
17,151 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.55cph!

1 Year Ago
Remove viewmodels from renderingpipeline, remove D_VIEWMODEL_PASS, remove EF_VIEWMODELPASS, let's do it all on managed Completely strip references of viewmodel pass in shaders and lighting system
1 Year Ago
Kill any simultaneous and append shaders from previous compiles, make warnings Yellow rather than Red
1 Year Ago
Don't warn that no tool was found since we return the value, make vscode have higher priority on opening text based assets
1 Year Ago
Don't add saving to assets tagged readonly Update shaders Update materials again Don't add fields on empty stuff on serializing shaders, cleanup ReadOnly property for ShaderResource
1 Year Ago
RenderAttributes.GetInt returns int (typo?)
1 Year Ago
Draw bounds for selected model objects
1 Year Ago
Model helpers don't cast shadows
1 Year Ago
Bind transform slot to zero in render tools draw so we don't draw shit at the previously binded transform Add Graphics.Draw that takes list of vertices Add Graphics.SetTransform so we can change the transform of draw calls Add basic tool render context that can draw batched primitives Bind transform in the draw call, has to be done in same scope it seems Give editor objects and helpers a chance to render Add DrawSphereHoops Give render context access to scene camera Add DrawCircleOutline Support line thickness
1 Year Ago
Much better organize shader resource fields Add ReadOnly stub attribute for DisplayInfo Fix loading game resource when we don't have a compiled version Pass each shader program as a field rather than a string when serializing to kv3, makes it better to organize it, also clean it up every time we compile
1 Year Ago
Paint.DrawRect with individual border radiuses Add individual radiuses to tab buttons Cleanup & clamp borders
1 Year Ago
Serialize combos and which programs are used to kv3 Use new GetShaderFullPath instead of the deprecated GetAbsoluteShaderPath everywhere
1 Year Ago
Introduce Material.Set so you can change all attributes within a material or shader This allows you to create materials completely in C# Add Color Update comments Merge pull request #606 from Facepunch/proceedural-materials ```cs public static void SetupCustomMaterial(ModelEntity myModel) { Material m = Material.Create( "my_cool_material", "simple" ); m.Set( "g_vColorTint", Color.Red ); m.Set( "g_flMetalness", 1.0f ); m.Set( "Color", Texture.White ); m.Set( "Roughness", Texture.White ); m.Set( "Normal", Texture.Transparent ); myModel.SetMaterialOverride( m ); } ```
1 Year Ago
Update comments
1 Year Ago
Fix crash when shutting down during a level transition
1 Year Ago
Citizen/clothing: minor jumpsuit tweaks
1 Year Ago
Try to generate a better default value for asset identifier
1 Year Ago
Implemented usage of ValidationAttributes to PropertySheet Any of System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.* attributes work, including custom ones. There are helper functions for this on TypeLibrary and PropertyDescription classes as well. Use validation attributes on Asset publish inspector
1 Year Ago
Implement PhysicsShape.RemoveTag Only change datatable tags on the server (suspect this will fix
1 Year Ago
Fix crash when changing maps PerformanceTrace Physics World Step Add perf trace for EvaluatePose Add perf trace on trace + prediction
1 Year Ago
New Outfit Piece! - Puffer Jacket LODs and skinning adjustments coming ASAP. + Some texture adjustments to jumpsuits.
1 Year Ago
Fix crash when compiling material
1 Year Ago
Add Color
1 Year Ago
Strip unused WorldGroupWorldInfo Fix worldgroup crash on server shutdown, see comment in CWorldGameSystem::LoadWorldGroupInfo
1 Year Ago
Introduce Material.Set so you can change all attributes within a material or shader This allows you to create materials completely in C#
1 Year Ago
Fix default mode on toolswireframe's unified shader
1 Year Ago
Fix partial shader loading requests on reload
1 Year Ago
Fatter menu
1 Year Ago
Define default shader parameters for raw materials( Material.FromShader ) This fixes methods like Material.OverrideTexture from not working with procedural textures
1 Year Ago
Send fonts over network for local games
1 Year Ago
Hammer API: Add Selection.PivotPosition Add GameSetting.Step for Float types Game Settings: Fix float value sliders being integer only GameSettings: Fix string type settings not displaying
1 Year Ago
Documentation pass
1 Year Ago
Fix streamdeck popup
1 Year Ago
Just ignore GameCategory
1 Year Ago
Obsoleting GameCategoryTypes
1 Year Ago
Throw error in vfxc if we fail to mask a section instead of failing silently
1 Year Ago
PhysicsBody.GetDominantSurface returns 'default' when no shapes Give summaries to BaseNetworkable, INetworkSerializer, INetworkTable
1 Year Ago
adjust advertising material (compile fix?)
1 Year Ago
more glass material adjustment
1 Year Ago
adding lit version material to advertising board, adjusted LOD geometry Merge branch 'master' of sbox
1 Year Ago
Hammer: Support drag drop from entity tree view because I keep finding myself trying to drag them in
1 Year Ago
Fix strange bug accessing DragData.Url if it wasn't set, checking for null would somehow fail?
1 Year Ago
Change model thumbnail rendering back to an animated pose, forgot I had changed this
1 Year Ago
Append .vfx when loading compute shader since we treat them as direct files now Reference compiled shader rather than source on material dependency tree
1 Year Ago
Remove useless line of code
1 Year Ago
Add menu option to create multiple sound events from selection
1 Year Ago
Fix replacement shaders not being loaded correctly
1 Year Ago
Menu: more adjustments to avatar panel + tweaked eye look
1 Year Ago
Initial rebase of shader assets into master Fix Undefined Behaviour In Tiled Rendering Fix things from shader assets rebase Recompile all vmat files Strip mod from d3dinclude Put certain shader of materials inside folders and strip extension Readd reflection data when compiling vfx Don't fixup filename of resources tagged RESOURCE_TYPE_NONE, allows for any filename to be set as a reference Reference shaders used as a dependency in compilematerial Fix some icon types not being generated Fix gameresource attributes not showing properly, fix warning on a material Remove LoadInternal, simplify and clean stuff Move compiled load of gameresource to gameresource Glue LoadKeyValues3File so we don't need to load the entire KV3 blob to read it's header, give support to loading KV3 in GameResource, cleanup LoadCompiledInternal, also add support for eventual custom loading of gameresource Load GameResources from addons when they are registered, previously they wouldn't be loaded properly Don't bother compiling shaders if we don't have the source Don't bitch that it's a binary blob when reading a KV3 to json, it writes the nuance that we want to the member Start exposing reflection data on shader resource Fix metadata being erased on shaders :S Preliminary reflection info for shader resources Bitch when we're trying to load a shader with legacy name Fix ShaderMetadata Rebuild all materials for good measure Make OpenInPrimaryTool a bool and return if we want to open in an external tool, make it have priority in Asset.OpenInEditor Add vfx to enginetools path
1 Year Ago
Menu: center the avatar panel again, by accounting for the left vertical bar (It also looks nicer with 21:9 now.)
1 Year Ago
Add UI tests for transitions