22,724 Commits over 1,642 Days - 0.58cph!
Allow texture data to be passed through create func of texture config
Make config stubs for the other texture types (3d, array, cube)
Add render target flag when creating render target textures
Add multisample modes to TextureRenderTargetConfig
Rename TextureCreationConfig to TextureCustomConfig
Add the other texture usage modes
Initial support for creating textures (of any type) in managed
Fix sunlight shadows not working without -tools
Fix AccessControl NRE on generic return types (maybe some others)
Cleanup ModelEntity
Remove ViewModel layer flag if no longer wanting to draw on that layer
Viewmodel Experiments
Added TransmitType.Owner - to only transmit to entity owner
Clothes fixups
Pistol Viewmodel fixups
If deleting a client entity, delete its children too
semi auto pistol viewmodel fixes
Replicate entity's properly
Added Entity.EnableViewmodelRendering to render shit in the viewmodel pass
Don't create viewmodel in native, we got this
Added Entity.GetAttachment( name, worldspace )
Added Game + Player.PostCameraSetup
Entities maintain a list of their children
Removing a bunch of vehicle + teamplay stuff - if we can't recreate these in c# we failed
Changed UserCommand forward, side, up to vector
PlayerCommand isn't used anymore
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fix joint binds not marshalling bools correctly
Fix debug only error relating to previous damage changes
Player shouldn't take damage from native code (will have to route physics damage etc via managed at some point)
Default binds: Q = menu, g = drop, v = view
Increase default sound distance
Screenshots save as jpg by default, in game/screenshots/
Bind F5 to screenshot by default
Just use endpos of the trace for thirdperson collision
Add collision to thirdperson camera
Add Trace.Radius for sphere traces
Allow joints to attach to and from ent with body index or name or directly to a physics body
Add BodyCount and GetBody (from index or name) to PhysicsGroup
Bind GetJointHandle from physics aggregate
Ignore screenshots folder
Rust semi pistol
Pistol hold anims
Pistol Holdtype
Gun shooting setup
Muzzleflash setup
Allow particle systems to attach to ModelEntity attachments
Allow set int params on animator
Temporary holdtype switch test
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Better shadercompile icon for tools
Add button to edit shader with VSCode or any editor of choice, Clean up ReadVfxFile function
Remove Sandbox.Shaders.Base
Add stub for postprocessing manager and postprocess base
Iterating on post process manager and postprocess base
Shut down sbox postprocess manager
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Added IInventoryEntity
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fix typo in CommonConstraintConfig.IsValid
Better param names in config to avoid typos
Add summary for revolute config
Add WithLinearSpring, WithAngularSpring to weld joint config
Add comments for revolute motor funcs
Add motor api to revolute joint config (WithLimitEnabled, WithPositionModeMotor, WithVelocityModeMotor)
Add motor params to revolute joint config
Bind PhysicsJointMotorMode enum
Put joints in their own folder, keep it all tidy
Add StartsNotActive to common joint config
Native helper func to fill out PhysicsJointDesc_t
Add friction and breakable impulse limits to common joint config
Cleanup duplicate code as much as possible in joint api
Update .editorconfig
Added Entity.EnableHideInFirstPerson, Entity.EnableShadowInFirstPesron
Disable EnableSceneObjectOverride for now
Don't create joint if both bodies are null in the config
Make sure collision property isn't null before trying to get physics body from it
Don't allow setting self as parent
If we have a parent, copy its ShuldDraw()
Added Entity.EnableIgnoreParentShouldDraw (todo name better)
When updating visibility, also update child visibility
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Remove a log left over by mistake
Add ShadowsOnlyEnabled via scene object override
If any of the compilers failed to compile, don't load any of them
Merge branch 'master' of sbox