
17,173 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.55cph!

1 Year Ago
Clothing Texture Variations + Makeup Merge branch 'master' of sbox
1 Year Ago
projected decals: small compile fix for shader
1 Year Ago
Fix r_stereo_multiview_instancing affecting non stereo rendering
1 Year Ago
Don't bother with multiview instancing unless we explicitely want it, previous behaviour was to always ignore it even when we wanted it, fixes decals and other stuff in VR
1 Year Ago
Local packages untangled from remote packages Local packages now end in #local and are completely separate from remote packages. This means you don't have to disable your game project to test the published version. It also means your launch configs are now broken. To fix just go in the config for each one and set them back up. I've updated the Game list page to razor so we could have the local game tab.
1 Year Ago
Resolve map propertly
1 Year Ago
Gamelist has a local tab
1 Year Ago
Get rid of anaglyph and parallel stereo rendering modes r_stereo_multiview_instancing: default 1, same as VR Add Debug menu options for stereo rendering to the editor ( easy way to see if your game renders properly in VR )
1 Year Ago
When runtime mounting a runtime addon, wait for it to compile before returning
1 Year Ago
Release shader for projected decals
1 Year Ago
Move reflection compositing code to base code, add option to check if high quality reflctions are enabled to shader without a combo
1 Year Ago
Fix client assemblies not getting swapped before entity deltas
1 Year Ago
Dot product with geometric normals to avoid double occlusion on AO, fixes most artifacts Remove edge artifacting with ambient shadows Misc tweaks and fixes, set default AO distance to 40, better self occlusion filter
1 Year Ago
Local packages all end in #local, don't stomp remote packages Mount local map, local gamemode when starting
1 Year Ago
projected decal shader: adjust the instance id under multiview instancing so it actually appears in the right eye - decal space position still seems off though
1 Year Ago
Support extra types
1 Year Ago
Update shaders with adjustments for tiled rendering
1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
Switch tab when adding new session Allow sessions to be closed
1 Year Ago
Outfit Reskins Variations + LODs
1 Year Ago
vr: make debugoverlay work on right-eye again, don't constantly change render target to swapchain vr: debugoverlay behaves properly for multiview instancing now too
1 Year Ago
Greatly increase depth precision for world, fix decals in VR, don't do viewmodel offsetting at all on VR Fix Undefined Behaviour In Tiled Rendering
1 Year Ago
System.Net.WebSockets for tool addons
1 Year Ago
Load System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms.dll, System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives.dll - and whitelist System.Security.Cryptography
1 Year Ago
Only skip duplicate variable descs that are disabled (no idea why there are duplicates in the first place) Recreate new unsaved materials when features change Don't update material variables through events
1 Year Ago
Properly fix codegen removing all namespaces
1 Year Ago
Fixed codegen removing all namespaces in generated files This is primarily for property initializers
1 Year Ago
Allow Material.Create to set feature states
1 Year Ago
Fix compiler not finding runtime game dll when compiling runtime addon Can get TypeDescription by fullname (namespace.typename) Runtime addons can define their primary class
1 Year Ago
Create new tab for new sessions Get active session from current tab page Change preview material on session change
1 Year Ago
Add Client.IsFriend
1 Year Ago
Update Water and VoxelChunk to use tags
1 Year Ago
Refactor DamageInfo to use tags instead of flags - Obsolete DamageFlags, DamageInfo.Flags, DamageInfo.WithFlag, DamageInfo.Explosion - Add DamageInfo.FromExplosion, DamageInfo.WithTag, DamageInfo.HasTag - Replaced all obsolete flag usage with new tag usage
1 Year Ago
hammer: fix entities not loading from remote packages, this was accidentally reliant on tools.refresh event & now it makes more sense
1 Year Ago
Automatically rebuild the project page on hotload Disable debug spam Package.MountAsync can load the addon assembly too
1 Year Ago
Assert when a nullptr is passed to CCompositeParentSpaceState::CopyBoneTransformWeights - we need to figure out why it's happening, and if it is valid then we need a dozen nullptr checks on m_pInterpolatedBoneTransformWeights Crash fix / assert in CCompositeParentSpaceState::operator== where m_pInterpolatedBoneTransformWeights could be nullptr
1 Year Ago
hammer: fix crash when undoing changes to path nodes
1 Year Ago
Update tooltip text if tooltip text changes while visible
1 Year Ago
Don't let game code use ConsoleSystem.GetValue or SetValue to access engine convars
1 Year Ago
Create correct property widgets for variables Custom tab widget to tab multiple sessions Try to grab feature state from material Move material editing to a session class so we can have multiple sessions going at once Don't add duplicate variable desc to kv3, don't know why these are showing up, probably because I'm not recompiling material on feature change Bind CompileAndReplaceResource and DiscardInMemoryReplacement Discard in memory replacement on session close
1 Year Ago
Start binding VolumeCuller for ScenePortal
1 Year Ago
Update zio to latest
1 Year Ago
Cylinder aoproxy meshes
1 Year Ago
Whitelist TextWriter and StringWriter StringWriter only writes to memory. I'm leaving StreamWriter forbidden for now.
1 Year Ago
Unify all aoproxy code so it's not a mess all around, makes it easier to add new shape types, add stubs for cylinder aoproxies
1 Year Ago
Implement capsule shape on reflections too
1 Year Ago
Send proxy mesh info as proper capsules rather than ellipsoids (which has always been silly), unify debug overlay code for them implement capsules in shader, encode directionality
1 Year Ago
define _SILENCE_STDEXT_HASH_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS todo: look at whether we should update protobuf
1 Year Ago
ProjectDownloader also displays errors for packages
1 Year Ago
Some Widget.Layout docs More gracefully handle missing git when downloading games from Display a warning when trying to download a game to non empty folder Fixed selecting multiple games in ProjectDownloader causing weird automatic path