sounds being loud for one frame
4 Months Ago
Fix GridLayout returning negative firstindex Fix panel tree not selecting a panel Skip building panel inspector if panel is null Fix StyleEditor not rebuilding Create modals on the overlay Fixed codegen wrapped properties not copying the initializer to the backing field Fixed style errors due to missing sounds Can play sound events by name, like before