
17,194 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.55cph!

1 Year Ago
Missed another method here
1 Year Ago
Re-add ClearButtons but mark it as obsolete so we don't break current packages
1 Year Ago
Fixed a regression with assets not loading from base tools addon Fixes Hammer/ModelDoc tree view styling Update these 2 mats that still keep recompiling
1 Year Ago
Separate Left/Right menu switches, add support for "Menu" legacy action
1 Year Ago
Let's see what happens when we forward all InputButtons to use Actions - this doesn't include generating a default action set yet Fixed menu not compiling Pack input actions into InputActionSettings class, add UseDefaultActions Proof of concept of creating default input actions for games. I think it's too magic though. We should just add all of the common inputs when you open the editor window. Remove TryCreateDefaultActions, just create default actions in Editor InputPage if we have no actions Refactor, register common actions if we don't have any defined in a project Add missing "View" common input Add support for Left/Right joystick clicks as actions Set Run/View gamepad codes since it's supported now Don't bother matching modifiers if there aren't any on the current action
1 Year Ago
Rough project-defined input actions proof of concept Moved InputAction stuff out of Sandbox.Engine, remove gamepad related stuff for now Store input actions as they happen, add `Input.Down( string action )` Rip out some splitscreen code that was swallowing button released events from ClientDll Store input actions in uint64_t, bundle in user command, now they can be read in Simulate context Fixed LastActions getting lost because CUserCmd wasn't grabbing it Added Input.Pressed and Input.Released for custom actions Make ButtonCode internal again Revert ButtonCode access modifier change for now Experiment: Generate our own SteamInput action manifest at runtime w/ user defined actions included Load input manifest when we grab input actions Loop through available actions on Input.Process, check action state and set accordingly Fixed issue where controller actions were stomping keyboard actions - now we store previous controller actions, clear pressed actions, then check via SteamInput Codegen gamepad manifest which allows InputActions to be processed by SteamInput. Support activators (full press, double press for now). Have to figure out eliminating default binds. Add gamepad specific properties to InputActionPage Refactor to use Action Set Layers SteamInput: Generate group source bindings in gamepad manifest, which now links the groups properly and lets us set our action bindings. Make GroupEntry constructor internal. Get glyphs working with Input Actions, added Input.GetButtonOrigin( string action ), Input.GetGlyph( string action, ... ) Add support for displaying keyboard binding for input actions w/ GetButtonOrigin Restrict some keys from being used as input actions (windows keys, function keys, caps lock, etc), added readable titles for editor Code cleanup, made a bunch of stuff internal Don't try to pass NativeEngine.ButtonCode to Sandbox.Input.OnButton. Gets rid of needless casting further down the line If we don't have any keyboard modifiers set, let people press them and still recognize that input - ex: when sprinting and hitting an input action, we'd reject it. Made OnButton internal while we're at it Default to FullPress activator if we didn't specify a default activator Minor Editor changes, remove notion of "custom" Moved generated manifests to .source2 Remove Gamepad.Activator as it doesn't serve much purpose right now Add StringQuery Restyled Inputs page Documentation pass on all new input action classes If input actions use the same keyboard code, process all of them instead of just the first action we find. Regenerate SteamInput manifest when we update input actions via Project Settings, so you don't have to restart the game Don't try to generate manifest entries when gamepad code hasn't been set Improve action editor flow - allow user to set name of input action before creating it Expose Left Shift, Alt, Ctrl codes as usable by games Editor: Fix layout getting screwed up when adding/removing actions (cheers @cr4yz) Fixed buttons w/ keyboard modifiers activating when no keyboard modifiers are pressed Better fix for the previous commit, and stops instances of buttons getting stuck as pressed For now, only pump input action events when we don't need keyboard input for UI - in the future we'll ideally have an action set for the UI layer for games. This fixes input actions firing when pointer-events are enabled. Add MouseCode, support being able to pick a mouse button for an input action - support keyboard modifiers with them (shift + right click, stuff like that) If we have pointer events in MenuDll, don't pass down mouse click events to ClientDll Strip keyboard modifiers for buttons that are actual keyboard modifiers - fixes Ctrl, Alt, Shift actions not functioning. Might be better to handle this in native inputsystem instead. Update InputPage to use ExpandGroup and not my own implementation of what is pretty much the same thing Make standard ExpandGroup toggle require left mouse click, not any (useful for when you've got a context menu) Fixed InputActionPanel not updating title on rename Remove stretch cell from actions tree footer, add label to the button that adds actions Make input actions case insensitive when grabbing index Warn users when they try to evaluate input actions that don't exist Made Input.GetButtonOrigin( string action ) case insensitive, and warn if we couldn't find an action Add data annotation to InputAction.Name, no special characters or spaces Work on restyling actions editor page Group MouseCode + KeyboardCode together, show friendly enum names for codes Don't use ordinal directions for dpad gamepad codes, use up/down/left/right Refactor how we collect info for SteamInput manifests - triggers behave differently to other buttons, and are only specified as individual trigger buttons in group source bindings - now we return everything correctly.
1 Year Ago
Don't bother matching modifiers if there aren't any on the current action
1 Year Ago
Fix some issues on DNSR Use full-size floats to fix packing problems
1 Year Ago
NoticeWidget shows ms if duration < 1s Call UISystem.OnHotload after an ILHotload ILHotload test for nested blocks Fixed ILHotload change detection for nested blocks
1 Year Ago
Add support for Left/Right joystick clicks as actions Set Run/View gamepad codes since it's supported now
1 Year Ago
Add missing "View" common input
1 Year Ago
Refactor, register common actions if we don't have any defined in a project
1 Year Ago
0ms hotload fast path poc when only method bodies change using MonoMod Biggest flaw of this is detecting the changes, Ziks has some good ideas with comparing the AST Print individual changes during compile, show node paths WIP check if all changes are in method bodies Add attributes to package assemblies describing changed methods * SupportsILHotloadAttribute is added if only method bodies change * MethodBodyChangeAttribute is added for each changed method Yet to properly support nested declaring types and methods with overloads. ILHotload looks for SupportsILHotload and MethodBodyChange attributes Fixed methods with identical IL not being replaced by ILHotload ILHotload should never run with a debugger attached Clean up dead code Detour using a generated dynamic method copy from the replacing method Documentation for Compiler.SyntaxTree.cs Added CompilerSettings.SourcePathFilter predicate Boilerplate for writing ILHotload tests Fixed how file changes are emulated in FastPathTest A bit more flexibility in fast path test case code preprocessing Added failing fast path hotload test for changing method signatures ILHotload: changes must be specifically within a BlockSyntax of a method Added Compiler.UpdateParseOptions() for tests to use Don't use ILHotload if a preprocessor define changed Incremental syntax tree parsing Throw when trying to debug an ILHotload swap during a test Basic incremental compilation Make generated code more deterministic, nicer for incremental compile Keep track of which assembly types are actually loaded from Re-use compiler options where possible Changed fast hotload log to a trace Make OnlyMethodBodiesChanged multithreaded, fixed multiple changes in one file Failing test for property body changes Cleanup ILHotload tests, failing test for overloaded method Refactor AST processing for ILHotload Moved to Sandbox.Generator, and now tags changed methods with an attribute rather than referencing them from assembly-level attributes Fixes after refactor, a bit ugly at the moment Support fast hotload for property accessors
1 Year Ago
WIP: ShaderGraph Comments (#907) * WIP Shader Graph Comments (some funky QT stuff going on though with GraphicsItem?) * Add select color choices for comments * Add description field too for tooltips * Jiggle position and reset each update to force a redraw and update hitbox (temp) * Snap to grid on resize * Let static RPCs be nested in other static classes * WIP Shader Graph Comments (some funky QT stuff going on though with GraphicsItem?) * Add select color choices for comments * Add description field too for tooltips * Jiggle position and reset each update to force a redraw and update hitbox (temp) * Snap to grid on resize * Call PrepareGeometryChange when resizing * Hide Comment Node, add seperate Add Comment option always on top * Update colors + add new one * Show description inside the box * Selecting a comment normally will automatically select any nodes inside of its bounds * Better selection handling for nodes inside * Added layla's resize stuff + KISS approach to selecting children. click the box selects whats inside. * Comments take priority for Property display * Deselect current nodes when pressing on comment if not already selected * Use LeftMouseButton instead coz it exists and it's nicer * Always keep inner nodes selected (check last mouse down) * Remove drag indicator from comment as not needed now * Comment UI tooltip updates when title/desc changed * When dragging a comment node on top of another comment node, alter its z index so its on top of that one * Greatly increase the max comment node size * Fix layering * Better layer system + normalize layers * Can just drag a comment node to select and drag its contents too. Double click a comment node to select only the node itself
1 Year Ago
When finding dependant assets always search the same path first before any other Fixes a case where the assetsystem would get confused and infinitely recompile an asset if it had a dependancy across 2 addons, e.g: dm98's dm_crowbar.vmdl depends on crowbar01.fbx which exists in: 1. addons/citizen/models/citizen_props/crowbar01.fbx 2. addons/dm98/models/citizen_props/crowbar01.fbx Now it'll always favour 2 because it's in the same addon Group Proxy preview updates when editing Transforms in the property sheet sboxgame/issues/issues/2990 Include assembly name in type identity calculation Fixes a rare issue when there are multiple types with same full name. sboxgame/issues/issues/2939 New Hair! - Big Scruffy Beard Quick fix to Monobrow grey .clothing file profile picture Fixed game window drag'n'drop being an error with multiple files sboxgame/issues/issues/3017 Mark some of our base libraries without HasAssets, hide them in asset browser - I'm not too sure about including base just yet Fixed project templates listview getting cut off Give menu addon an asset path again Fix loading addons in tools registering their events + cleanup Hammer package integration USP Match Pistol art pass for the USP pistol includes viewmodel and worldmodel meshes USP fixes normal error fixed bodygroup setup improvements Tools always load local packages on active Rubikon: Ray cast optimizations against meshes from Dirk Make asset browser custom asset types refresh on tool compiles again EditorModelAttribute: strip _c from path Remove SFM/Dota/Etc stuff from rendering pipeline (#904) * Initialize lightShades so we don't get undefined behaviour when summing them, should still be mostly stubbed out by the compiler anyway if shadingmodel doesn't use it * Delete all code, shaders and dependencies from other rendering pipelines * Rewrite visualize_physics without deferred and deprecated stuff, also fix a bug with depth sorting * Fix references to old pipelines on remainder of shaders * Fix debug_sunshadow, update all_shaders list and delete compiled shaders for stuff we don't use anymore * Remove HSL Grain and old Volumetrics from SFM, note that SFM lights already cast volumetrics in our pipeline without that * Fix crash on moviedoc on maps with volumetrics * Revert deletion of debug_sunshadow_vis.vmat * Put RecoverWorldPosFromProjectedDepthAndRay on shared code Remove Panel.SetNeedsFinalLayout Remove PanelStyle.sortedRules, no need to reverse AllStyleSheets Build style rules in parallel (prevent ui hitching) HashSet benchmarks Unit test fixes Fix not updating layout on screen scale changes Adjust VS project names for built-in editor addons Move tools.package.loaded event to ToolsDll Fixed obsolete warning adding concrete material variation Merge branch 'master' of sbox Prevent game crashes when overflowing string tables Add tooltips to sound preview buttons Added failing test reproducing #929 Stricter test for #929 Fixed #929 Fixed IServerDll hotload not being able to resolve package assemblies Fixed ReflectionExtensions.ResolveType Used to not respect the assembly load context of the target module Merge branch 'master' of sbox Sandbox.UI.Panel documentation Merge branch 'master' into sgraph-comments Fix layering Better layer system + normalize layers Can just drag a comment node to select and drag its contents too. Double click a comment node to select only the node itself
1 Year Ago
Rubikon: Use growable stack for dynamic tree query and casting, fixes crashing with many overlapping object and is generally safer
1 Year Ago
Sandbox.UI.Panel documentation
1 Year Ago
adding concrete material variation Merge branch 'master' of sbox Merge branch 'master' of sbox
1 Year Ago
Remove TryCreateDefaultActions, just create default actions in Editor InputPage if we have no actions
1 Year Ago
Proof of concept of creating default input actions for games. I think it's too magic though. We should just add all of the common inputs when you open the editor window.
1 Year Ago
Hotload timing info tweaks Added hotload_paths convar Added EnumUpgrader Made DefaultUpgrader more strict WIP code gen in DefaultUpgrader Skip IntPtr / UIntPtr Failing test for upgrading nested structs with codegen Fixed directly upgrading struct fields using codegen
1 Year Ago
Pack input actions into InputActionSettings class, add UseDefaultActions
1 Year Ago
Added failing test reproducing #929 Stricter test for #929 Fixed #929 Fixed IServerDll hotload not being able to resolve package assemblies Fixed ReflectionExtensions.ResolveType Used to not respect the assembly load context of the target module
1 Year Ago
Rough project-defined input actions proof of concept Moved InputAction stuff out of Sandbox.Engine, remove gamepad related stuff for now Store input actions as they happen, add `Input.Down( string action )` Rip out some splitscreen code that was swallowing button released events from ClientDll Store input actions in uint64_t, bundle in user command, now they can be read in Simulate context Fixed LastActions getting lost because CUserCmd wasn't grabbing it Added Input.Pressed and Input.Released for custom actions Make ButtonCode internal again Revert ButtonCode access modifier change for now Experiment: Generate our own SteamInput action manifest at runtime w/ user defined actions included Load input manifest when we grab input actions Loop through available actions on Input.Process, check action state and set accordingly Fixed issue where controller actions were stomping keyboard actions - now we store previous controller actions, clear pressed actions, then check via SteamInput Codegen gamepad manifest which allows InputActions to be processed by SteamInput. Support activators (full press, double press for now). Have to figure out eliminating default binds. Add gamepad specific properties to InputActionPage Refactor to use Action Set Layers SteamInput: Generate group source bindings in gamepad manifest, which now links the groups properly and lets us set our action bindings. Make GroupEntry constructor internal. Get glyphs working with Input Actions, added Input.GetButtonOrigin( string action ), Input.GetGlyph( string action, ... ) Add support for displaying keyboard binding for input actions w/ GetButtonOrigin Restrict some keys from being used as input actions (windows keys, function keys, caps lock, etc), added readable titles for editor Code cleanup, made a bunch of stuff internal Don't try to pass NativeEngine.ButtonCode to Sandbox.Input.OnButton. Gets rid of needless casting further down the line If we don't have any keyboard modifiers set, let people press them and still recognize that input - ex: when sprinting and hitting an input action, we'd reject it. Made OnButton internal while we're at it Default to FullPress activator if we didn't specify a default activator Minor Editor changes, remove notion of "custom" Moved generated manifests to .source2 Remove Gamepad.Activator as it doesn't serve much purpose right now Add StringQuery Restyled Inputs page Documentation pass on all new input action classes If input actions use the same keyboard code, process all of them instead of just the first action we find. Regenerate SteamInput manifest when we update input actions via Project Settings, so you don't have to restart the game Don't try to generate manifest entries when gamepad code hasn't been set Improve action editor flow - allow user to set name of input action before creating it Expose Left Shift, Alt, Ctrl codes as usable by games Editor: Fix layout getting screwed up when adding/removing actions (cheers @cr4yz) Fixed buttons w/ keyboard modifiers activating when no keyboard modifiers are pressed Better fix for the previous commit, and stops instances of buttons getting stuck as pressed For now, only pump input action events when we don't need keyboard input for UI - in the future we'll ideally have an action set for the UI layer for games. This fixes input actions firing when pointer-events are enabled. Add MouseCode, support being able to pick a mouse button for an input action - support keyboard modifiers with them (shift + right click, stuff like that) If we have pointer events in MenuDll, don't pass down mouse click events to ClientDll Strip keyboard modifiers for buttons that are actual keyboard modifiers - fixes Ctrl, Alt, Shift actions not functioning. Might be better to handle this in native inputsystem instead. Update InputPage to use ExpandGroup and not my own implementation of what is pretty much the same thing Make standard ExpandGroup toggle require left mouse click, not any (useful for when you've got a context menu) Fixed InputActionPanel not updating title on rename Remove stretch cell from actions tree footer, add label to the button that adds actions Make input actions case insensitive when grabbing index Warn users when they try to evaluate input actions that don't exist Made Input.GetButtonOrigin( string action ) case insensitive, and warn if we couldn't find an action Add data annotation to InputAction.Name, no special characters or spaces Work on restyling actions editor page Group MouseCode + KeyboardCode together, show friendly enum names for codes Don't use ordinal directions for dpad gamepad codes, use up/down/left/right Refactor how we collect info for SteamInput manifests - triggers behave differently to other buttons, and are only specified as individual trigger buttons in group source bindings - now we return everything correctly. Let's see what happens when we forward all InputButtons to use Actions - this doesn't include generating a default action set yet Fixed menu not compiling
1 Year Ago
Fixed menu not compiling
1 Year Ago
Support fast hotload for property accessors
1 Year Ago
0ms hotload fast path poc when only method bodies change using MonoMod Biggest flaw of this is detecting the changes, Ziks has some good ideas with comparing the AST Print individual changes during compile, show node paths WIP check if all changes are in method bodies Add attributes to package assemblies describing changed methods * SupportsILHotloadAttribute is added if only method bodies change * MethodBodyChangeAttribute is added for each changed method Yet to properly support nested declaring types and methods with overloads. ILHotload looks for SupportsILHotload and MethodBodyChange attributes Fixed methods with identical IL not being replaced by ILHotload ILHotload should never run with a debugger attached Clean up dead code Detour using a generated dynamic method copy from the replacing method Documentation for Compiler.SyntaxTree.cs Added CompilerSettings.SourcePathFilter predicate Boilerplate for writing ILHotload tests Fixed how file changes are emulated in FastPathTest A bit more flexibility in fast path test case code preprocessing Added failing fast path hotload test for changing method signatures ILHotload: changes must be specifically within a BlockSyntax of a method Added Compiler.UpdateParseOptions() for tests to use Don't use ILHotload if a preprocessor define changed Incremental syntax tree parsing Throw when trying to debug an ILHotload swap during a test Basic incremental compilation Make generated code more deterministic, nicer for incremental compile Keep track of which assembly types are actually loaded from Re-use compiler options where possible Changed fast hotload log to a trace Make OnlyMethodBodiesChanged multithreaded, fixed multiple changes in one file Failing test for property body changes Cleanup ILHotload tests, failing test for overloaded method Refactor AST processing for ILHotload Moved to Sandbox.Generator, and now tags changed methods with an attribute rather than referencing them from assembly-level attributes Fixes after refactor, a bit ugly at the moment
1 Year Ago
Let's see what happens when we forward all InputButtons to use Actions - this doesn't include generating a default action set yet
1 Year Ago
Refactor how we collect info for SteamInput manifests - triggers behave differently to other buttons, and are only specified as individual trigger buttons in group source bindings - now we return everything correctly.
1 Year Ago
Get water to it's bare minimum so that we can use high quality reflections with it, use material api for water shader, gets out of a bunch of hacks
1 Year Ago
Don't use ordinal directions for dpad gamepad codes, use up/down/left/right
1 Year Ago
Group MouseCode + KeyboardCode together, show friendly enum names for codes
1 Year Ago
Work on restyling actions editor page
1 Year Ago
Prevent game crashes when overflowing string tables Add tooltips to sound preview buttons
1 Year Ago
Fixes after refactor, a bit ugly at the moment
1 Year Ago
Adjust VS project names for built-in editor addons Move tools.package.loaded event to ToolsDll Fixed obsolete warning
1 Year Ago
Panel classes are hashes instead of strings - which theoretrically should speed up HasClasses checks - but untested so putting it on a branch
1 Year Ago
Fix not updating layout on screen scale changes
1 Year Ago
Refactor AST processing for ILHotload Moved to Sandbox.Generator, and now tags changed methods with an attribute rather than referencing them from assembly-level attributes
1 Year Ago
Unit test fixes
1 Year Ago
Remove Panel.SetNeedsFinalLayout Remove PanelStyle.sortedRules, no need to reverse AllStyleSheets Build style rules in parallel (prevent ui hitching) HashSet benchmarks
1 Year Ago
Remove SFM/Dota/Etc stuff from rendering pipeline (#904) * Initialize lightShades so we don't get undefined behaviour when summing them, should still be mostly stubbed out by the compiler anyway if shadingmodel doesn't use it * Delete all code, shaders and dependencies from other rendering pipelines * Rewrite visualize_physics without deferred and deprecated stuff, also fix a bug with depth sorting * Fix references to old pipelines on remainder of shaders * Fix debug_sunshadow, update all_shaders list and delete compiled shaders for stuff we don't use anymore * Remove HSL Grain and old Volumetrics from SFM, note that SFM lights already cast volumetrics in our pipeline without that * Fix crash on moviedoc on maps with volumetrics * Revert deletion of debug_sunshadow_vis.vmat * Put RecoverWorldPosFromProjectedDepthAndRay on shared code
1 Year Ago
Squashed commit of SSR branch Finish denoising Don't use single pass downsampling for depth downsample without having memory barriers, optimize it to accept writing to a single channel rather than 4 Add downsample material for c++ side of downsampler Some final tweaks and compile optimized shaders Copy back last denoised frame so that we don't collide with memory in CS Fix pixel fraction sampling on Catmull-Rom sampling Cleanup, add Complex shader with SSR support Fix noising with catmull-rom function Cleanup, move ReprojectFromLastFrame to common code Do half pixel offset on intersection reprojection Actually add ReprojectFromLastFrameSs to common.fxc Update game/addons/base/shaders/reflection_denoise_cs.shader Co-authored-by: Chloe <> Cleanup Rebase tweaks Add SoftShadowPenumbra to pixel.raytrace.sdf, correct SSR tracing cone, add gaussian post processing step Use GGX importance sampling for intersection Some adjustments on denoising with GGX sampling, compile shaders Fix SDF reflections having wrong roughness Do contact hardening on SSR reflections, better reconstruction Remove shitty artifacts while in motion, do denoising reconsruction much better Remove neighbors that aren't reflected in our buffer, compile optimized shaders Start implementing AMD DNSR Simplify how we pass reflection layers, setup extra rendertargets for new denoiser Setup and all 3 denoise passes in a single shader Fix UAV assignment and reprojection delta Iterate on AMD DNSR implementation
1 Year Ago
Initialize lightShades so we don't get undefined behaviour when summing them, should still be mostly stubbed out by the compiler anyway if shadingmodel doesn't use it Delete all code, shaders and dependencies from other rendering pipelines Rewrite visualize_physics without deferred and deprecated stuff, also fix a bug with depth sorting Fix references to old pipelines on remainder of shaders Fix debug_sunshadow, update all_shaders list and delete compiled shaders for stuff we don't use anymore Remove HSL Grain and old Volumetrics from SFM, note that SFM lights already cast volumetrics in our pipeline without that Fix crash on moviedoc on maps with volumetrics Revert deletion of debug_sunshadow_vis.vmat Put RecoverWorldPosFromProjectedDepthAndRay on shared code
1 Year Ago
Fix rect light specular, approximate reflection vector by the dominant direction vector so that we don't get a weird rough projected reflection Update shaders for area lights, including compiled version Fix bbox on light baking for area lights
1 Year Ago
Only do clamping in NdotL for Capsule Lights, avoids it showing through walls C# side of rectanglelightentity
1 Year Ago
Add data annotation to InputAction.Name, no special characters or spaces
1 Year Ago
Make asset browser custom asset types refresh on tool compiles again EditorModelAttribute: strip _c from path
1 Year Ago
Sphere light prototype Tube light prototype Data structures for light shapes Add CapsuleLightEntity, pass extra light parameters properly Do custom NdotL computation for capsule lights Volumetric light for vrad Cleanup Indexed baked light support for area lights light_capsule editor model Fix bounds of baked lights and don't cast rasterized shadows if light is an area light added light rect editor icon Disc Light prototype Area light dynamic volumetric fog support Rectangular lights, cleanup More cleanup, keep both disc and rect paths, baked light support for rects Remove old now-unused ComputeDirectLighting_SingleLightFastPath and refactor DoLightShape, changes on dynamic volumetric fog Separate diffuse and specular rays for rects, get it working nicely on volumetric fog too Only light the front of the light_rect on vrad Clamp L of rect and sphere so that it can intersect ground Fix specular on indexed lights Add tiled rendering tools debug vis mode Fix baked rect lights dot product eating what's behind it and leaving it black Tiled Rendering for area lights
1 Year Ago
Rubikon: Ray cast optimizations against meshes from Dirk