
17,196 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.55cph!

1 Year Ago
Add CapsuleLightEntity, pass extra light parameters properly Do custom NdotL computation for capsule lights Volumetric light for vrad Cleanup
1 Year Ago
Add SceneLightProbeVolume
1 Year Ago
Add MouseCode, support being able to pick a mouse button for an input action - support keyboard modifiers with them (shift + right click, stuff like that)
1 Year Ago
For now, only pump input action events when we don't need keyboard input for UI - in the future we'll ideally have an action set for the UI layer for games. This fixes input actions firing when pointer-events are enabled.
1 Year Ago
Better fix for the previous commit, and stops instances of buttons getting stuck as pressed
1 Year Ago
Fixed buttons w/ keyboard modifiers activating when no keyboard modifiers are pressed
1 Year Ago
Create scene object for light_spot
1 Year Ago
Fix predicted network and predicted local swap. Only store and restore predicted child networkables if we should based on network / variables flags Restore functionality to remember ConVar values between hotloads. Don't remember values if the ConVar isn't our host type Move ConVar generators to ConVar folder. Add ConVar.Engine file to generate backing field + set underlying ConVar value for tool ConVars. Don't do any generation for engine ConVars if we aren't a tools package. Similarly, don't do any generation for other ConVar types if we _are_ a tools package. Merge branch 'master' of
1 Year Ago
Move stereo rendering to GameDebug menu Add Visualize Scene Objects to GameDebug menu
1 Year Ago
Force mips to be generated for Graphics.DrawText
1 Year Ago
Added a bunch of debug view options
1 Year Ago
Create scene object for point_worldtext, not really needed but a good opportunity to see how we can remake this entity
1 Year Ago
Editor: Fix layout getting screwed up when adding/removing actions (cheers @cr4yz)
1 Year Ago
Expose Left Shift, Alt, Ctrl codes as usable by games
1 Year Ago
Don't try to generate manifest entries when gamepad code hasn't been set Improve action editor flow - allow user to set name of input action before creating it
1 Year Ago
Rough project-defined input actions proof of concept Moved InputAction stuff out of Sandbox.Engine, remove gamepad related stuff for now Store input actions as they happen, add `Input.Down( string action )` Rip out some splitscreen code that was swallowing button released events from ClientDll Store input actions in uint64_t, bundle in user command, now they can be read in Simulate context Fixed LastActions getting lost because CUserCmd wasn't grabbing it Added Input.Pressed and Input.Released for custom actions Make ButtonCode internal again Revert ButtonCode access modifier change for now Experiment: Generate our own SteamInput action manifest at runtime w/ user defined actions included Load input manifest when we grab input actions Loop through available actions on Input.Process, check action state and set accordingly Fixed issue where controller actions were stomping keyboard actions - now we store previous controller actions, clear pressed actions, then check via SteamInput Codegen gamepad manifest which allows InputActions to be processed by SteamInput. Support activators (full press, double press for now). Have to figure out eliminating default binds. Add gamepad specific properties to InputActionPage Refactor to use Action Set Layers SteamInput: Generate group source bindings in gamepad manifest, which now links the groups properly and lets us set our action bindings. Make GroupEntry constructor internal. Get glyphs working with Input Actions, added Input.GetButtonOrigin( string action ), Input.GetGlyph( string action, ... ) Add support for displaying keyboard binding for input actions w/ GetButtonOrigin Restrict some keys from being used as input actions (windows keys, function keys, caps lock, etc), added readable titles for editor Code cleanup, made a bunch of stuff internal Don't try to pass NativeEngine.ButtonCode to Sandbox.Input.OnButton. Gets rid of needless casting further down the line If we don't have any keyboard modifiers set, let people press them and still recognize that input - ex: when sprinting and hitting an input action, we'd reject it. Made OnButton internal while we're at it Default to FullPress activator if we didn't specify a default activator Minor Editor changes, remove notion of "custom" Moved generated manifests to .source2 Remove Gamepad.Activator as it doesn't serve much purpose right now Add StringQuery Restyled Inputs page Documentation pass on all new input action classes If input actions use the same keyboard code, process all of them instead of just the first action we find. Regenerate SteamInput manifest when we update input actions via Project Settings, so you don't have to restart the game
1 Year Ago
Delete scene entities when scene map gets deleted
1 Year Ago
Cascade distance and resolution for sun light
1 Year Ago
Minor documentation pass Handle JSON parse errors when reading .meta files by displaying a warning The warning displays which file exactly failed to parse Disallow adding duplicate tags with TagEdit Also adjusted its styles to not have extra margin on its left with no tags added compared to a default text entry
1 Year Ago
Create scene entities using library and alias
1 Year Ago
Added SceneObject.ClearMaterialOverride & Vector3.RotateAround
1 Year Ago
Prefab adds component after deserializing so variables are set before Activate is called Prefab Component - default values Name the new component after its type Add ModelPhysicsComponent
1 Year Ago
Put it where it belongs
1 Year Ago
Remove ConsoleSystem.HasSwitch. Make CommandLine internals visible to Sandbox.Server
1 Year Ago
Fix sunlight facing wrong direction, just pass in the direction instead of rotating the scene object Create skybox scene object for env_sky
1 Year Ago
Iterate map entities, find their matching type and call static method DrawGizmo within a Gizmo.Scope
1 Year Ago
Add ConVar.Server + ConVar.Client generators so setting these properties from their respective realms will update underlying ConVar Update ConvarReplicated to match ConVar.Menu/ConVar.ClientData naming for consistency Update generator class names for consistency Add ConVarClient/ConVarServer visit property calls to worker Don't set ConVar value from game setting default if we have a command line switch Fix commented out logs so we can use them in future Remember values from hotloads again (for now) Comment out RememberValue again for now until I have a solution Merge branch 'master' of
1 Year Ago
Add RenderColor to prefab model
1 Year Ago
Hammer gizmos using the ISceneView now
1 Year Ago
Dry Suit Outfit Piece - extra files for chest rebreather
1 Year Ago
Add SceneCamera.Worlds (for adding multiple worlds) Plumb renderpipeline so SceneCamera can add its extra worlds GizmoInstances create and maintain their own SceneWorld
1 Year Ago
Compiled spritecard.shader
1 Year Ago
Fix debug param name being uninitialized
1 Year Ago
Quick slap up of our gizmos in Hammer mapview sceneworlds
1 Year Ago
Add adjacency primitive types for geometry shaders (cherry picked from commit 12e636476fd0e6190834331b7a51a53b4564f84b)
1 Year Ago
Better separation for varying line settings
1 Year Ago
Fix line lists not working as expected for gizmo drawing
1 Year Ago
GetPositionOnPlane draw plane when hitbox.debug Fix position gizmo arrow wrong plane
1 Year Ago
WebSurface's in-browser navigations will update the current url Resolves sboxgame/issues/issues/2977
1 Year Ago
Fixes razor <style> blocks sometimes failing to update We'd cache all stylesheets that occur at runtime then fail to update when trying to return to a stylesheet that existed previously, even if it's different than the block's present stylesheet. Resolves sboxgame/issues/issues/2999
1 Year Ago
Editor: Seek for .vmap, not .vpk - also strip .vmap from name if it's found when trying to play from a launch configuration
1 Year Ago
Disable video settings in editor mode
1 Year Ago
Editor: PackageSelector shows text explicitly if we've picked a vpk, or are using <empty> for maps
1 Year Ago
Regenerate SteamInput manifest when we update input actions via Project Settings, so you don't have to restart the game
1 Year Ago
ThreadStatic tag builder in Trace.From. Todo: look into thread safety for traces(?) Merge branch 'master' of
1 Year Ago
Further main menu style adjustments to not cut off icons Placeholder icon for local gamemodes in server list So it doesn't appear like something broke during icon loading Disable "Open in Hammer" option for disabled map projects Asset Browser with list view now also displays asset path in status bar
1 Year Ago
Try to reduce forced sizes of docked editor panels after restarting the game Fixed Utility.VoiceRecording not working for paths with spaces in them Handle errors for Sound Asset Picker when voice recording fails Fixed server browser styling Fixed front page server browser icons being cut off when server name is too long Fixed long server names in the full server browser overlapping the map name
1 Year Ago
Sphere light prototype Tube light prototype Data structures for light shapes
1 Year Ago
Create scene object for light_environment
1 Year Ago
Menu: Add package_background fallback image for EventWidget