22,724 Commits over 1,642 Days - 0.58cph!
Obsolete GetSequenceDuration, IsSequenceFinished and Sequence. Add CurrentSequence which contains .Duration, .IsFinished, .Name, .Time and .TimeNormalized
Remove AnimTime and rename AnimCycle to SequenceCycle
Bound AnimTime and AnimCycle
ModelDoc: Apply import scale to physics the same way as render meshes to keep things consistent
Fix contentbuilder copying compiled content to wrong path
Use a different DXT1 compiler - since the default one doesn't seem to be deterministic
Fix resourcecompiler not always resolving mods properly
Fix dev/vgui/materials/white.vtex leak in lightcookies
Wiki cleanup
Build faceposer with the rest of the tools
Fix crash in light cookies when running contentbuilder
@samzanemesis @aylaylay Crash was happening when IsTextureRenderTarget is ran - the error textures aren't available at this point. Might be fixable in a better way than I'm doing here - maybe need to init the render/texture interfaces first somewhere?
Add remaining properties for PrismaticJoint
Add Texture3DBuilder properties
Add PrismaticJointBuilder.WithPositionMotor
Add PrismaticJointBuilder.WithVelocityMotor
Allow joints local anchor and frame to be updated
Apply default material group in CModelDocUtils::GetFinalMeshes, fixes #364
physics mesh file uses original mesh to calculate bounds, not the optimized mesh
Pass gravity normal to shader on liquid update, pass bubbles correctly
Reimplement liquid logic in a generic fashion in managed code
Remove redundant NetVarGroup, unused Padding class
Wiki cleanup
Revert textures showing as highest quality in material editor, could be causing issues, needs to be handled properly
ModelDoc: Add align origin properties to PhysicsHullFile and PhysicsMeshFile nodes
Invalidate glowproperty on internal entity destruct, fixes #732
Rebuild texture widgets even if the compiled textures window isn't active so the material preview always has the highest possible quality
Don't allow state machine contents to be modified while Animgraph preview is active, fixes #617
Fix body groups being reset to default when hiding all of them, fixes #560
Network asset file list ignores vmap, los, psd, unignore vpk
Add DebugOverlay.Box with duration as last arg instead of first arg for consistency
Texture.Update now uses span
Hammer: Fix crash/asserts when loading map that has light cookies. Fix hammer hanging when trying to compile map with baked lights with cookies (unsupported)
Only create reverb processor if there's baked reverb data
Rebuild faceposer for the steam version
Fix DrawPolyLine crashing when passing in 1 point. Fixes #706
ModelDoc: Fix @ name stripping incorrectly working
Make lightcookie preview on hammer work properly
Sfm: Fix export window not closing when finished
Hammer: Apply map entity render color down to any map mesh children
Revert rubikon "fix" for TOI bodies getting stuck, would rather they get stuck than completely fail collision
Don't render viewmodel layers in tool scenes. Fixes #687
SFM: Fix - SFM stops functioning if you cancel mid movie render #202
Add sfm to vgc groups
Fix some SFM features hidden behind game feature sets
Don't add physics body runtime to model builder if there's no shapes to add. Fixes #693
Render.DrawScene throws exception when trying to use textures that aren't render targets
Started sound bindinds
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Mark rendering changed when setting light component Brightness, BrightnessMultiplier, Range so that they're updated properly when client only
Hammer: Tool buttons get blocked after closing map even if another map is opened
Fix incorrect Screen.GetDirection
Fix ModelBuilder.AddCollisionHull crash
Render.DrawScene can set clear color
Hammer: Fix use all threads setting not being used for all vrad3 work
Hammer: Add checkbox to use all available threads for vrad3
Added [Event.Entity.PostSpawn] - triggers after all map entities spawn
Should fix the right hand fingers curls in VR
Merge branch 'master' of sbox