
17,125 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.55cph!

1 Year Ago
Rebuild all materials for good measure
1 Year Ago
Bitch when we're trying to load a shader with legacy name Fix ShaderMetadata
1 Year Ago
Fix metadata being erased on shaders :S Preliminary reflection info for shader resources
1 Year Ago
Don't bother compiling shaders if we don't have the source Don't bitch that it's a binary blob when reading a KV3 to json, it writes the nuance that we want to the member Start exposing reflection data on shader resource
1 Year Ago
Only call tools.refresh when we have new tool assemblies and not game assemblies
1 Year Ago
Remove LoadInternal, simplify and clean stuff Move compiled load of gameresource to gameresource Glue LoadKeyValues3File so we don't need to load the entire KV3 blob to read it's header, give support to loading KV3 in GameResource, cleanup LoadCompiledInternal, also add support for eventual custom loading of gameresource Load GameResources from addons when they are registered, previously they wouldn't be loaded properly
1 Year Ago
added missing menu tool tip for local games
1 Year Ago
Support all the different orders CSS border property can be in, add unit tests too - resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#89
1 Year Ago
Revert "Focus GameFrame when entering full screen" This reverts commit 8904f4f5b1f11f0a8921373f2a42485a9eaab8ce. Blur and disable console input's focus when entering fullscreen mode This takes care of the editor sometimes auto-focusing the console and getting confused about whether it wants to be full screen or not
1 Year Ago
Corrected description of (Real)TimeUntil.Absolute RangedFloat can be used in Hammer entity properties now
1 Year Ago
Party deck: fix avatar sizing, give margin between add button and party friends - Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#2453
1 Year Ago
Small adjustment to Shorts
1 Year Ago
Whitelist System.Private.CoreLib/System.Diagnostics.ConditionalAttribute Whitelist System.Private.CoreLib/System.Text.* Whitelist System.ObjectModel/System.Collections.Specialized.* Whitelist System.Private.CoreLib/System.IO.StreamReader.get_* and Close()
1 Year Ago
Fix some icon types not being generated Fix gameresource attributes not showing properly, fix warning on a material
1 Year Ago
Citizen/clothing: bucket helmet seam fix Merge branch 'master' of sbox
1 Year Ago
Deleted prop_dynamic, info(_particle)_target, point_camera native ents Deleted prop_dynamic, info_target, info_particle_target, point_camera native entities They all have c# alternatives Deleted info_null, info_landmark, info_player_deathmatch engine ents
1 Year Ago
Undo unintended changes
1 Year Ago
Make it more clear that project rows are not clickable Fixed exceptions when closing publish to window prematurely
1 Year Ago
Add Application.CursorPosition setter for mouse capturing Bind QTimer so we can use it to unblock drag and drop operations (ideally we'd fix this properly in a Qt fork) Add temp trace function to trace scene objects until we use ray tracing environments Initial scene editor Remove unused tool scene widget def Bind ray trace environment and add a simple API for it Remove slow tracing function, no longer needed Try to get scene object from trace Remove old tracing code Bind more of ray trace env Return the full ray tracing single result struct Initial tool helpers api Bind helper transform to target transform Use treeview for object list Move helpers to tool addon code Make editor objects IValid Light object updates scene object with the binding system instead of on changed callbacks Populate object list with editor objects, keep them updated and handle selection Fix tree view SetSelected ignoring skip events and selection changed to false Delete selection Create a model object for model drag and drops Include drag pos in DragData so initial drag enter knows where to spawn the object Unselect everything when selecting a new object Highlight selected object Flush bind system after setting binds Allow model helper to be position only Don't bind properties that aren't meant to be two-way Light brightness property Model property Use string for model property Support drag and drop from cloud
1 Year Ago
New Outfit Pieces - Shorts and Bucket Hat LODs and Skinning adjustments to come soon. Merge branch 'master' of sbox
1 Year Ago
Initial rebase of shader assets into master Fix Undefined Behaviour In Tiled Rendering Fix things from shader assets rebase Recompile all vmat files Strip mod from d3dinclude Put certain shader of materials inside folders and strip extension Readd reflection data when compiling vfx Don't fixup filename of resources tagged RESOURCE_TYPE_NONE, allows for any filename to be set as a reference Reference shaders used as a dependency in compilematerial
1 Year Ago
Project creator folder selector works first time when path already exists - Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#2454 Server list spelling
1 Year Ago
Focus GameFrame when entering full screen Fixes sbox-issues/issues/2081
1 Year Ago
Codegen writes correct accessibility for partial classes it writes Add descriptions to TypeLibrary's description classes
1 Year Ago
Fix razor file extension checks case sensitive Settings page partial cleanup
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Clip project path text so it doesn't overlap the settings icon Saftey checks around memcpy in CCompositeParentSpaceState::CopyBoneTransformWeights to prevent crash, additional asserts to catch when this stuff is bad
1 Year Ago
Group projects better
1 Year Ago
CQAttributeEditor_SoundPicker: use path instead of name for sound events Create a resource reference on sounds in maps so custom sounds will get properly uploaded and loaded with the map This will require you to reselect sounds in your maps to update to their full paths, asset name only is obsolete
1 Year Ago
Remove some unused gameui Don't reset buttons when mouse cursor window
1 Year Ago
Don't bind properties that aren't meant to be two-way Light brightness property Model property Use string for model property Support drag and drop from cloud
1 Year Ago
Add context menu to entity list, allow deleting Fix entity categories under Map entities Add consistency to explorer widgets
1 Year Ago
Friend.GetAll() returns empty array in outside of menu
1 Year Ago
Catch and report exceptions in OnParametersSetAsync, OnParametersSet When deleting, destroy child blocks first
1 Year Ago
Expose combo free texture filtering selector for user built shaders Also includes glass & blendable too
1 Year Ago
Get rid of features.minimal.hlsl. It's the same thing as features.hlsl
1 Year Ago
Only disable the button if it actually exists
1 Year Ago
Add a stop compiling button to the Shader Compile Output
1 Year Ago
Allow model helper to be position only
1 Year Ago
Flush bind system after setting binds
1 Year Ago
Highlight selected object
1 Year Ago
Fix pre-processing shader errors showing up as valid success compiles
1 Year Ago
Populate object list with editor objects, keep them updated and handle selection Fix tree view SetSelected ignoring skip events and selection changed to false Delete selection Create a model object for model drag and drops Include drag pos in DragData so initial drag enter knows where to spawn the object Unselect everything when selecting a new object
1 Year Ago
DisplayInfo will inherit from interfaces for type members
1 Year Ago
Added BBox.Contains(Vector3) & FromPositionAndSize( Vector3, Vector3 ) Added box soundscape entity
1 Year Ago
Fix tests that use sandbox game Load addons after gamemode is compiled Include base addon with Runtime content Isolate the assemblies in their own LoadContext when loading Compiled assemblies don't need a dynamic name now, unify name with release so addons work on local versions of games Add map nodes MapGroup and MapInstance, example usage of MapInstance: ``` new MapInstance() { Position = Vector3.Up * 128.0f, Target = Selection.All.First(), }; ``` Only tell ac to forget the assembly if it's going away Throw more useful exception when ac can't resolve an assembly For now don't include base with generic addons (needs some work) Use correct assembly name for packaged content When hotloading runtime stuff on the server, also include packaged addons so they hotload too Client hotload in a more organised way Fixed ResourceProperty not working with base Resources Fixed a race condition with loading custom resources in tools Add MapNode.Copy() creates a copy of the node and adds it to the current mapdoc Make Hammer entities correctly categorize local projects again Basic assembly reference rewriting Better handle failed downloads when loading to a server Switch some entity methods to check validity of internal pointer, not realm ModelEntity.TakeDecalsFrom throws explicitly when given null Fix malformed comment on RenderTreeBuilder.AddAttribute Rewrite packaged addon references if needed Merge branch 'assembly-rewrite' Hammer: Fix base entities appearing as if they only belonged to certain local games Only create this package.base Compiler in tools mode once again (for Hammer / GameData), since local compilations are now consolidated with base code Make sure Global.Server gets set OnServerInfo so Global.GameTitle and shit is avaliable, fixes rich presence not working too Citizen/clothing: various improvements Obsolete ConstantBuffer, implement RenderAttributes.SetData Fix assembly resolution when rewriting Documentation + Support for arrays & spans Increase menu build timeout Don't show warnings/info in menu compile error Cleaned up Merge pull request #592 from Facepunch/dynamic-cbuf Dynamic Constant Buffers Fix error list exception Fix error list not filtering Handle and show a message when game fails to load, instead of loading anyway Fixed server thinking build had failed if no build was needed Superluminal instrumentation Lobby settings are saved on game start Some error protection around razor :bind Include razor files in editorconfig Nicer lobby addon list Remove razor binds if they create exceptions Add local category in packageselector Mount local Content type projects on server start up Allows usage of custom game resources from content addons Draw the actual soundscape entities with overlay enabled Improve responsiveness of selected map/game preview in lobby No longer displays previous selected map/game while new data is being fetched Fixed files with capital letters not being accepted for Hammer drag&drop Playerclip shouldn't affect nav mesh Added SoundEventBoxEntity info_target C# Replacement Targer.cs > TargetEntity.cs Citizen: added ear_* bones Citizen/clothing: army shirt uses neck_clothing bone instead of neck_0 Made project manager less shit Fix local addons with packaged gamemode Reset the server compilegroup when starting server (to clear previous errors) Fixed line numbers being total bullshit Can drag and drop addons onto the project list Fix lobby addon list not shrinking Cleaned up SoundEventBoxEntity Enable client authoritative mesh groups when setting a client side procedural model so server doesn't stomp mesh groups Combine Projects, Entities and UI into one dockpanel Compile tool base first, so that if a tool addon is broken the UI won't be broken CQBuildMapDialog::GetMapLaunchCommand wraps map name in quotes Citizen: ship "all-in-one" FBX with the game files (The "all-in-one" FBX includes the head and its morphs, unlike the regular LOD0/1 FBX files, because we use a DMX file for this. We might as well put it in here so you don't have to go look for it on the wiki.) Citizen/clothing: v-neck t-shirt skinning/LOD improvements & seam fix Citizen/clothing: fixes to blue variant of v-neck t-shirt Citizen/clothing: (... and RenderMeshMarkup for the blue variant too) Hammer: Fix entities from newly uploaded games not working Citizen/clothing: adding RenderMeshMarkup for previous clothing items that have a cut-down torso mesh Add IEnumerable<MapNode> MapNode.Children Add MapPath and MapPathNode to C# API MapGroup and MapInstance init their handles correctly Fallback to default code editor if selected code editor is no longer installed Load entity GameData after ToolsDll.OnAddonsCompiled instead of tools.refresh - I think this was accidentally still working somehow, but now it'll hotload and all that shit again Fix errors in local projects preventing base loading for tools ( Hammer entities, ModelDoc data, base resources ), remove hack from Sandbox.Engine and make Sandbox.Tools responsible for compiling base before local projects are added to the compile group Add MapNode.Parent property Remove code I added that wasn't needed Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
1 Year Ago
Load entity GameData after ToolsDll.OnAddonsCompiled instead of tools.refresh - I think this was accidentally still working somehow, but now it'll hotload and all that shit again Fix errors in local projects preventing base loading for tools ( Hammer entities, ModelDoc data, base resources ), remove hack from Sandbox.Engine and make Sandbox.Tools responsible for compiling base before local projects are added to the compile group Add MapNode.Parent property
1 Year Ago
Readd reflection data when compiling vfx Don't fixup filename of resources tagged RESOURCE_TYPE_NONE, allows for any filename to be set as a reference Reference shaders used as a dependency in compilematerial
1 Year Ago
Fallback to default code editor if selected code editor is no longer installed
1 Year Ago
Add IEnumerable<MapNode> MapNode.Children Add MapPath and MapPathNode to C# API MapGroup and MapInstance init their handles correctly