
17,154 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.55cph!

1 Year Ago
Deprecate GenerateMipMaps Move mips generation stuff to Texture.Utils Cleanup
1 Year Ago
Solve race condition on shader, do both axis sequentially
1 Year Ago
Cleanup dupe code, add some docs
1 Year Ago
Decouple the system that holds references from base Resource class to ResourceLibrary. ResourceLibrary is only for GameResource, this was the only way it was being used and it makes no sense for normal Resource to be there. Precaching keeps strong handles of native resources( mainly so we can NetRead them.. ), never add GameResource to precache stringtable (they're always loaded) Texture.Load behaves better and doesn't try to cache a not found file Comment these out, need to figure out ResourceJsonConvert (this is just for GameResources again?) w/ ResourceLibrary, and probably make another ResourceLibrary for Sandbox.Tools ResourceJsonConvert uses given ResourceLibrary Promises assign ResourceId again Oops ResourceLibrary dictionary shouldn't be static no wonder it was fucked Resource.Load doesn't need GameHost Tools gets it's own ResourceLibrary, doesn't use GameHost.Menu anymore NetRead.ReadResource can handle non-GameResource again Replace optional GameHost virtuals GameResource.PostLoad/PostReload with simply passing ResourceLibrary Replace Resource.Update in memory system with ResourceLibrary.UpdateGameResource, only used from tool asset inspector to propagate live changes of GameResource to game / menu
1 Year Ago
Launcher: docs, code cleanup DamageInfo: docs, add HasAnyTag, HasAllTags
1 Year Ago
Add DamageInfo.WithTags, resolves sboxgame/issues/issues/2698
1 Year Ago
Obsolete Game.IsToolsMode, Game.IsToolsEnabled, add Game.IsEditor
1 Year Ago
JuiceboxSession changes: * Will now automatically reconnect to the websocket * New IsConnected property exposes the websocket status so it could be shown on the UI * IsOpen now tracks if the session is open, with a new event to see if the session is closed for any reason * Probably fix finalizer never running
1 Year Ago
Humans: fixed Frank head using the wrong eyes material
1 Year Ago
fixed brick wall trim using wrong surface match dirt footsteps to the others
1 Year Ago
Single pass downsample Iterate on single pass blur, use DX11 mipmapper to solve race condition between mip levels
1 Year Ago
Removed crate from menu
1 Year Ago
Remove dupe hair model
1 Year Ago
Fixed corrupted texture
1 Year Ago
Added a realistic human player model! Comes with two heads and a default outfit. This is a first draft, with a rough base set of animations, subject to change and further development. Added a realistic human player model! Comes with two heads and a default outfit. This is a first draft, with a rough base set of animations, subject to change and further development.
1 Year Ago
▉▉▍▇█▍▊▅ ▉▄▄▍▉▉ ▌▉▌▇▅ ▋▉▌▊▉ ▍▋▄▊▉▌▉, ▅▅▆▋▄▋▆ ▄▊▌▊▍█ ▄▄▆▍ ▇▊▄▆▋▌▉▋▌ ██▊▍▍ ▉▋▉ ▌▋▆ ▋▋▋▉▆▉▍▍ ▍▆▉ ▌█▄▇ ▍▋▆█▇▋▄ ▆▇▋▇▊▌▄ ▆▍▅▆ ▄▆▊▍█▄▅▍ ▉▌▊▌▊▅▌▊▊▄▆ ██▉▊▉▇ ▌▌▌▅▍▋▇ ▇▉█▋▊ ▍▆ ▆▆█ ▅▆▉▉▅ + ▅▌▅ ▇▅▊ + ▊▌█▊▅▊▊/▅▇▋▊▅ ▇█▄▊▄ ▄▊▌▍▆▄ █▇▍▌▊▋ ▄▄▉▉▊ ▋▋ /▄▅▉▇ ▉▅▌▊█▅▅▄ ▅█▋▄▊▇ ▋█ ▌▄▆ ▅▌▍█▇▋▅▉▋: ▋▆▊▍▉▇ ▆▋▇▇▍▆▌▋▉▆▆▍▌▅▌▆▍▄▍▇▉▉▋▉▍▆▉█▆▌▌▌▉▇▅▄▄█▄▍ ▇▄█▆▄▋: ▇█▍█▇ ▊▄▅▋ <▊▄▌▇▋.▊▇█▊@▇███▍▌▅█▍▍▄▉▅▉▉▆.▍▅█> ▌█▆▌: ▇▉█ ▍▆▅ ▇▇ ▍▉:▋▌:▉▆ ▌█▅▆ +▍▊▄▅ ▆▉█▇▅ ▋▉▌▊▆▅▊ ▄▌▉▌▌▇▉▊▄▍█▋▍ ▍▄▊ ▇▉▉▉▋▅▇ ▍▉▍▄▉▋▄▍▉▊ ▍▆▍▍▆▇ ▊▄█▅▇▄▋▇▅▋▍█▅▊▊▌▍▉▉▇▍▇▄▌▍▍▍▄▍▋▄▋▅▅▍█▇▄▍▍ ▋▉▌▌▌▉: ▌▌▄▄▆ ▇▇▍█ <▇▄▉▅▇.▅▋██@▊▅▇▄▋▅▉▌▊▊▊▇█▅▄█.▅▄▄> ▌█▊▇: ▅▊▊ █▋▍ ▊▋ ▍▅:█▆:▊▆ ▋▅▌▉ +█▋▊▇ ▅▌▌▉▋▅▄▋▊▍▍▌▅▇▄▋▌▍(▄▌▊, ▅▄▍) ▇▆▇▍▅▇▄▍ ▊▌█▋▉▆ ▅█▋▆▉█▆▌▄█▄▅▋█▋▌▋▍▋▍▅▉▋▅▊▆▍▄▅▇▌▆▅▉▋▉▅▇▊▊ ▋▉▅▍▌▍: ▊▉▅▌▄ ▉▄▊▄ <▊▊▉▊▆.█▆▋▊@▉▋▍▅▊▆▊█▇▅▅▊▇▋▇▊.▊▇▌> ▆▆▇▆: ▉▉▅ ▌▉▊ █▅ ▉▋:▉█:▄▍ █▌▍▆ +▊▅▌█ █▆▍▆▄ ▉▅▇▉▇▅▉█▉▉▇▅▋ ▍▍▊▌ ▌▇▆▊▅█▍ ▄▉▅ ▇▅▅▌▍ ▆▊ ▌▄▅▆ ▅▇▉▉▍▇ ▊▄▍▆▍▋▉█▉▄▇█▊██▌▍▅▆█▊▇▌▅▅▍▉▊▋▄▋▄▆▅▇▍▊▍█▇ ▊▇█▆▆▇: ▇▋▋▇▇ ▇▇█▊ <▆▆▋▅▍.▆▍▋▉@▇▇▅▉▄▉▅▄▊▍▌▇▍▊▌▋.▊▋▌> █▊▇▋: ▋█▄ ▋▌▋ ▉▄ ▊▊:▌▌:▌▆ ▋▊▆▅ +▇▊▇▊ ▇▆▉▍█▆▉▄▇ ▌▍▉ █▅▍▋▆▆▅▌▅▊ ▄▋▍▉▌▄▉▆ ▇▊▇▅▄▋▅▍▆▆ ▉▉▇▄▍ ▇▌▊▊▉▌ ▄▉▉█▊▆▋▍▍██▉▄█▇▆▆▄▅▉▇▍▍▆▉▇▄▌▊▋▆▇▄▇▆▅▌▊▇▉ █▄▇▌▄▄: ▆▉▉▄▉ ▊▉▍▉ <▄▊▆▍▇.▅▍▆▆@▆▅▉▋▆▆▇▊▊▊▅▆▊▅▅▉.▅█▇> ▊▅▉▌: ▄▌▆ ▉▉▋ ▄▇ █▌:▅▉:▍█ ▉▇▇▋ +▌▍▌▋ ▆██▄█ ▆▋▊▊▄▊▆ █▍▍▋▋▍▉ ▆▋█▉▉▆▄▉ ▅▍▌▇ ▉▍▆▉▋▄ ▉▇▌▊▌▅▄▍▊▄▊▇▉▍▍█▊▄▋▍▍▌▇▊▉▊▋▋▄▇▆▇▆▋▆▊▋▉▌▇ █▊▉▄▍▋: █▍▇▅▆ ▅▋▌▄ <▊▍▆▄▅.█▆▌▇@▋▆▅▌▊▇▊▅▆██▇▇▇▊▌.▅▋▇> ▌▄▄▊: ▇▊▉ ▊▉█ ▊ ▌▅:▋▆:▆▋ ▊▊▆▄ +▉▅▍▆ █▋▇▊▉▆▍▊▍▄ ▆▋▊▌▅▄▊▅▋▉▉ ▆▉▄ ▄▍▆▉▉▆▇ ▍▄▇▌ ▌▆ ▄▍▅▊ ▆ ▆▋▍█▅▋█▅█▇██ ▊▆▅▆▉▊'▄ █▅ ▊▊▆▋▆ ▍▆▌▉▆▉ ▌▇▍▌▄▊▋█▅▇▌▍▉▉▊▊▋▍▉▆▅▆▅▉▄▋▋▌▌▅▇▌▅▍▉▇▆▇▅▍ ▌▉▆▌▌▊: ▊▅▉▆▉ ▍▄▍▇ <▉▆▇▋▇.▌▌▉▄@▄▍▌▊▍▇█▇▋▉█▉▄▆▋▇.▄▉▇> ▊▉▇▌: ▆▉▍ ▄▌▉ ▌ ▄▍:▄▅:▌▌ ▌▄▅▆ +▌▆▅█ █▋▉ ▍▊▇▆▇▉▍█▊ ▅▊▄▄▆▉ ▋▍▉█▉▌█ ▍▉▄▇▅ ▋▇▆▇▋▌█▅▆ ▅▉▋█ ▄▊▆ ▋▆▍▅▍ ▇█ ▆▍▄ ▅▋█▊ ▌▆▍█▆▅ ▇▌▍▆▉▅▆▉▇▌▄▉▅▆▆▇▅▆▅█▍▄▇▋▊▋▊▉▇▆▋▄▌▉▌▌▇▊▉▌ ▄▌▌▅▍▉: ▉▆██▅ ▋▆▋▆ <▇▉▅▉▌.█▊▆▄@▄▄▋▊█▇▄█▊▇█▅▅▅▋▄.▅▇▅> ▍▅▄▌: ▄▆█ ▇▅▄ ▋ ▇▇:▉▋:▄▌ ▌▍▌▅ +█▊▅▌ ▇▅▆▇█ █▊▄▉▇▍▄▆▊▇▍▄▍() ▇▌▄▄ ▉ ▇▅▌▆▆▉ ▍██▌▍▋▅▆▄▋▊ ▄▆▋ ▆▌▄▊▅▉ ▍▄▉▇▆▌▆▉▌▅▉▆█▉▉▌█▅▆▍▅▊▍▅▋▌▋▇▆▉▅▆▄▊▊▍▍▅▊▅ █▉█▌▅▇: ▊▋▅██ ▌▇▅█ <▆▄▇▉█.▄▌▇▇@▄▇▅▋▍▊▍▆█▅█▉▅▅▄▇.▅▄▆> ▌▄▆▌: ▌▅▇ ▌▉▊ ▆ ▄▉:▆▅:▋▌ ▅▌▋█ +█▆▇▅ ▊▍▅▍▇ ▅▆▄▊█▆▌█▆▊▉▌▇▊(▆▅▍▆▄█▅, ▅▇▆▋) ▇▌▍▊ ▅▆▆▌▆█ ▄▄▌▋▌ ▍▇▍▆▆▉ ▅▊▅▄▋▊▄█▅▍▌▋▍▅█▌▌▄▇▇▍▄▅▅▅▄█▆▉▌▆▅▄▅▆▅▌▊▇▊ ▅█▅█▆▆: ▍▊▇▄▉ ▌▍▌▉ <▄█▍▍▋.▅▋▍▆@▋▊▋▋▌▇▄▅▊▊▅▉▍▋▍▌.▄▋▍> █▆█▆: ▆▊▆ ▋▍▊ ▊ ▉▇:█▌:▋▉ ▉▆▌▄ +▍▇▅▆ ▊▍▅▋ ▍▄▋▇▌▉▄▆█ ▉▅▊▊▅ ▉▄▅▌▅▄ ▄█ ▇▌▍▍ ▉ ▍▇▍▉▊ ▄▍▍▉▌▅█ ▍▌█▄▄▄ ▆█▋▌▄▅▌▌▄▋█▋▍█▍▍▅▍█▍█▉▊▅▍▆▍▇▆▅▉▇▇▋▊▉▋▄▆▌ ▋▌▄▆▉▌: ▍▋▉▍▋ ▉▊▄▊ <▋▋▉▍▌.▆█▉▌@▅▄█▅▋█▆▄▊▊▅▊█▇▊▄.▆▅▌> ▇█▄▋: ▆▅▍ ▋▅▅ █ ▉▆:▇▅:▅█ █▋▄▄ +▊▊▌▍ ▌▍▆█▍ ▌▉▄▊▆█▄ ▆▅▄▋▋ ▄▌▅▄▍▇ ▇▆▅▊█▅▋▊ ▋▅ ▌▇▅▋▆▆ ▇▌▉▉▄▋▄▅▆▋▆▇ ▊▌▋▌▍▊ ▌▆▋▅▅▌▍▉▊▍█▌▌▄█▌█▆█▇▆▊▅▍█▊▍█▄▍█▄▇▉▌▄█▆▋▋ ▊▉▄▅▋▇: ▍▆▌▋▇ █▇▊▇ <▆▄▋▋█.▍▉▉▋@███▆▅█▇▆▉▋▊▋▉▄▆▄.▋▊▉> ▆▉▍▊: ▋▅▊ ▍▋▉ ▇ ▌▅:▄▇:▊▇ ▌▊▅█ +▇▄▍▊ ▍▊▊▄▉▊▋ ▆▍▆▅▉▋▋ ▄▉█▊▋ ▅▍█ ▊▆█▌▅▄▉ ▅▍ ▉▄▄▋▉▍ ▍▅▌▉▉▆▋▅▅▉▅▉ ▊▄▊▆▋▊ ▉▍█▉▊█▊▋▋▆▊█▋▄▉▉█▉▌▊▇▆▍▄▇▆▄▉▍▅▆▆▇▇▆▉█▇██ ▍▋██▉▊: ▌▅▄▄▉ ▅▇▅▇ <▆▄█▆▇.█▅▌▊@▄▇▅▇▋▄▄▄▄█▊▉▌██▊.█▌█> ▌▉▄▌: ▅▄▍ █▄▅ ▅ ▄▌:▍▌:█▅ ▉█▇▍ +▍▉▅▍ █▋█▊▍▊▍ ▉▊▄▄▍█ ▍▇▌▉▄▍▍▇▌▊▄▍▆▅▍▉▉▌▄▍▍▊▆▉▌▄█▅▉▅▍▋█▋▉▄▉█▌▉ ▆▉▊▅█▋: ▋▉▍▍▅ ▅▍▄▉ <▇▄▆▋▄.█▋▌▊@▊▆█▉▉▍▄▄▍█▊█▄▅▅▅.▆▍▆> ▊▄▋▋: █▅▆ ▍▇▋ ▌ ▅▉:▊▍:█▅ ▆▅▍▄ +▍▄▅▉ ▇▅▆▍▄▊▋▉█▆▊ ▍ ▉▄▇▇▍▋ ▇▅▇▅▋▄▋▄ ▌▄▍▅▊▍▊▆ ▄▄▍ ▄▆▅▄▊ ▄█▇▉▊▅ ▌▉▅▆▋▄▅ ▆▇ ▆▅▄▋ ▊▉▆▉ ▊▆▆▍▆ █▌█▆▄▋▅▆▊▆▇▋▆ █▄█▆▊▄ ▌▊▋▌▅▇▇▄▋▌▋▆▇▅▉▅▆▋▉▍▇▅▄▉▍▊▄█▄▆▅▇▊▆▅▉▋▄▇▌ ▋▊▇█▌▍: ▄▉▋▇ ▌▋▋▊▊▋▊ <▅▌█▇@▍▍▉▋▇▉▅▄▍▇▅.▇▋.▆▋> ▋▊▊▍: ▊█▋ ▋▇▇ ▊▍ ▉▇:▍▊:▅▌ █▋▊▋ +▊██▍ █▋▍ -▊▇▄█▍▍ ▍█▌▌▌▆▆ ▅█▋▉ ▊▊▍▋▄▉▆█▄ ▍▍▆ ▉▋▄▍▌▋▍ ▊▉▉▇▄▅ ▆▄▉▉█▊▆▋▌▆▋▋▅▊▌▋▄▍▄▍▆▇▄▌▆▇██▄▄▅▇▍▉▋█▊▍▉▇ ▋█▊█▆: ▆▊▄▅▍▉▉▇▄▍ ▍▍▊▆▅▅▌▋▌▅ █▋▉▌█▄: ▄█▊▆▋▊▉▊ <▄▊▇▆▅█@▉▍▍▊▋█▍▊▇▆▌▋▌▇▋█.▄▅▊> ▌█▄▋: ▋▅▇ ▇▄▆ █▋ ▉▉:▇▊:▉▋ ▍▅▍▄ +█▄█▇ ▄▋▆▍▉ ▉▅▊▇▄█ '▆▆██▄▍' █▍ █▇▅█ ▋▆▋▅▄▋ ▋▄▄▆█▅▉▅▅▊▌▊▍▆▇▅▇▉▉▊▍▅▍▅▄▄▍▇▉▊▌█▄▌▊▍█▍▋▇ ▍▍▌▋▄▋: █▍▅▉▍▅▉█ <▋▉▄▌▆▇@▅▆▉█▌▇▉▄▊▇▊▇▋▆▋▍.▆▆▄> ▆▊▄▅: ▍▋▊ ▍▊▅ ▄▌ ▉▋:█▅:▋▇ █▌▋▆ +▇▆▌▍ ▉▇▆▊▋ ▇▌▌▍▋▅▄ - 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1 Year Ago
▄▆▆▅▄▄▆▊ █▊▆▅▌▍ ▅▌▇▊▅ ▇█▊█▅ ▌▅▅▄▆▍▅, ▌▋▆█▄▍▉ ▌▄▄▇▇▇ █▅▍▍ ▆▉▍▌▄▊▇█▋ ▄▇▌▍▅ ▇█▉ █▇▊ ▉▄▍▌▋▄▇▄ ▆▅▋ ▊▅▆▋ ▋▄▇▌▅▍▍ ▆▍▅▄▅▌▄ ▍▋▄▋ ▇█▆▊▅▄▍▇ ▆▆▊▇▋▊▊▇▉▇▅ ▉▆▋▉▋▄ ▊▋▍█▄▆▇ ▊▌▌▋▉ ▅▍ ▇▍▌ ▊▋▊▉█ + ▇██ █▉▊ + ▉▉▊▌█▉█/▆▍▌▅▍ ▆▋▌▌▍ ▌██▋▉█ ▄▋▄█▅█ █▍▊▋▊ ▄▇ /▆▍▅▉ █▅▍▍▉▌█▌ ▊▉▉▊▍▄ ▍▍ ▄▉▅ ▇▅▆▋█▌█▅▉: ▊█▉▄▊▌ ▄▉▉█▉▌▊▉▉▍▍▇▊▊▋▄▆▋▋▋█▅██▅▄▊▍▆▅▍▉▍▅▄▇█▉▄▆ ▊▉▋▋▉▉: ▋▉▋▉▆ ▌▆▌█ <▌▅▅▇▉.▆▋▇▇@▄█▇▉▊█▊▊▋▉▄▌█▊▍▊.▆▅▅> ▊▍▅▇: ▄▋▅ ▅▆▆ █▍ ▍▅:▇▋:▄▅ ▆▍▆▌ +▉▅▊▋ ▉█▉▅▋ ▆▅▉▋█▌▅ ▆▌█▇▇█▆▉▅▊▄▍▌ █▄▅ ▍▋█▄▊▆▅ ▋▊▅█▆▌▇█▍▌ ▍▌▇▉▍▉ ▄▌▄▊▍▇▊▆▇▅▍▊▍▍▌█▍▋▊▋▆▄▍▊▋▅▅▄▍▉▊▊▍▆▇▅▉▊▅▇ ▄▌▅▄▍▋: █▍▍█▌ ▊▌▆▆ <▄▍█▍▋.▆▉▇▋@█▆▊▋▊▋▍▇▉▇▊▇▌▌▋▄.▋▆▄> ▉▊▄▌: ▋▍▇ ▅▅▋ █▅ █▉:█▉:▋▄ ▊▇▆█ +█▅▉▉ ▍▅▄▋▌▄▄▉▌▄██▍▌▆▉▌▊(▄▅▆, ▋█▇) ▍▍▄▌▌▄▅▌ ▇▆▄▅▅█ ▌█▅▌▋▇▅▇▅▌▄▊▊▌▅▇▆▅▋▋▋▍▍▅▋▋▌▉▄▊▌▅██▌▉▍▇▍▄ ▅▊▌▅▌▅: ▇▇▋▍▄ ▌▇█▊ <▌█▄▅▍.█▉▆█@▄▍▆▆▍▉█▍▅▊▉▄▄▋▆▉.█▉▌> ▄▊▍▋: ▍▋▍ ▅▍▅ ▄▉ ▊█:▇▅:▍▍ ▄█▆▉ +▄▊▊▍ ▊▌▋▋▉ ▉▍▋▅▌▄▅▆▉▍▇▉▋ ▅▄▍▉ ▋▊▇▊█▅▉ ▉▉▆ ▄▄▄▅█ ▅▊ ▉▊▌▆ ▉▄▋▊██ ▌▄▇▉▉▍▄▅▄▇▍▄▌▆▊▆▋▄▆█▌▍▇▄▊█▄▇▅▉▊▄▍▊▊▉▅▋█▄ ▄▄▇▋▋█: ▋▊▊▆▇ ▊█▍▊ <▍▊▇▌▅.▍▋▍▉@▋▌▅▆▉▄▅▍▉▅█▋▊▉▇▆.▋▇▊> ▍▅▍▊: ▍▄▋ ▍▌▍ ▇▅ ▆▅:▋▄:▌▇ ▉▄▊▅ +▇▄▇█ ▌▆▄▍▊▇▉▄▄ ▇▌▆ ▅▅▌▅▆▄▆▍▆▊ ▌▉▉▍▆▇▄▋ ▌▌▆▉▆█▌▍▇▍ ▉▅▅█▆ ▊▆▇▅█▌ ▆▌▇▆▆█▉█▋▅▆▄▆█▍▍▊▍█▇▇▋▆▇▄██▇▍▋▌▅▊▌▉▍▍▆▍▍ ▇█▊▌▇▅: ▍▍▆▊▉ █▋▅▉ <▉▊▍▆▋.▄▅▉▄@▇▅█▇▍▍▄▇▍█▍▌▅█▄▌.▉█▄> ▆▅▇█: █▇▍ ▇▍▍ ▆▍ ▅▍:▊█:▆▋ ▉▍▇▉ +▆▉▆▅ ▊█▆▍▇ ▅▉▅▆▍▄▋ ▍▍▍▉▄█▋ ▉▌▌▉▍▌▅▄ █▋▊▌ ▌▅▇▊▉▅ ▄▉▄█▍▋▋█▉▋▉▄▋▉▋▋▋▆▌▍▆▄▆▅▄█▉▄▆▉▉▇██▍▌▋▄▌▅ ▌▉▇▇██: ▍▅▄▄█ ▄▌▊▍ <▄▇▌▇▉.▆▊▅▍@▅▆▊▇▉▍▄▊█▊▅▋▋▌▋▉.██▍> ▆▅▉█: ▌▉▍ ▉▌▋ ▇ ▍▅:▇▇:▅▆ ▌▊▉▅ +▍▋▊▅ █▅▆█▅▌▄▌▋▍ ▌▊▋▌▌▊█▆▍▄▋ ▍▇▇ ▊▉▋▌▌▋▆ ▇▌▇▇ ▇▊ ▄▋▌▆ ▅ ▇▇▉▉█▄▋▍▋▋▌▊ ▇▉▌▌▋▉'▄ ▅▍ ▄▊█▌▇ █▉▍▇█▄ ▋▊▊▍▌▅▄▊▄▍▄▉█▆▍▌▉▋▆▅▋▅▅▇▋▄▊▅▉▆▍▇▆▌▌▋▌▌▄▊ ▉█▄▄▍▅: ▍▊▇▊▄ ▅▄▇▆ <▊█▇▆▋.█▍▅▌@▍▋▇▊▇▆▍▊▋▊▉▇▄▅▇▉.▄▄▋> ▌▆▋▆: ▍▉▅ ▆▉▉ ▆ ▅▊:▇▆:▄▆ ▋▇▆▅ +▋▇██ ▋▌▊ ▇▍▋▊█▅▆▉▆ █▇▄▆▄█ ▅█▉▍▄▋▅ ▅▋▋▌▊ ▅▍▇▌▆▊▉▌▉ ▌▊▋█ ▅▋▌ ▋█▆▍▄ ▆▅ ▄▌▋ ▌▍▅▌ ▍▍▊▉▄▊ ▌▊▅█▋▅▍▇▌▌▉▍▄▇▇▇▉▌▉▍▋▇▍█▌▉▋▊▍▊▄▌▄▄▍▅▆▌▆▌ ▆▌▅▄▆▌: ▌▌▉▉█ ▋▍▄▍ <▉▊▊▉▅.█▇▇▅@▋▊▌▍█▅▄▊▉▋▊▌▅▌▅▍.▊▌▄> ▇▆▇▌: ▍▅▇ ▉▊▆ ▅ █▍:█▄:▇▊ ▍▍█▇ +█▋▆▆ █▄▇▌█ ▉█▉▆▄▍█▋▌▌▄▊█() ██▆▊ ▇ ▅█▉▍▋█ ▋▍█▄▊▉▄▍▋▅▋ ▊▌▋ █▅▍▍▅▅ ▇▋▍▇▋▍▋▋▆▇▍▉▋▅▉▄█▇▅▇▋▄▍▇▊▌█▌▌▄▉▊▌▊▄▍▍▅▇▊ ▌▇▋▇▅▅: ▍▋▆█▊ ▊▌▌▇ <▇▌▉▊▍.▉▌▌▆@▋▇▊▄▄▉▅▇▍██▇▇▉▆▉.▍▊▉> █▇▌▌: ▄▆▋ ▅▇█ █ ▄▍:▉█:▊▌ █▌▋▋ +▇▇▋▇ ▇▍▍▆▇ ▅▄▍▆▇▌▌█▉▌▆█▋▌(▉█▉▌▌▍▇, ▄▄▍▌) ▅▄▅█ ▋▆▌▌▍▇ █▅▊▅▉ ▋▇▍▍▉▇ ▉█▅▍▋▅▅▇▄▄▍▍█▅▌▋▄▌▊█▉▋▉▄▆▍▊▆▆▄▅▅█▉▉▉▍▉▄▄ ▋▉▍▆█▅: ▆▄▋▍▇ ▄▇▄▌ <▌▍▅▊▌.█▌▄▍@▍▌▉▍▊▆▋█▋▉▋▍▋▆▉▄.▋▊▉> ▆▊▄▋: ▇▋▋ ▉▌▌ ▅ ▊▌:█▍:▆▊ ▊▇▇█ +▆▌▇▋ ▇▍▄▋ ▉▉▅▌▇▌▇▍▄ ▆▆▌▋▍ ▉▊▍▌█▌ ▍▍ ██▆▄ ▍ ▌▋▍▍▋ ▋▌▆▇▄▋▉ ▊▊▆▊▇▄ ▉▋▇▇▊▌▉█▆▋▊▅▋▉▆▌█▆▄▇█▄▍▊▆▉▅▇▌▅▊▇▄▇▋▇▊█▄▅ ▇▇▉▄▊▅: ▇▆▆▋▅ ▄▉▄▊ <█▌▋▄▅.▋▆▊▄@▄▇▄▇▌▍▆▄▆▍▍▅▉▌▍▄.▆▍▄> ▄▍▊▋: ▍▊▆ ▉▍█ ▍ █▅:▊█:▄▆ ▄▍▇▆ +█▅▌▉ ▅▉▌▍▋ ▍▍▋▅▉▄█ ▉▅▋▊█ ▆▉▇▉▋█ ▄▋▋▄▆▉▋▊ ▌▌ ▆▋▄▇▉▆ █▄▊▍▄▇▊▋▍▅▋▌ ▅▉▉▍▇▅ ▌▅▄▍▊▅█▍▆▉▇▇▋▆▍▄▅▆▍▌▇▊▅▄▅▄▌▌█▆▆▆█▍▉▇▆█▇█ ▉▅▅▄▇▉: ██▍▅█ ▆▄▉▋ <▅▄▄▌▉.▇▉▉▄@▇▅▍▋▋▉▌▊▍█▇▆▉▅▊▉.▉▇▍> ▇▌▄▅: ▌▅█ ▇▆▊ ▌ ▅▍:▊▅:▋▆ ▊▋▋█ +▆▋▇▊ ▆▉▉▍▇▇▍ ▍▊▆▅▆▍▄ ▊▆▆▊▄ ▅▆▇ ▊█▇▇▌▌▉ ▉▄ ▅▋█▊▉▍ ▇▌▆▌▅▇▇▍█▆▉▄ ▉▅▊▊▅▇ ▍▍▄▉▍█▄█▄▅▄▉▉█▄▇▌▋▋▆▄▍▆▉▍▅▆▌▄▇██▉▄▋▊▌▌▌▌ ▋▋▇▆▌▍: ▋▅▄▅▆ ▌▌▍▇ <▍▋▉▊▌.▅▆█▊@▋▊▍█▊█▉▄▌▍▉▇▊▄▋▍.▇▅▌> ▌▄▉▉: ▊▋▋ ▍▇▆ ▄ ▊█:▇▊:█▆ ▍▇█▉ +▊▆▍▍ ▇▄▇▊▌▊█ ▄█▉▊▆▄ ▇▊▍█▆▋▌▆▄▍▄▉█▍▄▊▆▅▌▉▊▆▋█▆▉▉▊▊▍▋▍▆▅▊▊▉▄██ ▅▊▆▄▇▅: ▇▊▇█▆ ▇▌▊█ <▄▌█▆▋.▅▅▊▅@▅▄▇▇▇▇▄▅▋▇▇▍▄▋▅▅.▅▍▆> ▅▋▇▅: ▉▋▊ ▋▄▌ ▋ ▇▄:▄▅:▌▆ ▋▍▇▍ +▇▅▊▉ ▇▉▄▅▇▅▉▆▍█▇ ▋ ▌▌▊▋▊▄ ▇▍▍▇▌▌▌▌ ▇▆▊▆▌▊▋▊ ▆▅▊ ▉▊▊▆▄ ▄▉▋▅█▍ ▇▉▇▇▋▊▉ ▍▊ ▅▇█▋ ▇▉▊▊ ▋▄▆▉█ ▄▄▇▊▋▌▆▇▄▊██▌ ▄▍▉▌▄▅ ▆▉█▆▅▍▍▉█▍▄▄▆▇▍▉▇▍▅▍▊▊▆▄▊▄▆██▋▅▌▄▄▇▌▊▌▅▊ ▌▇▌█▍▊: ▆▅▍▉ ▉▉▋▅▉▊▆ <▇▉▅▊@█▄▋▌▅▄▅▄▄▌▉.▌█.▄▆> ▌▌▅▄: ▌▄▉ ▍▅▉ ▅▍ ▉▊:▊▆:▆▄ ▍▇▇▄ +▊▋▉▄ ▅▌▊ -▄▋▆▄▆▌ █▆█▇▊▍▄ ▉▆▄▅ ▉▇█▉▆▌█▊▍ ▋▆▇ █▋▍▊▆▄▌ ▍▌▇▌▆▄ ▌▊▇█▆▉▇▋█▉▌█▅▌▍▋▇▆▄▅▍▍▊▋▆▌██▅▆▆█▆▉▇▅▅▅▋▆ ▌▉▄▅▄: ▅▅▆▍▅▉▄▋▄▄ ▌▄▊▆▇▄▍▊▅▆ ▇▆▉█▋▊: ▅▉▌▇▇▍█▊ <▄▋▆▉▄▋@▆▊▅█▉▅█▍▇▅▌▍▌▍▊▍.▉▌▅> █▇█▍: ▊▊▌ ▊▍▅ ▊▌ █▉:█▄:▊▄ ▄▌▊▅ +▆▆▊█ █▅█▍▅ ▅▇▇▉▇▋ '▋▉▋▊▉█' ▋▊ ▇█▇█ ▍▄▌█▍▉ ▆▅▆▆▆▆▋▅▄▄▉█▄▄▄▆▍▉▆▆▅▊█▊▆▍▅▋▉▍▆▊▇▌▆▆▉█▆▉ ▌██▊▄▍: ▇▇▇▊▄▇▆▋ <█▉▊▊▍▆@▅▄▉▄▌▍▄▆▋▌▋█▆▋▇▋.▆▋▉> ▇▊▋▇: ▍▌▌ █▊▇ ▊▉ ▍█:▄█:▌▌ ▇▌▅▌ +▄▉▉▌ ▉▄██▋ ▇▌▄▊▉▇▋ - ▊▅▍▉▇▍▄▆▌ ▍▆▇▉▌▌ ▌▇█▉▆ ▌▄ ▆▌▍▆ ▊▇▋▌▌ █▄ ▅▆▆ ▍▊█▅█▆▄ - ▊▌▅▌▌ ▉▍▋▅▄▅ ▌▉▍ ▅▉▅▆▋ ▉▍▅ ▋▆█▉▊▍▋▍█ ▋▉▍▊▍ ▋▇ ▋▋▋▅▊, █▍▆▋▇▌▄▇ ▍▊▋▅█▄▍█▇/▌▄▄▆▉ ▇▆ ▊▆▅ ▋▋█▍ - ▌▌▉▇ ▆▅▌▇ ▄▊ ▊▉▄▌ ▌▆▌ ▌▌█▌ ▊▅█▌/▊▍▄▄▊▇▉█ - ▋▍▆▍▋▊▇█/ ▉▍▇ ▉▄▆█▋▍▆▌▍▄ ▄▅▋▅█▉ ▅▋▆█▆▄▄▇▍▉▇▅▅▉▄▇▊▋▌▋█▉▇▅██▊█▊▋█▋▆▄▆▊▇▉▄█ ▄▌▉▅▊▄: ▊█▍▋█▄ ▆▊▅▊█▅ <▍▌.█▉▋▅▅▉▍▅@▇▇▄▅▊.▇▋▉> ▍▅█▇: ▋▆█ ▍▆█ ▉▉ ▍▊:▆▅:▉▆ ▄█▅▇ +▄▄▅▉ ▅▉▋▇█▌▍▊▊▆ ▊▊▄▆▄▌▌ ▊▄█▆▊ /▅▌▊▇▇▇/▇▊▅▇▆▅▅/ ▍▅▍▄▊▊ ▆▄▍▉▌▅▋▇▇█▇▄▋▇█▇▌▋▄▉▊▆▍▅▆█▌▅▅▊▍▊▇▌▍▊▆▇▋▅ ▉▍▄▅▋▇: █▌▋▉ ▆▆▍▅▍▄▄ <▋▆█▇@▊▅▊▉▋▋▍█▋▅▉.▍▍.▍▊> ▅▌█▍: ▍▄█ ▊▇▋ ▊▆ ▌▍:▊█:▄▇ ▌▍▌▇ +▉▍▉▉ ▇▄▇▊▆▄ "▅▇▌▅ ▇▇█▆▆█ ▇▌▄█▅▉▄▊ ▉▊▄▄▋▋▆█▇█ ▊█ ▆▊█▊▅█▄ .▉▅▋▌ ▉▊ ▇▄ ▋▍▅█▌▍" ▋▅▉▍ ▄▉▄▌▌▍▄ ▉▌▆▊▇█ ▇▊███▋▌█▇█▋▉▉▆▄▌█▉▉▌▊▄▌▄▋▇▌▌▄▌▅█▇▉▋▋▇▉▆▇. ▋▉▋▅▇▇ ▇▊▄▊█▊▅▉▋▆▋█▋▅▍▍█▉▆▆▅▄▉▆█▍▆▅▄▅▇▋▊▇▍▅▌▇██ ▇▌▋█▍▌: ▋▅▇▌ ▅▅▌▄▅▆▅ <▋▆██@▍█▊▍▄▋▇▅▋▄▄.▄▌.▍▆> ▇▄▆▉: ▅▄▋ ▆▍▅ ▍▊ ▆▋:▄▄:▅▍ ▄█▇▄ +▉▍▄▇ ▄▊▋▄ ▅▍▄▌▍▄ ▉▊▇▇▅▆▊▋ ▅▅▅█▊▄▍▅▌▉ ▌▆ ▉▇▉▋▄▅█ .▍▄▍▉ ▇▋ ▄▉ ▉▊▊▆▅▇ ▋▌▍▆▉▍ ▋▅▄▅▉▄▋█▆▅▉▆▍▋▋▋▅▉▌▊▊█▇█▅▆▋▌▌█▉▉█▆▋▋▄▋▄▇ ▍▉▇█▅▇: ▇▇▊▍▊█ █▌▇▆▋▉ <▄▆.▆▌▊▋▉▍▌▋@▄▍▋██.█▋▄> ▄▍▇▋: ▍▇▆ ▌▌▅ ▅▉ ▍█:▄█:▊▌ ▄▅▌▊ +▌▅▉▊ ▇▊▆▆▍ ▍▅▆▆▌▆▆▇ ▌▊ ▌▍█▌▆. ▋▉▍▇▋▊ █▉▅█▄▆▆▇▄▉▊▊▆▆█▊▆▅▆██▅█▄▊█▆▇▌▋▊▌█▆▉▊▄▋▋▄ ▄▍▌▄▅▇: ▆▊▌▄▇ ▋▅▇▅▆▅ <▅▋▊▍▍█▇▍▋▅▍@▊▋▊██.▆▇▉▇█▌▇.▆▊█▋▇▌.▋▄▄> ▆▉▍▄: ▄▄▅ ▉▉▅ █▅ ▆▍:▄█:▍▇ ▍▄▊▌ +▊▇▇█ ▇█▋▍▄▍▄▍█▆ ▋█▇▅▆ ▍▌▆ █▆▍▊█ ▆█ ▉▌▄ ▇▇▌▉ ▊▊▋▋▌▉▅█▄ ▇▉▋▋█▍▋ ▌▋▄█▌▅ █▊▍███▅▄▉▄█▅▌▋▇█▅▆▅▍▅▊▅▋▉▄▊▄▆▊▇▇▋█▅▄▋▇▅▊ ▆▄▋▉▆▊: ▊▅█▇▉ ▋▇▌▍▋▉ <▆▌█▌▄▋▌▊▄█▇@▊▆▋▋▅.█▋▅▌▊█▍.██▊▍▅▉.▄▌▉> █▉▉▉: ▊▌▆ ▆▍▌ ▅▅ ▆▉:▅▉:▋▊ ▌▅▋▌ +▍▋▍▄ ██▌▊▅▄▊▌▆▋▆ ▆█▊█▍▍▌ ▆▋▅▌▉▇ ▇▍▅▊▋▉▊▋▉▊█▌▇▆▋▅▉█▇█▇▉▅▆▋▌▍▅█▆▌▉▌█▇▅▌▄▄▊ ▅█▋▌▆▊: ▉▋▄▅▅ ▋▉▅▄▌▋ <▌▌▍▊▉▆▇▋▌▍▍@▍▉▆▉▇.▊▇▌▋▆▄▄.▆▅▄▇▄▅.▍▋█> █▇▄▅: ▅▄▊ ▆▇▅ ▇▊ ▊▌:▉▍:▊▇ ▌▌▅▄ +▉▌▋▊ ██▍▇▉▍▅ ██ ▅▆█▆▊▊▊█▅▋▇▉ ▇███▌▄ ▍▇▇▌▅▇█▉▅▆▄▉▇▉▆▇█▊▅▄▆▅█▊▇▅█▅▄▄▉▌▋▌▆▄▅▆▄▅ ▌▄▉█▇▉: ▇▌▇▄▄▋▆▌ <▌▌▍▋▉▄@▍▇▉▅▋▅▌▉▇▅▆▅▊▄▆▆.▉▍▆> ▋▋▉▋: ▄▍▋ ▊▌▍ ▇▅ █▋:▍▅:█▉ █▊▅▋ +▋▉▆▌ ▌▄▅▊▊▇▍█▋▆█ ▉█ ▅▍▉▍▉▍▄▌ █▊ ▍▋▊▄▇▅ ▄▍▍▉ ▆▅▋█ ▆▇▄▅ ▍▄▋▋▍▄▇▋▊ ▋▆▊ ▅▍ ██ ▆▌▍ ▆▊▇▊▆█▄▆ ▍▆▅▊▅▌ ▌▌ █▍▅ ▌▊ ▋▉█▆▋ ▇▇ ▆▋▆▅ ██▌▉ ▊▇█▇▌▌ ▇█ ▉▄▄▋ ▇▅▄█▅▄▆█ ▄▌▇▉▅▋. ▍▆▍▍▆ ▋▄▆ ▅▄▉▌ ▍▌█▄▍▆▊▉▍. ▄▊▋▄▇▅ ▇█▌▍▌▅▅▌▄█▉▋▆▊▄▄▍▍▇▄█▄▍▌▅▌▉▋▍▊▆▍▍▊▊▌▆▅▊▊ ▌▄█▊██: ▇▍▌▄▋ ▌▋▆▋▇█ <▍▋▄▉▇▌█▆▊▌▊@▍▆▋▋▆.▊▆▇▊▇█▊.█▊▌▍▌█.▅▊▍> ▇▇▆▇: ▊▄█ ▅▍▇ ▋▊ ▋▍:▊▆:▍▉ ▅▄▇▋ +▅▉▄▉ ▍▉▍ ▉▌█▅▋▊▍ ██▊▉ ▋▆ ▊▄▊▄▋▋, ▆▊▌ ▍▄▊▉▉▆ ▋▆▅▅▍/▅▇▉▇█▍▆▋ ▌▉▍▉▆▄▅ ▄▍ ▍▌▆▆▇://▋▍▇▉▅.▅▊▋▅██▌▄▆.█▇▊/▋█▉▌▇/▍▉█▉▇▅▋▆-▆▌▊▌-▊▊▍▍-▋▅▄▄-▇█▅▇▍▌▊▊▇▄▋▋.▉▇▍ ▌▄▊▋█▍ ▍▆▉▆▆▉▌▇▋▄▇█▋▄▉▇▄▉▉▉▅▍▆▄▍▆▇▋▄▌▅▇▉▅█▆▉▅▊▇ ▋▆▉▄█▆: ▌▆▇▉▄ ▅▆▍▋▍▍ <█▆▍▆▄▇▍▌▍▍▉@▊▇▋▍▌.▅▋▍▇▅▊▊.█▄▇▉▌▄.▅▊▇> █▆▅▌: ▋▄▋ ▍▊▅ █▇ ▆▊:▍▋:▄▆ ▄▅▌▊ +▋▌▉▉ ▅▋▋ ▅▌▌▆▆ ▆▅▊ ▄▅▄▄▄ ▊▄▅▇▅▇█ ▌▋▋▄██▋█ ▆▇ ▅▍▍ ▅▉▆▊▄▄█▌▄ ▄▅▍▅▌▍ ▋▋▅▇▋▆▍▇▅▌▌▋█▊▇▋▍▅▄▌▅▋▉▇▅▍▉▋▋▊▄▆▊▋▊▉▅▌▅▊ ▆▅▅▋▅▇: ▄▅▋▆▅ ▌▅▍▌▄▅ <▌▆▌▋▆▊▉▋▉▄▊@▄▌▊▅▍.▇▊▍▉▋▅▌.▍▇▍▉█▆.▅▊▍> ▉▇▆▊: ▇▍▍ ▉▊▄ ▉▆ ▇▅:▍▊:▍▌ ▋▇▍█ +█▋█▌ █▆▅▄▉██▋██▇▉▉ █▊▇▍ ▋▉▉▊▅▄ ▌▉▇ █▇▍▄▍▉▅ █▉▋█▊█▅ ▌▉ ▋▉▆█▆▇▊▉▉ ▊▅▌ ▆▆▅▆▉▅▄▅ ▋ ▇█▌ ▇▄▌ ▌▌▇▆▇▋ ▄█▉▊▄▅▄▊▇▉▇█▇▆▆▊▆▅▇▅▊▋▇▄▇▄▅█▋▋▆█▋▅▆▌▊▉█▄ ▍▉▇▋▅█: ▄▌▊▆▉ ▆▌▆▄▆▄ <▉▆▄▍▊▌▊▇▍▊▅@▄█▄▋▋.▇▆▅▇▊▍▍.▄▇▌▉▅▄.▉█▅> ▍▋▄▆: ▇▄▇ ▊▋█ ▆▋ ▌▌:▅▆:▌█ ▉▄▌▌ +█▊▇▍ ▊▋▇█▆█▅.▄▄▊▍█▇ ▆▌▉▊▅'▊ ▅▅█▊▆ ▇▉▍█ ▆▅▇█▍ ▇█▉▇▇ ▅▌▊▋, ▌█▇ █▅▇▅▇▆ ▇▍▅ ▋▅▅▅▅ ▋█▋ ▋▍▇█, █▍▋▇ ▅▆▍▌▉█▊▅ ▌▌▇ ▊▆▍▌▄ ▉▌▉▆█▆▅ █▇ ▌▄▌▅ ▍▄▆▉▌▅▍▇ ▄▉▇ ▉▍▆▆▇ ▋█▋ ▄▇▍▉▇█ ▌▍▄██▊▇▋▄▍▌▅▅▇▌▌▊█▇▅▋▉▍▍▄▊█▆▋▌▄█▌▄▄▆▌▌▊▌ ▍▌▌▇█▆: ▊▄▍▆▊ █▆▅▋▇▍ <▅█▌▆▅▍▆▍▇▆▄@▇▉▄▋▌.█▅▍▊▊█▌.▍█▆▉▅▉.▆▊▇> ▊▇▊█: ▋▊▌ ▌▊█ ▅▍ ▊▊:█▅:▌▊ ▋▍▌▊ +▆▊▊▍ ▌▌▇▄▇▄ ▊▊▊ ▅▇▇▄ ▋▇ ▄▄▆ ▇▌▆ ▋▌█▇ ▍█▋▉▍▅ ▍▋▌▌▍▉▉▄▄▇▍▍▆▌█▊▄▊▋▊▍▇▋▊▄▄▍▋█▉▌▅▋▄▇▉▅▍▇█ ▉▆▆▉▆▋: ▉▉▌▆█ ▄▋▇▅▊▍ <▅▋▍▊▋▉██▌▆▅@▉▍█▅▆.▆▅▋▄▆█▇.█▇▍▅▅▋.▇▇▍> ▊▉▍▅: █▌▋ ▊▌▄ ▇█ █▄:▌▋:▇▌ █▆▇▊ +▋▋██ ▆▋█▆▊▉ ▍▆▌ ▇█▍▌ █▇▅▅▆▄ ▌▄▇▄█▌▍▌▄▉▄▌▆▋▍▉▄▆▉▇▌▉▆▅▉▆▇▄▄▍▆██▋▉█▍▊▍█ ▋▋▌▊▌█: ▆▆▌▌ ▇▍▊▌▆▇▌▅ <█▅█▍▋▅▆@▊█▉▆█.▊▇▆> ▄▊▄▊: ▉▇▅ ▄▅▅ ▆▉ ▇▋:▉▉:▅▊ ▋▅▌▄ +▌▍▊▇ ▅▍▋▄ █▅▄▊▉▆▅▊▆▌.▇▅▆▋ ▉▊▍▌▌▍ ▄▌▍▅▇▄▌ ▅▍▅ & ▅▆▆▅ ▋▄▉▊▅▇▇ █▇▍▌▋▋▄ █▄█ ▇▅▋▍ ▉▅▌ ▆██▍▋▅ ▊▅▌▅▄ █▄▆▊▉▉▉ █▄▆▊▇▌▋▍▋▌▅█▅▅ ▌▊█▊ ▍█▋▆▆▋ ▌▉▍▍▄▅▊▉▅█▅ ▅▊▊▅▊ ▆▌▇▋ ▄█▍▍▉▇▌▍▊▅▋ & ▅▋▉▌▋ ▌▋▌▉▆▉▆ ▋▍▋▄▌▉▇ ▅▍-▍▉▋▇▉▄, ▇▊▇▊▍▍▊, ▄█▄ ▋▇▋█▍ ▌▉█▅▆▍▌ ▆▄█▆▄▋ ▆▆▌█▅▋█ ▅▆▊▉▆▄▍ ▇▍▄▅▉▊, ▄▅▍▆▆ ▇▅██▆▆▊▍▌▌▅ ! ▆▆▅▍ ▄▋▉▍▌▍▆▍▉▆ & ▍▆▋▇▋▅▆ ▉▆▌▊ ! ▍▋▍▇▍ ▇▅ ▅▅▋▋ & ▄▉▊▆▉ ▄▇▇▄ ! ▅▍▅▇ ▍▍▊▅▋▍▋ ▄▇▇▄▄▊▉ ! ▍▉▅ ▌▇▉▆ ▆▅▋▉▉ ! ▅▅▍▌█▄▊ ▊█▄▋ ▄█▆▍▋▊▆▉▆▍, ▉█▋▍ ▇/▉, ▉▄▋▋▌ ▉▅▋▉▄▉▌ ▄█▄▄ ▍▌▅█▅▉█▉▍ ▅▇▊▉▋▆▌ ▅▉▄▉▋▆ ▌█▆▉ █▊▅▇▉▋▍██▌ ▋▍▇▄▊▅▋▋ ! ▆/▉ ▅▋▌▊▋ ! ▉▇█ ▇/▊/▄ ! ▋▅▊ ▅ + ▌▇▊▊▉ ▋▄▆█ ▅▆▅▄▍▉▉ ! ▄▆▋ ▇ + ▋▌▉▉▍██▅▌▋ ▄/▌/▋ ! ▌▋▋▅, ▄▊▋▄█▇ █▉█▇▉, ▋▅▄█ ▇▇█▄▌▄▊▅▆ ▍█▋▄▇▇, ▅▅▌▇▄▉▍▆ ! ▆█▄▍▉▄ ▌▇ ▋▋▉███▋▍▄▇▉ & █▅▄▊ █▅▄▆▇▍▋▄▍ ! ▇▄▅▉▋ ▄▅▄▇▉-▊▄ ! ▉▍▍▊█▍▆▊▄▉ ▅▅▋▊▌▉ ▌▉▇▄▋▊▄▇▇ ! ▅▅▍▆█ ▄▉ ▇▊▌▆▄▉ ▍▄█▇▍▌▍▍▌▅ ▆▉▅▌▆ ▊▆▍▌▉▇▆ (▋▇▇▉█ ▉▋▄▋▊ █▆▉ ▇▉ ▇▊▆█▇▇ ▍▋▊▆▆▇▋▇▍▇ ▉▆▋ ▆▅▄) ! ▇█▇ ▆▋▇▊▅▍ ▇▌▄▍▆ ▊▄▄ ▍▌▉▋-▆▆▆▄ ▊▋▆▍▄▋▄█ ! ▆▆▌▅▄ ▉▊ ▄▉▇▌█ (▊█▋▋) ! █▆▌█▉▇▅ ▆▄▅▅▉ █▅▌▉ ▋▊ ▊▍▋▍ ▍█▅█▅▌▇ ▋▇▆▄█▉ ! ▌▍▊▌ ▍▅▉▄ ▍▇▄▊▇█▆ ! ▊▍▋▌▍█ ▆█▆ ▄▅▆▌▆▌▌ ▉▍▊▄▊▅ ▌▊▋▆ ▌▄▄▅ ▌▌▇ ▅▅▇▉ ▅█▄▉ ▉▇ ▋▌▌▋▋▄▉█▊ ▊ (█ = ▊▉▅▄▅, ▋ = ▊▆▇▅ ▆▇▍)
1 Year Ago
▉▍▉▍▉▆ ▋▅▆ ▇▉▇▆██▆ ▍▄▄▍▇▇ ▆▌▋▉ ▇█▄▅ ▌▊▇ ▆▄▄▅ ▌▋█▆ ▄▌ ▅▍▆▊▍▅▇▌▇ ▆ (█ = ▅▅▊▋▆, ▄ = ▌▇▅▄ ▉▍▄)
1 Year Ago
▄▊▌▋ ▅▇▇▊ ▅▍▌▊▉▍▋
1 Year Ago
▉▇▅ ▉▊█▌▅ & ▄▉▄▌▌/█▄▄▅▌▄ ▆▄▌ ▍▅▉▆▊
1 Year Ago
▍▄█▇▆▉ █▊▍▆ ▇▄▅▍ ▇▇▋▆▄▌▍
1 Year Ago
You hear a noise from inside the crate...
1 Year Ago
▍█▄▌▇▌▉ ▊▊█▌█ ▋▌▍▅ ▌▍ ▍▄▊▅ █▄▆▆▄▇▊ ▅▍▇▇▅▇
1 Year Ago
█▅▇▊▌ ▍▄ ▅▉▅▅▋ (▄▇▆▉)
1 Year Ago
▌▌▊ ██▅▊▊█ ▋▇▍▇▌ ▉▌▄ ▋▌▆█-▊▅▇▄ ▄▇▅▄▉▆▋▉
1 Year Ago
▇▉▍▆▍ ▆▅ ▅▆▇▊▅▋ ▇▌▆▊▅▌▌▆█▍ ▄▍▇██ ▌▋▌▉▅▄▆ (▊▉▇▇▍ ▅▌▆▆▋ ▆▌▌ ▇▇ ▍▋█▌▉▍ ▊▍▇▊▋▋▇▉▉▅ ▍▊▄ ▅▋▆)
1 Year Ago
▌▆▆▄▉▇▋▊▅▄ ▍▇▄▋▅▊ ▅█▌▉▅▅▋▊▌
1 Year Ago
▇▍▉▌▄ █▆▅▄▊-▅▉
1 Year Ago
▋▊▌▉▊▊ ▌▊ ▍▆█▌▊▋▋▇▇▆▋ & ▋▌▊█ ▍▊█▌▊▍▇▋▋
1 Year Ago
▆█▅▇, ▅▋█▅▌▌ ▋▄▍▆▄, ▋▍▊▋ ▇▋█▆▊▉▋▄▄ ▋▉▇█▉▍, ▍█▅▊▊▊▄▋
1 Year Ago
▋▅█ ▅ + ▋▌▍▊▊▉▍▆▆▋ ▇/▅/▉
1 Year Ago
Model update for customizing submit button text
1 Year Ago
Model schema improvements
1 Year Ago
Remove ui_blur shader, do blur on the single cheap drawcall of the backdrop filter shader 🍷🗿
1 Year Ago
Update backend endpoint Add models for requesting paintings from the web UI
1 Year Ago
Add blurred downsample shader
1 Year Ago
▍▋▍ ▍ + ▍▋▆▅▌ ▍▍▉▍ ▌▌▋▅▋▇▅
1 Year Ago
▇█▆ ▋/█/▌
1 Year Ago
Add SceneObject.Batchable, for situations where dynamic attributes affect rendering Delete unused shit from lightinglib Add SceneSunLight.SkyColor for ambient light color outside of light probes Compute ambient light spherical harmonics when there's no sunlight using scene camera ambient color (this allows cubemaps to show up without sunlight) Add SceneCubemap, allows cubemaps to be applied in scene worlds Add a default cubemap texture Add cubemaps to menu scenes so metallics have a bit of reflection Remove some unused functions from IPrediction Remove create_flashlight native command Fix nav_edit, grab eye pos and angles from pawn aimray Remove some unused player netvars Add MorphCollection.Get to get override morph values Remove vwrlt and vwenvmap asset types, these don't exist Recompile old maps toolscene_lighting_studio and error to fix compiler missing warnings ModelDoc: Don't allow base model to be set as itself Animgraph: Basic support for anim event preview (only playsound and stopsound) Merge branch 'master' into sausageman-sucks
1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
Animgraph: Basic support for anim event preview (only playsound and stopsound)
1 Year Ago
ModelDoc: Don't allow base model to be set as itself
1 Year Ago
Remove vwrlt and vwenvmap asset types, these don't exist Recompile old maps toolscene_lighting_studio and error to fix compiler missing warnings
1 Year Ago
Add MorphCollection.Get to get override morph values
1 Year Ago
Add juicebox client stuff Some stuff I forgot to commit
1 Year Ago
UI Blur with mip chain Blur the actual mip chain, same number of fetches as doing custom bicubic fetch with mips Glass refraction texture is already MSAA resolved, we're sampling a non MSAA image :S Generate mips after resolving framebuffer
1 Year Ago
Remove some unused player netvars
1 Year Ago
Fix nav_edit, grab eye pos and angles from pawn aimray
1 Year Ago
Remove create_flashlight native command
1 Year Ago
Remove some unused functions from IPrediction