
22,466 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.58cph!

4 Years Ago
Added import fbx rotation Rotate a couple of models to test
4 Years Ago
Minimal soundstacks Add custom "general" soundstack
4 Years Ago
Adding modeldoc to sbox_game Avoid crashing when reading fbx skin weights citizen clothes Added soundsystem to sbox_game Clothes compile Fix resource compile crash when sound event doesn't exist Disabled Content codegen - needs some more thought
4 Years Ago
Cable compiles Don't load hlvr soundstack Create preview_flat.vpk Change default sound event type to core_simple_3d (until we have our own) re-export broom with updated exporter Citizen prop exports Compiled models Updated unity export scripts Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Wake up the physics aggregate to make sure every body gets woken up
4 Years Ago
Different menu transparency if in game
4 Years Ago
Menu knows if it's in game or not, shows disconnect button
4 Years Ago
Cleaned up all the Valve logos Handle rcon socket bind failure more graciously
4 Years Ago
Loading Screen status
4 Years Ago
Refactored assembly loading to hotload in groups - which solves the problem of changing base types Merge branch 'master' of sbox Reduce compilation timing spam
4 Years Ago
Bind FollowEntity and try putting pants on the player
4 Years Ago
Cable compile Don't add _bakeresourcecache, tools_*.bin to AssetList
4 Years Ago
Cable sources
4 Years Ago
Remove unused binds, remove unused model class
4 Years Ago
Derive player from AnimatingEntity Add -PC to shader compiles
4 Years Ago
Fixed invalid panels in PanelsToDeleteAfterTransitions Ignore sendtables.bin Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Add animating entity, only supports setting of a single sequence currently
4 Years Ago
Bind everything needed to enable physics instead of overriding basemodelentity
4 Years Ago
Mount addons when joining server (temporary) Reduce file send buffer size Reset player velocity on respawn
4 Years Ago
Record LastAttacker/LastAttackerWeapon (we can do better than this, but it'll do for now) Don't cache player name, review this later Highlight local player in killfeed Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Rename to ApplyImpulseAtLocation that takes a location and impulse, makes more sense than a global impulse vector
4 Years Ago
Override CBaseModelEntity to enable physics
4 Years Ago
Fixed infinite loop in MainThreadContext
4 Years Ago
Addons use content folder instead of data Move our addons data/ contents to content/ Bigger buffer size for CRC'ing Switching our SynchronizationContext to use a Channel instead of a List CreateDirectory: ignore empty strings GetCRC return 0 on file missing instead of exception FileRecv handle files in the root propertly Don't download files from the server if we already have them
4 Years Ago
RPC to single player works Make Todd less likely to be the first bot
4 Years Ago
Don't clear network socket interfaces on server shutdown, unless we're a dedicated server Flag up if we can'r resolve a reference in access control Add single player target for Client RPC calls
4 Years Ago
Clean up custom network var writing
4 Years Ago
Automatically enrol classes deriving from LibraryClass
4 Years Ago
Use steamclient sockets by default, only use gameservernetworkingsockets if dedicated server
4 Years Ago
net 5.0.0
4 Years Ago
Hardcode extra engine shader paths
4 Years Ago
Fix "worldspawn" exception
4 Years Ago
Random bot names Error notice fixes Adde Panel.WaitThen, Panel.WaitForTransitionThen Added killfeed to flying head addon Rebuilding ghost - try to make it not be red die particles
4 Years Ago
Fixed exception with particle screenshake
4 Years Ago
Add sbox to gameinfo SearchPaths so we can target it on dynamic shader compilation Make Vfx files be read from each searchpath rather than just Core and extend it to be supported by addons soon Add test concommand to force enable dynamic shader compilation
4 Years Ago
Added ModelEntity.CollisionsEnabled tracer particle tweaks EntityEffects binds Added Entity.DrawingEnabled particle updates
4 Years Ago
Warning spam cleanup
4 Years Ago
Bind CCollisionProperty Grab collisionproperty on ModelEntity
4 Years Ago
Ghost Model: define bounds hull Player - update physics hull after model set player: don't UTIL_SetSize Shoot lasers from alternative eyes
4 Years Ago
Added prediction scope
4 Years Ago
Added Player.IsLocalPlayer Particle system attachment basics
4 Years Ago
Citizen export test Rust export test Unity prefab/material to Source2 export script
4 Years Ago
Testing webhook
4 Years Ago
Testing webhook
4 Years Ago
Move PropertyClass Move PropertyClass to game Added LibraryClass, NetworkClass Correctly tick WriteNetworkEntities Entity derives from NetworkClass Network PlayerController (mockup) Fix NetRead/NetWrite now public PlayerControl is set serverside and networked down to client Library class lookup dictionary Debug remove Don't shoot when dead
4 Years Ago
Bind Get/SetLifeState Strip unused damage stuff from native Added Entity.OnKilled Fixed Player.Local not getting null when player destroyed Remove gamestats Gamemode picks our respawn point
4 Years Ago
Can't make GLST's for sandbox right now so use the DS Ip instead of steamid Allow access to System.Nullable Add Panel.BindToMethod Add Entity.Health Create MethodBind.cs Health UI
4 Years Ago
Fixed UTIL_GetLocalPlayer in shatterglass server Apply prediction rules to EmitSound
4 Years Ago
Enable Steam Sockets Added option to join Garry's SteamId Added DamageInfo
4 Years Ago
Debug print fixes