
17,197 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.55cph!

2 Months Ago
Add right click menu in game list Fix DamageInfo breaking changes
2 Months Ago
Fixed #1459 Update Facepunch.ActionGraphs
2 Months Ago
Text tabs quick start
2 Months Ago
GatherVisibleLightsGPU Move depth prepass to be the first pass of everything, we'll use it on lightbinner for light culling from now on Do lightbinning for light culling on render thread when a layer first wants to request lights, guarantees we have a depth pyramid by then If we are on a render thread just do a simple flush for ForceFlushGPU(), we just want the GPU to finish it's work, not clean up things Run lightbinner calculation in render thread & actually on lightbinner layer Light culling tests with depth & light radius on compute shader Flush rather than ForceGPUFlush on CReadGPUBuffer::WaitUntilRead()
2 Months Ago
Component editor
2 Months Ago
Fixed pulses not always animating Fix expression node regression in legacy GetGameObjectNodeDefinition
2 Months Ago
Hide the settings option in the launcher to stop people obsessing over it
2 Months Ago
Fix exceptions in NavMeshToolbarWidget
2 Months Ago
Revert "Update a bunch of assets from kv to json" This reverts commit bd0bfe1240a001e9a121f099e20edb4cfffe5f2c. Upgrade those assets properly Fix conversion from keyvalue to json asset being fucked
2 Months Ago
Make RPC errors more useful
2 Months Ago
Fix project changes not saving
2 Months Ago
Binds create mixer - can play sounds! strip vmixtool Remove unused args Add some more c# compatible funcs to CAudioMixBuffer Add AudioBuffers, MixBuffer Audio processor basics Route SoundHandle through managed system, use speaker volumes etc Play sounds from the point of view of the scene camera if we're not playing the game, and this window is focused Strip as much as I dare right now Add steam audio Update steam audio binaries Add steam audio binds Add BinauralEffect processor Steam audio scene system Apply direct Create phonon.pdb Reflection works! 😅 Latest Clean up Fix menu sounds not playing Refactoring, making internal Fix warning Fix tests strip unused Remove unused
2 Months Ago
Let sbox-dev.exe -test pass through
2 Months Ago
Fixed ActionGraphResource
2 Months Ago
Init frustum as ortho when using ortho, fixes PointToScreenPixels. Obsolete OrthoWidth
2 Months Ago
Remove broken (deleted) projects from the ProjectList
2 Months Ago
Component editor
2 Months Ago
Fix hotloading action graphs
2 Months Ago
Fix hotloading action graphs Some generated component hotload safety
2 Months Ago
Copy tags from GameObject for Legacy Particle System -> SceneObject In ParticleSpriteRenderer make sure we copy over tags from the GameObject to the SceneObject Internal ReadOnlyTagSet Parse kv tags into ObjectEntry.Tags and use them in SceneMapLoader to set any created sceneobject tags Copy tags from SceneObjects to MapObjectComponent GameObject Add some default tag from Hammer, light, text, particles Fix NRE Set some default tags for Particle and Light and Skybox components Better light tags
2 Months Ago
Don't load global projects from addon.json anymore
2 Months Ago
Untangle EditorScene.GameStarted Update a bunch of assets from kv to json Convert assets kv to json when loading editor Download all cloud packages for the project on startup
2 Months Ago
Add up/down movement to gizmo FirstPersonCamera
2 Months Ago
Component editor Move to Components/Definition Fix calling base constructor in generated component types Avoid deserializing ActionGraph bodies while generating types
2 Months Ago
Delete cloud assets that we can't trace back to a package
2 Months Ago
Revert "Revert "Use standalone launcher by default"" This reverts commit 91e0f7e330c9dd514c2d682974c73c8fbef33f80. Remove old project list etc Fix file associations Make default scene camera position less confusing Remove ShowStartScreen editor preference, as it no longer applies Tweak editor startup for single project mode Move SuppressBuildNotifications to the right position
2 Months Ago
Adjust size of EnumControlWidget popup to see if that fixes weird position sometimes Also don't add icon button if there's no icon
2 Months Ago
Clear cache body parts on model so that bodygroups in inspector can update properly Add material groups and body parts to their control widget value hashes so they refresh on model reload
2 Months Ago
Component editor Move to Components/Definition Fix calling base constructor in generated component types
2 Months Ago
Get rid of test log
2 Months Ago
Revert "Use standalone launcher by default" This reverts commit aec53d0ab776ea8f0423a68322c24ed3caf8a6d6.
2 Months Ago
Fixed re-creating NodeLibrary a bunch of times during startup
2 Months Ago
Fix calling base constructor in generated component types
2 Months Ago
Move to Components/Definition
2 Months Ago
Component editor
2 Months Ago
ActionGraph fixes / improvements from hackweek Everything except the component editor Fix embedding target object in scene Action Graphs Fix legacy Get Game Object node
2 Months Ago
Use standalone launcher by default
2 Months Ago
Fixed Input.Released being stomped by controller input Comment out DISABLE_VK_LAYER_VALVE_steam_overlay_1 for now, it was disabling SteamInput (god knows why)
2 Months Ago
More links on launcher
2 Months Ago
Add project from folder create new project
2 Months Ago
Component editor
2 Months Ago
ActionGraph fixes / improvements from hackweek Everything except the component editor Fix embedding target object in scene Action Graphs Fix legacy Get Game Object node
2 Months Ago
Add PhysicsBody.AddCylinderShape and PhysicsBody.AddConeShape Add hull collider component to combine multiple hull shapes with selector (box, cone, cylinder)
2 Months Ago
Move SegmentedControl over Add EditorUtility.DisplayDialog which asks a bool Pin/Remove works
2 Months Ago
Warnings as errors
2 Months Ago
Fixed get component helper nodes
2 Months Ago
QtAppSystem styles, filesystem ToolFramwork2 startup, use managed qt init Launcher has project list basics Paint.Draw from url is dpi aware
2 Months Ago
Give components an ID, add ComponentList.Get( guid ), serialize and deserialize component references properly Add backwards compatibility when deserializing component references (find type) Started on ComponentDefinition GameResource Proof of concept generate component type at runtime Implemented properties in component definitions Fixed hotloading ComponentDefinition changes BaseResourceEditor.SavedToDisk() Started on a ComponentDefinitionEditor Property editing mostly working Get rid of Asset.SaveToMemory Avoid re-deserializing GameResources after they have just saved to file Fix ComponentDefinition not building on change WIP editor for adding methods to components Generate method stubs based on component definition Implemented calling methods on generated components ActionGraphComponentTemplate Action Graph editor tweaks Fix Action Graph node pulsing being unreliable Make sure graph is saved to file on Ctrl+S when embedded in resource Create methods from inside the Action Graph editor Action Graph: Double-click on a property to edit it Action Graph: double-click on method node to go to definition Use CodeEditor.OpenFile() when double-clicking nodes Enter name when creating method out of nodes ActionGraph, ShaderGraph: store view in cookie per-asset Can create component properties from within the Action Graph editor Node grouping tweaks More node list tweaks Can directly use component properties as node inputs Fixed private [Property] not showing up in node list Menu.AddOptions() Refactor GraphView to use Menu.AddOptions TypeControlWidget now uses Menu.AddOptions too More node list tweaks Fix clearing and expanded output Double-click on an output to auto expand / hide expanded outputs Specify which members should get auto-expanded on double-click Update Facepunch.ActionGraphs, fix filtering methods for parameter safety Implement expression methods / outputs Fix invalid program involving value type inputs Rebuild component type if method or property removed Menu.AddOptions: support having headings at any depth Node list tweaks Playing with a live value inspector on hover Can set default values for component properties again ComponentDefinition property default value hotload fixes Create properties from inputs Fix menu item ordering with headers Fully refresh component list on hotload Small Action Graph editor fixes Node library tweaks EnterNameMenu fixes Avoid re-using member names of deleted members Use aliases for types like float, int, bool WIP Update Facepunch.ActionGraphs Fix after rebase WIP simplifying after ActionGraph refactor Support custom [ClassName] when serializing type references in ActionGraph ???? Fix deserializing override methods Fix passing target Fix creating local instance nodes Fix target type in editor Re-implement embedding target in scene ActionGraphs
2 Months Ago
Fix Camera.RenderToTexture incorrect aspect when using ortho, just use ortho height, we don't use ortho width and it should be removed
2 Months Ago
CanSpawnObjects settable only by the host