
17,179 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.55cph!

1 Year Ago
Local project compiles can partially succeed - which means that one broken addon doesn't destroy the whole startup
1 Year Ago
Fix static event exceptions throwing an error instead of showing the real exception
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Hotload timing info tweaks Added hotload_paths convar Added EnumUpgrader Made DefaultUpgrader more strict WIP code gen in DefaultUpgrader Skip IntPtr / UIntPtr Failing test for upgrading nested structs with codegen Fixed directly upgrading struct fields using codegen Print individual changes during compile, show node paths WIP check if all changes are in method bodies Incremental compile proof of concept
1 Year Ago
Don't compile shader if they exceed our VFX_MAX_SAMPLERS
1 Year Ago
0ms hotload fast path poc when only method bodies change using MonoMod Biggest flaw of this is detecting the changes, Ziks has some good ideas with comparing the AST
1 Year Ago
Fix cubemap incorrect rotation
1 Year Ago
Remove GameExtensionsPage (confusing, redundant)
1 Year Ago
Delete unused files from visbuilder Apply scale of ScaleAndMirror to particle nodes in ModelDoc (Shift+)Tab scrolls TextEntry autocomplete Addresses sboxgame/issues/issues/1190 Update cache optimized kd node Placeholder icons for local projects Addresses sboxgame/issues/issues/2468 Vis3: Use large bit vec for grid set storage and restore log warning about accessing bit out of range (this should never happen now) Disable detailed hotload diagnostics unless hotload_log >= 2 Fixed game resource editor completely rebuilding when editing values Fixes drag-editing floats for example not really working for sound scapes, etc Increase default size of GameResource editor So that soundscape editor is not squished and basically unusable without editing width every time Fix WebPanelTest throwing NRE in debugger .editorconfig changes to match Valve coding style better Delete IVfx::GetAllShaderVariables was only used for dynamic shader compiles Non Pow2 textures are allowed so make sure the tex coord scale gets set Auto upgrade "shader" kv in vmat source instead of just compiled, e.g "vr_complex.vfx" -> "shaders/complex.shader_c" Recompile all assets - mainly upgrading legacy shader names Make PlatformEntity.StartMoveBackwards/Forwards actually start moving, not just set direction Prefabs: Add Scale control to Root Entity and don't reset it back to 1 when opening editor Remove large_crate assets Hair_Longbrown Test files Fix precache error Add test DownloadPackagesWithMatchingFiles and fix Delete ServerContent class (unused) Merge branch 'master' into package-cleanup Delete BaseContent, PackageContent - client + server handle new packages being added
1 Year Ago
Don't add built in tool projects if not in editor mode
1 Year Ago
Fixed FileSend reading from the wrong filesystem Don't try to send base content (like base addon shaders) that the client should already have via fileserv
1 Year Ago
Hair_Longbrown Test files
1 Year Ago
Revert deletion of debug_sunshadow_vis.vmat
1 Year Ago
Fix debug_sunshadow, update all_shaders list and delete compiled shaders for stuff we don't use anymore Remove HSL Grain and old Volumetrics from SFM, note that SFM lights already cast volumetrics in our pipeline without that Fix crash on moviedoc on maps with volumetrics
1 Year Ago
Treat BuiltIn projects differently, hide them in the project just by default
1 Year Ago
Remove large_crate assets
1 Year Ago
Prefabs: Add Scale control to Root Entity and don't reset it back to 1 when opening editor
1 Year Ago
Rewrite visualize_physics without deferred and deprecated stuff, also fix a bug with depth sorting Fix references to old pipelines on remainder of shaders
1 Year Ago
Initialize lightShades so we don't get undefined behaviour when summing them, should still be mostly stubbed out by the compiler anyway if shadingmodel doesn't use it Merge branch 'master' of sbox Delete all code, shaders and dependencies from other rendering pipelines
1 Year Ago
Failing test for upgrading nested structs with codegen Fixed directly upgrading struct fields using codegen
1 Year Ago
Make standard ExpandGroup toggle require left mouse click, not any (useful for when you've got a context menu) Fixed InputActionPanel not updating title on rename
1 Year Ago
Update InputPage to use ExpandGroup and not my own implementation of what is pretty much the same thing
1 Year Ago
Add render color
1 Year Ago
Add prop_physics until we have a general solution to creating scene objects for anything deemed a prop
1 Year Ago
Set light probe textures to the ones serialized on the entity
1 Year Ago
Set light probe indices and scalars textures to black
1 Year Ago
Set shadow texture width and height for all light types
1 Year Ago
Set particle control point, not scene object transform
1 Year Ago
Serialize all scene entity properties before creating scene objects, we may need to find targets
1 Year Ago
Add tonemapping accessor to scene camera
1 Year Ago
Reduce the amount of samplers by sharing duplicates
1 Year Ago
This isn't indicative of a cyclic dependency Fix everywhere I spelt dependency wrong Try to load local packages first when a package has a reference (this needs more thought though) Add RuntimeAddonReferencingRuntimeGame test Fix AddGameProject test (path change)
1 Year Ago
Fix solution not generating Add `global using static Sandbox.Internal.GlobalGameNamespace` to base addon
1 Year Ago
Wait for sln to be generated
1 Year Ago
Initial support for info_particle_system
1 Year Ago
Make PlatformEntity.StartMoveBackwards/Forwards actually start moving, not just set direction
1 Year Ago
New rendersystemvulkan & vfx_vulkan [hack] don't deal with instancing on SboxVertex for now, need some additional code around input layouts [temp] don't mount any shaders GetShaderFullPath: remove shader replacements and legacy prefix substitutes Shader fixes where DXC is slightly less forgiving on bad syntax (has a bad hack for material api in it) Rip up Material API to get it compiling Initialize lightShades so we don't get undefined behaviour when summing them, should still be mostly stubbed out by the compiler anyway if shadingmodel doesn't use it Latest compiled shaders
1 Year Ago
Create scene light for light_ortho
1 Year Ago
Fix WebPanelTest throwing NRE in debugger .editorconfig changes to match Valve coding style better Delete IVfx::GetAllShaderVariables was only used for dynamic shader compiles Non Pow2 textures are allowed so make sure the tex coord scale gets set Auto upgrade "shader" kv in vmat source instead of just compiled, e.g "vr_complex.vfx" -> "shaders/complex.shader_c" Recompile all assets - mainly upgrading legacy shader names
1 Year Ago
Fixed game resource editor completely rebuilding when editing values Fixes drag-editing floats for example not really working for sound scapes, etc Increase default size of GameResource editor So that soundscape editor is not squished and basically unusable without editing width every time
1 Year Ago
Hotload timing info tweaks Added hotload_paths convar Added EnumUpgrader Made DefaultUpgrader more strict WIP code gen in DefaultUpgrader Skip IntPtr / UIntPtr
1 Year Ago
Initialize lightShades so we don't get undefined behaviour when summing them, should still be mostly stubbed out by the compiler anyway if shadingmodel doesn't use it
1 Year Ago
poc of patching method instead of swapping assembly using monomod
1 Year Ago
Disable detailed hotload diagnostics unless hotload_log >= 2
1 Year Ago
Vis3: Use large bit vec for grid set storage and restore log warning about accessing bit out of range (this should never happen now)
1 Year Ago
Set remaining common light properties so baked lights are actually baked
1 Year Ago
Material API: Only use ShadingModelValveStandard, abstract classes aren't supported in newer versions of HLSL Remove some unused bullshit from material API
1 Year Ago
Add remaining keyvalues needed for scene light entity
1 Year Ago
Placeholder icons for local projects Addresses sboxgame/issues/issues/2468
1 Year Ago
Fix light cookies not working on scene lights, load light cookies for scene light entities