
17,083 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.54cph!

1 Year Ago
Transform.Add uses scale correctly Tweak Control.Position, Control.Rotation to make more sense
1 Year Ago
Revert time node, a constant time variable shouldn't serve 5 different functions
1 Year Ago
Fix position dragging being wrong when ancestors have transform scale (in maybe the worst way possible)
1 Year Ago
Add description to tests Fix line selection test Rename IMScene to Gizmo Final cleanup Disable debug default Add world's worst scale gizmo to prefabeditor
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Document remap node ShaderGraph: Document Voronoi node & add Worley parameter ShaderGraph: Document noise nodes ShaderGraph: Redo Screen Position node so it returns a nicer result. Document World Position, View Direction, Normalize, Polar Coordinates, TIle and Offset, Blend
1 Year Ago
Shader Graph: Add more of the common outputs to time node & add allow a constant multiplier
1 Year Ago
Citizen/clothing: converted Posh Dress to new rig setup Citizen: moved height scale preview sequences into debug prefab
1 Year Ago
Made OnButton internal while we're at it
1 Year Ago
Don't try to pass NativeEngine.ButtonCode to Sandbox.Input.OnButton. Gets rid of needless casting further down the line If we don't have any keyboard modifiers set, let people press them and still recognize that input - ex: when sprinting and hitting an input action, we'd reject it.
1 Year Ago
Code cleanup, made a bunch of stuff internal
1 Year Ago
Restrict some keys from being used as input actions (windows keys, function keys, caps lock, etc), added readable titles for editor
1 Year Ago
Add support for displaying keyboard binding for input actions w/ GetButtonOrigin
1 Year Ago
Get glyphs working with Input Actions, added Input.GetButtonOrigin( string action ), Input.GetGlyph( string action, ... )
1 Year Ago
Make sure user is always notified of graph errors, clear errors on new and open
1 Year Ago
SteamInput: Generate group source bindings in gamepad manifest, which now links the groups properly and lets us set our action bindings. Make GroupEntry constructor internal.
1 Year Ago
Evaluate all nodes for preview they can be previewed even if they're not part of the graph
1 Year Ago
If project is an addon, add package.base to compiler - lets people use stuff from base in their addons
1 Year Ago
Squashed commit of SSR branch Finish denoising Don't use single pass downsampling for depth downsample without having memory barriers, optimize it to accept writing to a single channel rather than 4 Add downsample material for c++ side of downsampler Some final tweaks and compile optimized shaders Copy back last denoised frame so that we don't collide with memory in CS Fix pixel fraction sampling on Catmull-Rom sampling Cleanup, add Complex shader with SSR support Fix noising with catmull-rom function Cleanup, move ReprojectFromLastFrame to common code Do half pixel offset on intersection reprojection Actually add ReprojectFromLastFrameSs to common.fxc Update game/addons/base/shaders/reflection_denoise_cs.shader Co-authored-by: Chloe <> Cleanup Rebase tweaks Add SoftShadowPenumbra to pixel.raytrace.sdf, correct SSR tracing cone, add gaussian post processing step Use GGX importance sampling for intersection Some adjustments on denoising with GGX sampling, compile shaders Fix SDF reflections having wrong roughness Do contact hardening on SSR reflections, better reconstruction Remove shitty artifacts while in motion, do denoising reconsruction much better Remove neighbors that aren't reflected in our buffer, compile optimized shaders Start implementing AMD DNSR Support for multidimentional arrays on vfx Simplify how we pass reflection layers, setup extra rendertargets for new denoiser Setup and all 3 denoise passes in a single shader Fix UAV assignment and reprojection delta
1 Year Ago
Make WorldNormal, ScreenPosition, WorldPosition and ViewDirection all previewable
1 Year Ago
Line hitbox test
1 Year Ago
Make component outputs of texture node be constant results, no need to make local vars for these Generate preview shader code using our own time attribute so we have control over it Update preview camera in PreFrame so we're not running frame event twice
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Allow node results to be marked as constant so result funcs can return without creating a local variable for it
1 Year Ago
Remove F_TEXTURE_FILTERING in generated shader, not used here
1 Year Ago
Delete TestWindow.cs Make scale control work
1 Year Ago
Documentation pass for texture and texture coord nodes
1 Year Ago
Property sheet can grow, fixes dodgy layout Give texture node group and subgroup settings
1 Year Ago
Citizen: part 2 of the recent rig update (see commit comments for details) - Further improvements to skinning: much better deformation between spine0 and pelvis, refinements to the upper arm to shoulder to neck regions, a gentler blend from thorax to neck to head (which also better matches up with the "chin" of the character), and slightly better volume preservation for elbow and kneecap helpers. All of these changes also allow the height scaling feature to hold up better. - Fixed a small angle drift that had devilishly sneaked into the leg bones (this is the part where I sarcastically profess my love for 3ds Max and Autodesk software in general) - Fixed the kneecap helpers being the children of leg_lower_*_twist0 instead of leg_lower_* - Updated the "all-in-one" FBX source file - Following this model update, there may be very minor seams showing up in some clothing items under specific circumstances; these will be addressed in separate commits
1 Year Ago
Better position of initial result node on new graph Add UI options to branch node
1 Year Ago
Add select all to toolbar
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Add Ctrl+A to select everything in the graph because I keep trying to do it and realizing I haven't added it yet
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Fix input value editor not getting restored when node with connection to it is deleted
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Allow named constants to full customize group and subgroup UI
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Disable tint mask input, isn't used and seems pointless so get rid
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Add mask to texture ext types
1 Year Ago
Move saturate node to transform category + document it
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Default branch results to both zero, fix shader error when no conditions are plugged in
1 Year Ago
Removed EventFilter (unused) Remove nicknamegenerator Suppress keyboard shortcuts when in firstperson camera mode
1 Year Ago
Update Vulkan SDK + Volk Stub old vrad3-gpu, incompatible from using beta vk headers rendersystemvulkan: fix raytracing being required, remove VK_EXT_debug_report for VK_EXT_debug_utils vfx_vulkan HLSL compiler using dxc and spirv-tools; rendersystem_vulkan support for how dxc does $Globals / register offsets Sam's shader changes, most of this should just go to master now vfx_vulkan: compatability with shadergraph vfxcompile: display shader compile time in ms [hack] don't deal with instancing on SboxVertex for now, need some additional code around input layouts Add -renderdoc cli option for early renderdoc hooking Don't needlessly set g_TransformBuffer or g_TiledLightBuffer on Submit, already set on init vfx_vulkan sets correct offsets & more reflection info for compute shaders, refactor rendersystemvulkan to use valve's new helpers, bump max samplers to 64, loads of other fixes spir-v remapper (size reduction) Compiled most shaders (including complex)
1 Year Ago
Added some extra utility functions to Line Add Hitbox.LineScope, cleaned up rotation gizmo
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Add option to preview result of selected node, useful for debugging
1 Year Ago
Don't color plug text, not a fan of how this looks
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Allow named constants to configure material editor UI
1 Year Ago
Add SelfIllum to texture ext types
1 Year Ago
Limit graphics view zoom to reasonable amounts
1 Year Ago
Cleanup LineCircle, Rotation widget uses lines Fix arrow cone stretched
1 Year Ago
Remove whitespace in texture parameter name
1 Year Ago
Add delete button to node UI
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: disable filtering on background pattern
1 Year Ago
Adjusted colour on handles to be more clear
1 Year Ago
Simplify LobbyFrontPage flow, clicking game / map will open their browsers