
22,724 Commits over 1,642 Days - 0.58cph!

4 Years Ago
Traverse the hierarchy when looking for network variable changed callbacks or else it'll fail to find inherited ones Merge branch 'master' of
4 Years Ago
Documentation for Convar/ConCmd, Event & Entity C# attribs
4 Years Ago
Fix RenderEntity color tinting for materials using Complex shader
4 Years Ago
Add Model bounds getters (Bounds, PhysicsBounds, RenderBounds)
4 Years Ago
AutoFGD: Fixed keyvalue groups not working for enums
4 Years Ago
Invalidate PhysicsShape when removed. Throw exception when removing invalid shape on body or body doesn't own the shape
4 Years Ago
Experimentation with audio listener transform Merge branch 'master' into listener Use an override method on GameBase instead Revert "Use an override method on GameBase instead" This reverts commit 639584846ab72ceea03b43ea1c239bb6b47bec81. Reset the listener on game init and game shutdown Merge pull request #24 from Facepunch/listener Audio Listener Transform
4 Years Ago
Reset the listener on game init and game shutdown
4 Years Ago
Revert "Use an override method on GameBase instead" This reverts commit 639584846ab72ceea03b43ea1c239bb6b47bec81.
4 Years Ago
Use an override method on GameBase instead
4 Years Ago
Added Hand.GetFingerValue, GetFingerCurl, GetFingerSplay
4 Years Ago
Tweaking the way RPC culling works, slightly
4 Years Ago
Don't make build map window dockable, more annoying than useful
4 Years Ago
Move client frame callback to after camera set up Merge branch 'master' of sbox Don't render hidden in first person objects if light object is set as first person Set locales on QDoubleValidator (only for attribute editor to see if it fixes #149) Hammer: Make build map window less shit Hammer: Fix build map window expanding to massive sizes without enforcing a max height Hammer: Added mesh names to bodygroup selector Don't try to precache null resource names Fixed VR Joystick reporting wrong Merge branch 'master' into listener
4 Years Ago
Experimentation with audio listener transform
4 Years Ago
Don't try to precache null resource names Fixed VR Joystick reporting wrong
4 Years Ago
Hammer: Added mesh names to bodygroup selector
4 Years Ago
Hammer: Fix build map window expanding to massive sizes without enforcing a max height
4 Years Ago
Hammer: Make build map window less shit
4 Years Ago
Set locales on QDoubleValidator (only for attribute editor to see if it fixes #149)
4 Years Ago
Added Texture.MipCount Texture gets desc from GetTextureDesc instead of GetOnDiskTextureDesc Allow texture store and lookup (really all resources should be doing this) Made some stuff in rect readonly Render.SetRenderTarget takes an optional miplevel Render.SetCombo takes an int instead of a byte (qol) Attempt to bind everything we need to make CGaussianBloomBlurRenderer in c#
4 Years Ago
Don't render hidden in first person objects if light object is set as first person
4 Years Ago
Move client frame callback to after camera set up Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Hammer: Completely remove game feature sets Hammer: Disable test terrain item
4 Years Ago
Hammer: Disable bake AO tool, it's bullshit
4 Years Ago
Hammer: Remove some restrictions on dota tilegrid
4 Years Ago
Hammer: Remove obsolete game specific message when preparing to build
4 Years Ago
Hammer: Fix decal drag and drop not using info_overlay
4 Years Ago
Hammer: Disable game feature sets, we don't want this
4 Years Ago
Revert "Rework VR spectator view to work on console view, still need to fix offset" This reverts commit 2f1fa0584ab9e4c52d2f9cc5cdbd7f37e86c9b36.
4 Years Ago
Rework VR spectator view to work on console view, still need to fix offset Increase VR cull frustum Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Created IManagedRenderPipeline, inject into render pipeline using SetPtrValue Make Dof performance acceptable Make Rand statics thread safe Add Render.DrawScreenQuad Tweak RenderBlock Managed post process (disabled for now) Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Fix crash
4 Years Ago
Remove VR hack, get autofidelity working better, make VR viewport not mess up when we change the player viewport Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Model.GetAttachment returns nullable transform to stay consistent with ModelEntity.GetAttachment
4 Years Ago
Fix CModel::GetAttachmentTransform returning junk on invalid attachment instead of identity
4 Years Ago
Hammer: FBX export defaults to binary fbx
4 Years Ago
Fix culling frustom culling objects near VR headset border
4 Years Ago
IMaterial -> IMaterial2 CModel -> IModel CRenderMesh -> IMesh CTextureBase -> ITexture
4 Years Ago
Add VR.DashboardIsOpen Add VR.ControllersAreDrawing Add VR.IsLeftHandDominant Add VR,.GetLeftControllerModel(), VR.GetRightControllerModel() (internal for now) Add VR.Overlay (experimental)
4 Years Ago
Change default fbx writer to binary instead of ascii. Add exportsystem to sbox_game groups.vgc.
4 Years Ago
Fix light cookie ref counting
4 Years Ago
ButtonA, ButtonB, JoystickPress Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Fix NRE in physicsjoint when attaching to entity that has no physics group When attaching worldentity to joint, use PhysicsWorld.WorldBody instead
4 Years Ago
Fixed right hand being left hand Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Remove debug text
4 Years Ago
Don't generate lightcookies if scenesystem is on a dedicated server, properly shutdown cookie texture when cookiemanager is over
4 Years Ago
Add PointLightEntity.LightCookie
4 Years Ago
Added VrHand.Hoystick Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Add some client asserts to Texture so they can be loaded on server safely Allow Texture.Load on server, add them to precache list