
17,146 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.55cph!

8 Months Ago
Add some documentation
8 Months Ago
Update Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp 4.6.0 -> 4.7.0 Allow C# ref returns
8 Months Ago
Hotload test for dictionary enumeration order (sboxgame/issues#3391) Use sorted dictionaries for network tables, component lists Fixes sboxgame/issues#3391 Hotload: Support sorted dictionaries in DictionaryUpgrader
8 Months Ago
Scifi Helmet adjustments and LODs
8 Months Ago
Hotload test for dictionary enumeration order (sboxgame/issues#3391) Use sorted dictionaries for network tables, component lists Fixes sboxgame/issues#3391
8 Months Ago
Hotload test for dictionary enumeration order (#3391) Use sorted dictionaries for network tables, component lists Fixes #3391
8 Months Ago
Compatibility - legacy MouseWheel has setter, add obsolete TryScroll( float )
8 Months Ago
Delete vmpi completely, hastily removed from vrad2 (should be replaced with vrad3 really)
8 Months Ago
SceneWorld manages its PVS
8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
Old MouseWheel should be float not vector2
8 Months Ago
Make mouse wheel a Vector2, implement initial horizontal mouse wheel support for UI MouseWheel -> MouseScroll, obsolete old Ignore scroll if it's not moving in the same direction that the panel overflows in e.g. stops us interfering with vertical scrolls on horizontally scrolling panels: Invert scroll X axis Update some more places where I forgot to change MouseWheel to MouseScroll, obsolete `Input.MouseWheel` and `InputData.MouseWheel` WorldInput uses Vector2 for scroll Pass keyboard modifiers to mouse wheel event, and interpret mouse scrolls as horizontal if shift key is held Invert scroll value for emulated horizontal scroll (scrolling down should scroll to the right)
8 Months Ago
Invert scroll value for emulated horizontal scroll (scrolling down should scroll to the right)
8 Months Ago
Map has SceneMap and loads physics, Entities loaded from MapLoader Add SceneMapLoader, only loader we can have right now without an entity system Map uses physics world of loader, don't load physics if it's not provided
8 Months Ago
CRenderingWorldSession is too full of shit, new class called CCameraRenderer, move what we need
8 Months Ago
Remove render pipeline logic from client.dll, just grab them in CRenderingWorldSession instead Wrap CRenderingWorldSession in a c# object with gc, each SceneCamera gets one fill in the rest of placeholder CViewSetup
8 Months Ago
Be more careful about finding active packages Takes into account full / menu packages, fixes sboxgame/issues#3886
8 Months Ago
Restore AssetBrowser property attribute editor
8 Months Ago
Delete RippleCompute, add Fluid Simulator Iterate on fluid simulation, divergence needs to be 2D Iterate simulation Map fluid simulation properly to water shader Advect UV and dye on fluid simulator, add blend to water
8 Months Ago
Don't bind voxel visibility, not much use in managed, just setup vis on world ref
8 Months Ago
Remove native assetbrowser and replace all instances with our own asset picker ( orgs/sboxgame/discussions/3940 )
8 Months Ago
Make QAssetSelectionWidget and QEmbeddedAssetPicker selection work again
8 Months Ago
Make callbacks/listeners work again on QEmbeddedAssetPicker Push/Pull buttons fuck off Pass custom menu to embedded preview picker
8 Months Ago
Pass keyboard modifiers to mouse wheel event, and interpret mouse scrolls as horizontal if shift key is held
8 Months Ago
helpsystem link toolutils2 Fix CQModelPickerWidget leaking picker
8 Months Ago
Invert scroll X axis Update some more places where I forgot to change MouseWheel to MouseScroll, obsolete `Input.MouseWheel` and `InputData.MouseWheel` WorldInput uses Vector2 for scroll
8 Months Ago
Fix all the menus to use CQAssetMenuHelper
8 Months Ago
Ignore scroll if it's not moving in the same direction that the panel overflows in e.g. stops us interfering with vertical scrolls on horizontally scrolling panels:
8 Months Ago
MouseWheel -> MouseScroll, obsolete old
8 Months Ago
propertyeditor dependency for toolframework2 Cleanup asset picker names now that we don't have 2 paths
8 Months Ago
Move IEnginePVSManager to public, grab it through render service for now Set scene world pvs from world ref voxel visibility SimpleRenderScene grabs pvs from scene world
8 Months Ago
Make mouse wheel a Vector2, implement initial horizontal mouse wheel support for UI
8 Months Ago
Delete assetbrowser project Fix random includes / old types
8 Months Ago
Be more careful about finding active packages Takes into account full / menu packages, fixes sboxgame/issues#3886
8 Months Ago
Body groups no longer affect hitboxes / hitbox sets Should fix sboxgame/issues/issues/2922
8 Months Ago
Simple CQAssetMenuHelper in toolutils2 that calls managed and also custom menu command contexts
8 Months Ago
Add managed PopulateAssetMenu, use it in embedded picker to replace g_pAssetBrowserToolSystem->CreateMenuForAssets
8 Months Ago
Get voxel visibility from world reference
8 Months Ago
Young and Old Skin adjustments
8 Months Ago
Run RichPresenceSystem.Tick in GameMenuDll instead, fixes presence being incorrect while in a game's menu
8 Months Ago
Run ServerConfig.UpdateFromPackage after ServerInformation gets set, fixes bind collection failing to load in GameMenu Remove unneeded rich presence setter
8 Months Ago
Add StepSimulation that returns awake list to managed
8 Months Ago
All SFM CreateSemiModalBrowser replaced with C# picker Remove IAssetBrowserSystem::CreateSemiModalBrowser Move CQEmbeddedAssetPicker to toolsutil2, remove CreateEmbeddedPicker, tools can create this directly Replace embedded pickers interfaces with toolutils2 CQEmbeddedAssetPicker
8 Months Ago
Don't bother binding aggregate data, sometimes its a resource handle but sometimes not and we can't bind both
8 Months Ago
Remove skeleton void ptr from aggregate, out of game wont have a skeleton instance. Get skeleton from entity id -> body component
8 Months Ago
CModel::GetAllHitboxSets and CModel::GetAllHitboxes Ignores mesh group mask when fetching
8 Months Ago
Add OpenPicker that accepts a lambda Replace semi modal browsers with our own C# picker in all tools, missing sfm
8 Months Ago
Strip IClientMode
8 Months Ago
Move GameUI renderer from a IRenderHandler Strip IRenderHandler Render a camera from c# instead of c++
8 Months Ago
C# AssetPicker support multiple asset picking so it drops in native easier