
17,188 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.55cph!

1 Year Ago
Menu bar shortcuts Dirty session when performing undo or redo
1 Year Ago
Status text for undo redo options Title graph view to asset name Write graph file before registering it Don't open graph that is already open Clear undo stack on new or open graph Mark session as dirty when an undo op is pushed so title can be changed to show as edited
1 Year Ago
Don't perform undo redo if there's a pending redo
1 Year Ago
Undo ops for create/drop/change connection
1 Year Ago
Grid snap newly created nodes
1 Year Ago
Move node undo op
1 Year Ago
Undo redo system Add undo redo shortcuts
1 Year Ago
Fix ui hotload
1 Year Ago
Add preview dock Add skybox and cubemap to preview Add background to graph view Delete selected nodes on delete key Remove connections of deleted nodes Delete selected connections too
1 Year Ago
Reload materials on shader resource reload
1 Year Ago
Refresh server list widget automatically
1 Year Ago
new & trending
1 Year Ago
Navbar cleanup Clean main menu styles
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Ingame console doesn't use templates anymore GameSetting use razor Menu back to horizontal Servers Widget Games widget Don't lowercase texture path when loading (because http can be case sensitive!) Hotload textures in the menu properly Add MenuUtlity.OpenFolder NewsWidget Style tweaks Event widget Navbar cleanup
1 Year Ago
If switches are defined in command line, respect them when creating a ConVar
1 Year Ago
Make node editor graph an interface Add shader graph game resource Keep node position up to date with node ui Hook up shader graph saving Don't open save dialog if we have an asset to save to Hook up shader graph open put graph nodes in dictionary, can't save nodes to game resources yet anyway so fuck it Add compiler ref System.Memory for tool addons Add simple asset type for shader graph Don't use game resource for shader graph, serialize json from graph asset instead Deserialize graph
1 Year Ago
Ingame console doesn't use templates anymore GameSetting use razor Menu back to horizontal Servers Widget Games widget Don't lowercase texture path when loading (because http can be case sensitive!) Hotload textures in the menu properly Add MenuUtlity.OpenFolder NewsWidget Style tweaks Event widget Navbar cleanup
1 Year Ago
ClothingContainer.DressEntity disable trace and queries on clothing entities
1 Year Ago
Disable water reflections until Water rework, it's look slowly degraded over time to a point where it's looking worse than if on and taking too much frametime. We'll do it better.
1 Year Ago
Cleanup, remove rest of old mixed shadows heuristics that is unused now
1 Year Ago
Extract importance calculation to CalculateMixedLightImportance, finish it
1 Year Ago
Recode all mixed light selection heuristics 🍷
1 Year Ago
Remove mixed shadow fading, it never worked properly, we can do it better, increase mixed light shadows limit to 4, remove light evaluation budget Support for point light evaluation, let sunlight always have highest evaluation score, debug cleanup Let directional AO have falloff that better approximates to inverse square law Use 8k shadow atlas by default so that we downsample less often, reenable not casting shadows on point lights, needs more thought Have adaptive resolution for mixed shadows
1 Year Ago
UI Blur with mip chain Blur the actual mip chain, same number of fetches as doing custom bicubic fetch with mips Glass refraction texture is already MSAA resolved, we're sampling a non MSAA image :S Generate mips after resolving framebuffer Add blurred downsample shader Remove ui_blur shader, do blur on the single cheap drawcall of the backdrop filter shader 🍷🗿 Single pass downsample Iterate on single pass blur, use DX11 mipmapper to solve race condition between mip levels Solve race condition on shader, do both axis sequentially Deprecate GenerateMipMaps Move mips generation stuff to Texture.Utils Cleanup Let's not break the API, don't use UAV if we don't expect to use Mips Move GenerateMips back to Graphics since we're in a render block Move MSAA methods to use MultisampleAmount enum reducing clutter, add summary of DownsampleMethods Merge pull request #699 from Facepunch/fast-blurs-2 Fast Blurs
1 Year Ago
Move MSAA methods to use MultisampleAmount enum reducing clutter, add summary of DownsampleMethods
1 Year Ago
Revert "Merge pull request #708 from Facepunch/complex-parallax" This reverts commit 1b03287d33734ebf700e0da2bde65e18fa70c84d, reversing changes made to 2cea20324dd76565c24de4a769a2b552f24c4fca.
1 Year Ago
Add Parallax Occlusion to complex Grabbed from #665 Add Sys( ALL ) for the time being Compiled shader Merge pull request #708 from Facepunch/complex-parallax Add parallax occlusion to complex
1 Year Ago
Compiled shader
1 Year Ago
Split texture & attribute inputs from the pixel include. Not every material should be forced to use Color, Normal, Roughness etc. Now there's the option of including just the APIs and not being forced to use specific attributes, features or textures
1 Year Ago
Get rid of sbox_pixel.fxc, trim & move to public Do the same for sbox_lighting, move to public Get rid of the last of our internal sbox_ includes
1 Year Ago
Fix node graph connections
1 Year Ago
Make sure symlink reload queue actually gets cleared, accidentally returned ref instead of ptr Reload symlinked resident resources after loading runtime packages too
1 Year Ago
Fix double alloc on GraphicsLine
1 Year Ago
New Hair - Mutton Chops Adding colour variations asap
1 Year Ago
Have adaptive resolution for mixed shadows
1 Year Ago
Use 8k shadow atlas by default so that we downsample less often, reenable not casting shadows on point lights, needs more thought
1 Year Ago
Let directional AO have falloff that better approximates to inverse square law
1 Year Ago
UI Blur with mip chain Blur the actual mip chain, same number of fetches as doing custom bicubic fetch with mips Glass refraction texture is already MSAA resolved, we're sampling a non MSAA image :S Generate mips after resolving framebuffer Add blurred downsample shader Remove ui_blur shader, do blur on the single cheap drawcall of the backdrop filter shader 🍷🗿 Single pass downsample Iterate on single pass blur, use DX11 mipmapper to solve race condition between mip levels Solve race condition on shader, do both axis sequentially Deprecate GenerateMipMaps Move mips generation stuff to Texture.Utils Cleanup Let's not break the API, don't use UAV if we don't expect to use Mips Move GenerateMips back to Graphics since we're in a render block
1 Year Ago
Fix Material ResourceId not being set so it networks properly Never try to precache procedural models Fix bad race on procedural models invoking OnModelLoaded without being properly set to procedural yet
1 Year Ago
Support for point light evaluation, let sunlight always have highest evaluation score, debug cleanup
1 Year Ago
Remove mixed shadow fading, it never worked properly, we can do it better, increase mixed light shadows limit to 4, remove light evaluation budget
1 Year Ago
Fix exception when splashscreen manually closed Fix exception in DragData.Url Fix LaunchConfig construct exception Fix exception in ConsoleOutput.OpenAnchor Fix exception in Hammer.PostLoadMap Fix exception in AssetPreview.GetAssetThumb Attempt to fix CloudAssetDirectory share access exception Attempt to fix exceptions in AssetFolderNode.UpdateCount Fix possible exceptions in FileWatch.Tick Wrap ClientSpawn so downstream exceptions can't cause too many problems Exception wrap CreateEntityFromEngine better Make unhandled RPC a warning Change how ModelEntity.PhysicsBody is returned to avoid null pointer exceptions Handle file in use exceptions in NetworkAssetList.AddFiles Disconnect clients if they're requesting net files that don't exist/are deleted Add string.ToLong
1 Year Ago
Add Parallax Occlusion to complex Grabbed from #665 Add Sys( ALL ) for the time being
1 Year Ago
Replace Build only complex with something more generic, didn't know we could do this!
1 Year Ago
Kill spritecard only action, add complex only action
1 Year Ago
Kill spritecard only action, add complex only action
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Add Sys( ALL ) for the time being
1 Year Ago
Move shader includes into folders instead of long names in 1 folder Start implementation of common helper functions people need for shaders - RemapDepthToViewport - DepthToApproximateWorldUnits - DepthToRealDepthWorldUnits - ReconstructPositionFromDepth