
17,498 Commits over 1,338 Days - 0.54cph!

8 Months Ago
Add Sandbox.System to TypeLibrary Add SerializedProperty.TryGetAsObject
8 Months Ago
Expose TypeLibrary.GetSerializedObject Add alternatives to Asset for loading with a Type instead of generics Make SerializedProperty more useful Lets start converting widgets over to using SerializedProperty
8 Months Ago
Fix AssetInspector causing a repaint every frame Set PropertySheet size mode Component sheet cleanup
8 Months Ago
ModelDoc: Add camera near Z setting
8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
Some helper methods for adding nodes
8 Months Ago
Add generic interfaces for prefab system Prefab editor doesn't need to be an entity
8 Months Ago
Big refactor Renaming / reorganizing
8 Months Ago
Turn BaseStyles members into a table containing type, default value, and inheritance state, generate BaseStyles.Defaults Auto-generate layout cascading based on inheritance state Use BaseStyles.Default instead of hardcoding defaults Similar to `css-defaults` branch but this does it better - so I'm deleting that in favour of this. Rather than hard-coding the default value every time we fetch it: ```cs var value = Styles.BackgroundColor ?? Color.White; ``` We should be doing something like: ```cs var value = Styles.BackgroundColor ?? Default.BackgroundColor; ``` Provide default values as fallbacks for style transitions, use LerpProperty inside BaseStyles.FromLerp In FromLerp, check if the property we're trying to change is actually changing Prevents us from stomping property changes when a transition is running with `transition: all` if you have an animation running simulataneously Move default styles into `DefaultStyles`, make everything readonly VirtualScrollPanel uses DefaultStyles Only use fallback inside Lerp functions if from/to are null Move null checks into Lerp functions, remove logs Tidy up, use same code path for lerps Refer to default values in docstrings, inherited/cascading values lerp to their initial `from` values if `to` is unset Merge fixes, Name -> TypeName Generate FillDefaults() function, call inside PreLayout.BuildFinal, add Length.Undefined Fix a bunch of defaults (need better way to check if a property is set tho) Add `Style.IsDefault( name )` Bad idea to call FillDefaults here since it will stomp previous keyframes backdrop-filter-hueRotate is backdrop-filter-hue-rotate (oops) mask-position defaults to 0,0 Use IsDefault when necessary inside tests (HasValue will always be true for ComputedStyle properties), only check where necessary (i.e. if we're not also checking the value itself) Scrolling fixes Remove DefaultStyles, internalize IsDefault, FillDefaults, ApplyCascading Handle `overflow` prop defaults separately Use HasScrollY inside panel input Get rid of remaining null coalescing shit - ComputedStyle properties are no longer null ComputedStyles has its own class w/ no nullables, helps clean things up Remove unused, clean up
8 Months Ago
▄▇▇▋▅▄▋▅▉ ▌▌██▉▆▄ ▌█▅▉▆ ▇▊▍▊▊█▋ ▅█▅▌▌▆.▍▇▆▅█▇▄▇▉▄▆▆▋▌▅ █▊▌ ▍▅▊▊▊.▇▅█▊▍
8 Months Ago
Remove unused, clean up
8 Months Ago
ComputedStyles has its own class w/ no nullables, helps clean things up
8 Months Ago
Fix hi-z depth chain with offsetted viewports
8 Months Ago
Don't recycle depth from aoproxies for dynamic reflections, loses a fast depth prepass but focus on correctness first
8 Months Ago
Boxing Outfit Lods and skinning adjustments coming ASAP. Boxing Gloves + Boxing Shorts Plus updated version of the Tanktop
8 Months Ago
Experiments with layering cameras and multiple viewports
8 Months Ago
Copy tonemap params from ActivePostProcessEntity to scene camera tonemap params
8 Months Ago
Enable scene camera tonemap by default
8 Months Ago
Scale ControllerInput.GetAnalog by Input.ControllerLookYaw(Pitch)Speed Scale virtual cursor position movement by delta time, no wonder it felt different on GameMenu
8 Months Ago
Add SceneCamera.Skybox, port sky entities & client logic to C#
8 Months Ago
Make VirtualCursorOverlay a razor panel Update SteamInput manifest to include joystick inputs for Menu action set Hide mouse cursor while we have controller input active Support processing any number of root panels, make it work in GameMenu
8 Months Ago
Cleanup & document These should be Entity.IsValid() checks Use SkyboxScale not Scale Scale safety check
8 Months Ago
Start drafting out UI navigation with controller, by traversing panels Refactor so we can switch between panel traversal and virtual cursor based on input Don't revert back to PanelTraversalSystem if analog is empty Add basic working virtual cursor using PanelInput.UpdateMouse Fixed calculation of virtual cursor position Use stylesheet to style virtual cursor, add ScrollSpeed Refactor, virtual cursor as its own rootpanel so we don't add a panel to every root panel we access Disable system if mouse is moving at all
8 Months Ago
Refactor, virtual cursor as its own rootpanel so we don't add a panel to every root panel we access Disable system if mouse is moving at all
8 Months Ago
Fix joining a server being fucked
8 Months Ago
Render texture in viewport preview Support vtex in asset preview widget Properties dock
8 Months Ago
Get rid of remaining null coalescing shit - ComputedStyle properties are no longer null
8 Months Ago
Experiments with layering cameras and multiple viewports
8 Months Ago
Use HasScrollY inside panel input
8 Months Ago
Test refactoring, improving graph composition API
8 Months Ago
Move blueprints to Sandbox.Engine Basic blueprint test setup
8 Months Ago
Actually use the sky_camera position Fix rebase error I don't think anyone has ever used this command This cubemap code wasn't even setting any used attributes? Cleanup CEnvCubemapFog compatability with C# sky_camera, temp cause we're gonna move that to C# soon enough
8 Months Ago
Noodling with nodes More noodling WIP blueprint node interface Fleshed out NodeType NodeType tweaks Input / output signal support in NodeType Blueprint<T> skeleton Some more example nodes Blueprint node graph modification methods MethodNodeType, refactoring
8 Months Ago
Add SceneCamera.Skybox for rendering 3D skyboxes in the world sky_camera and skybox_reference ported to C# removing unused properties
8 Months Ago
Remove dead spherical vignette code from user shading model
8 Months Ago
Remove C++ game code for skyboxes, delete sky_camera and skybox_reference C# classes for skybox_reference and sky_camera Add SceneCamera.Skybox accessor Actually use the provided skybox world 3D skybox can consist of multiple sceneworlds Took me too long to figure out client.dll path needs the worldgroupid to UpdateObjectsForRendering
8 Months Ago
Use stylesheet to style virtual cursor, add ScrollSpeed
8 Months Ago
Fix Camera.Size Tool scene renders run through unified render path
8 Months Ago
Use Frustum instead to ensure created
8 Months Ago
Handle `overflow` prop defaults separately
8 Months Ago
Remove DefaultStyles, internalize IsDefault, FillDefaults, ApplyCascading
8 Months Ago
Scrolling fixes
8 Months Ago
backdrop-filter-hueRotate is backdrop-filter-hue-rotate (oops) mask-position defaults to 0,0 Use IsDefault when necessary inside tests (HasValue will always be true for ComputedStyle properties), only check where necessary (i.e. if we're not also checking the value itself)
8 Months Ago
Add `Style.IsDefault( name )` Bad idea to call FillDefaults here since it will stomp previous keyframes
8 Months Ago
Initialize CRnWorld::m_debugDrawFilter
8 Months Ago
Fix a bunch of defaults (need better way to check if a property is set tho)
8 Months Ago
Stricter Rotation.Angles() tests sboxgame/issues/3984 Some angle related MathX methods LerpDegrees, LerpRadians, DeltaDegrees, DeltaRadians Don't compare euler angles in rotation tests There's always at least two solutions Fixed sboxgame/issues#3984 Fixed typo in DeltaRadians DeltaDegrees / DeltaRadians tests LerpDegrees / LerpRadians tests
8 Months Ago
DeltaDegrees / DeltaRadians tests LerpDegrees / LerpRadians tests
8 Months Ago
Fixed typo in DeltaRadians
8 Months Ago
Some angle related MathX methods LerpDegrees, LerpRadians, DeltaDegrees, DeltaRadians Don't compare euler angles in rotation tests There's always at least two solutions Fixed sboxgame/issues#3984