
17,198 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.55cph!

1 Year Ago
Sound glue stubs First pass at creating sound resource Bind the create sound glue function Add bullshit function to create sound resource from managed to test it fix dodgy memcpy of sound data Move create sound to Sound instead of SoundFile for now
1 Year Ago
AssetPicker explicitly plays sound files and sound events, these are normally handled w/ the inspector previews of them.
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Remove CAnimSkeletonConstPtr typedef from physics interface (why was this here)
1 Year Ago
Add IAssetSystem::OpenPicker( IAssetType* type, IAssetPickerListener* pListener ) which opens our AssetPicker from tools addon CQAttributeEditor_SoundPicker ( used in Hammer and probs other shit ) uses the managed AssetPicker, this is way easier to use, doesn't show duplicate entries and shows all sound events not just base ones. Old: New:
1 Year Ago
Remove Get/Set HeightMap from physics world interface, nothing uses it
1 Year Ago
Remove CreateXConstraints from physics interface
1 Year Ago
Remove CVPhys2Spring, Remove CreateSpring and DestroySpring from physics interface
1 Year Ago
Add Audio/Mute for when you don't want sound at all
1 Year Ago
moving asset, updated skybox/textures
1 Year Ago
Animgraph: Revert parameter choice sorting to see if it fixes crash in steam build
1 Year Ago
Abandon frameless window ambitions, use a normal window but force dark mode on it
1 Year Ago
Addon creator will derive a path from the provided ident
1 Year Ago
Fix Widget.ConstrainToScreen()
1 Year Ago
Assetbrowser improvements
1 Year Ago
Widget debug overlay can be enabled with alt and pause/break Fixed historylist trimming too many items when navigating from a previous position
1 Year Ago
Keep asset type filter control in sync with history
1 Year Ago
BaseItemWidget - only call ItemActivated if double clicking with the LEFT mouse button Fix NRE Right clicking an item selects it without events
1 Year Ago
Move hacky line edit syntax highlighting to its own class Add Widget.ContentMargins
1 Year Ago
Only include enabled addons in VSCode
1 Year Ago
Try to fix VSCode support by wrapping launch arguments in quotes
1 Year Ago
PathPlatformEntity moves smoother when switching nodes
1 Year Ago
TagEdit becomes TagPicker Added ability to get the cursor & selection info on LineEdit Horrible syntax highlighting code, will fix
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Show asset counts on folders in asset browser list Hide folders starting with . Add TextEdit.Html Folder context menu Can set Widget.Layout directly, added Layout.Row(), Layout.Grid() etc Add AssetType.All Hack so Widget.IsPressed doesn't get stuck Clean up GridLayout usage Can Draw Pixmap with alpha Asset type filter improvements
1 Year Ago
Account for sunlight when resampling
1 Year Ago
Fix tool.minimal template Tool addons reference base tools addon
1 Year Ago
Added Friction property to Hinge and Slide constraints Warning fixes
1 Year Ago
Add Rider as a code editor (thanks @peter-r-g), I didn't test it but it's just the same as the VSCode one with different regkeys so it should be fine, & clean up some duplicate code around code editors too For default code editor pick VS > VS Code > anything that is installed
1 Year Ago
Fix touch events collision filter exclusion where it needed both entites to have touch events off Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#2046
1 Year Ago
Allow mixed shadows to resample at a different ratio
1 Year Ago
Fixed mixed shadow resampler too
1 Year Ago
Move resampler to shadow cache
1 Year Ago
Add vswhere nob head
1 Year Ago
Initial fix for shadows not upsampling once downsampled
1 Year Ago
Add managed resource type for animation graphs Allow HAnimationGraph to be networked. Set animgraph from managed using animgraph resource. Fix animgraph returning junk resource name Internal Model.Get return null for invalid IModel Return animgraph of model if we haven't set an animgraph on the entity
1 Year Ago
CodeEditor out of Sandbox.Engine to tools addon, editors are implemented with ICodeEditor Reimplement Visual Studio with ICodeEditor and use vswhere to get Visual Studio install with .NET installed more reliably VSCode editor support - when active, solutions make a .code-workspace with the right omnisharp bullshit Default code editor is Visual Studio, if that's not installed VSCode Editor preferences window Add Code Editor to Editor Preferences Restore File / Open Solution Add default addon location to editor preferences, default to `%UserProfile%/Documents/S&box Projects` ErrorList.ReportCompilerDiagnostics should be static, this way we catch errors even if our widget isn't open
1 Year Ago
Return animgraph of model if we haven't set an animgraph on the entity
1 Year Ago
CodeEditor out of Sandbox.Engine to tools addon, editors are implemented with ICodeEditor Reimplement Visual Studio with ICodeEditor and use vswhere to get Visual Studio install with .NET installed more reliably VSCode editor support - when active, solutions make a .code-workspace with the right omnisharp bullshit Default code editor is Visual Studio, if that's not installed VSCode Editor preferences window Add Code Editor to Editor Preferences Restore File / Open Solution Add default addon location to editor preferences, default to `%UserProfile%/Documents/S&box Projects` ErrorList.ReportCompilerDiagnostics should be static, this way we catch errors even if our widget isn't open
1 Year Ago
Allow HAnimationGraph to be networked. Set animgraph from managed using animgraph resource. Fix animgraph returning junk resource name Internal Model.Get return null for invalid IModel
1 Year Ago
Add managed resource type for animation graphs
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
CCTV globe - LODS and gib and prefab Merge branch 'master' of sbox
1 Year Ago
Show folders in assetlist if we're in folder mode
1 Year Ago
Minor cleanups
1 Year Ago
Rename ItemListWidget to ListView Fix WidgetGallery names Start cleanup
1 Year Ago
letter box - adjusted front for better snapping wall letter box - updated prefab Merge branch 'master' of sbox
1 Year Ago
ModelDoc: Attempt to reorder folders of clones properly
1 Year Ago
letter box - fix for grid scale Merge branch 'master' of sbox
1 Year Ago
Update some auto recompiled assets Fixed ButtonEntity linear movement direction when parented Switch platform entities back to SetPos+SetVelocity movement