
17,179 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.55cph!

2 Years Ago
Release MouseCapture on delete
2 Years Ago
Destroy mesh instance chain in CMeshSystem::DestroyMeshInstance instead of destructor. Fixes static props using first compiled vmdl on map recompiles.
2 Years Ago
GameServices.SubmitScore - push individual score to leaderboard
2 Years Ago
FPArms: moved animations to subfolder
2 Years Ago
Deleted temp_punch
2 Years Ago
Added new version of ladder with materials Updates asset tags with new gibs Merge branch 'master' of sbox
2 Years Ago
park bin - scale adjustment
2 Years Ago
park bin - adjusted scale slightly and reduced normal map gradient
2 Years Ago
Shirt - Integrated w/ LODs A long sleeve shirt, which later on will come n handy for more modular outfits. Extra colour variations and graphic designs for this shirt possibly soon.
2 Years Ago
Fix EntityList filtering not working Fix post process screen size not applying, but for real this time Tweak Post Process (note @samzanemesis - still doesn't seem to be real world units, seems to be half distance) Fix devcam post process not getting removed Fix exception trying to remove component that doesn't exist
2 Years Ago
Right click create when AssetList source is a folder Add TreeView.SelectSingleRow, Treeview.ScrollTo
2 Years Ago
Asset Browser, filter history, back forward mouse nav Asset browser nav buttons Add Toolbar.ButtonStyle Add Option.IconText, Option.Menu Menu.OpenAt can specify non modal Asset browser options
2 Years Ago
Run SetInputActionManifestFilePath in another thread More timings
2 Years Ago
Squashed commit from water-refactor2 Fix syntax errors cauased from merge due to refactors Get WaterSceneObject & RippleCompute on the refactored API
2 Years Ago
Rename ToolDotaTileEditor to ToolTileEditor
2 Years Ago
remove src/dx10sdk, not using anything in here
2 Years Ago
Delete utils/workshopcmd
2 Years Ago
Remove dx_proxy and dxsupportclean, not used by anything
2 Years Ago
Remove common/p4api
2 Years Ago
Remove xboxstubs
2 Years Ago
Remove all dota game defines Remove dota specific compilers from resource compiler
2 Years Ago
Citizen: more comments and clarifications throughout the animgraph
2 Years Ago
Citizen: fixed menu exit t-pose Merge branch 'master' of sbox
2 Years Ago
Parking barrier - adjusted AO for animated version
2 Years Ago
Added citizen_sfm.vmdl (Thanks to prefabs, this is literally just the same as citizen.vmdl but with the ScaleAndMirror node disabled. This is necessary if you want to use the SFM as an animation tool for the character.)
2 Years Ago
Don't make texture filename box yellow if not using right suffix Allow dropping textures onto texture boxes in material editor Enforce a standard layout on met, avoid fighting dockwidgets
2 Years Ago
Citizen: moved remaining ModelDoc nodes into prefabs (BodygroupList, LODGroupList, MaterialGroupLIst, RenderMeshList)
2 Years Ago
Add Tools.Clipboard Copy relative path works Support for item view dragging
2 Years Ago
Hammer: Fix mesh selection tool not setting world space box select option on lasso
2 Years Ago
parking barrier clipping tweak Merge branch 'master' of sbox
2 Years Ago
Citizen: moved (almost) every ModelDoc node into prefabs This will facilitate "forking" the Citizen model into your own gamemodes while automatically keeping up-to-date with what we do.
2 Years Ago
adding decals, updating prefab, added rig/anim to parking barrier, renaming wheely bin skin Merge branch 'master' of sbox
2 Years Ago
Fix Build-Retail-Managed not working
2 Years Ago
Add auto locks to light cookie manager, should fix crashes
2 Years Ago
Citizen: updated random attack expression weights
2 Years Ago
Citizen: reworked facial compositing so attack expressions can now take control of eyelids, and automatic random blinks can take place on top of these
2 Years Ago
Citizen: updated attack expressions
2 Years Ago
Update asset browser file view when we detect files added/deleted etc Fix screen size not updating for post process Only update changed assets on change
2 Years Ago
Add EntityComponent.IsSingleton, IsPredictable Fix fog controller warning Add ISingletonComponent Revert "Add EntityComponent.IsSingleton, IsPredictable" This reverts commit cb00272de0b9e3dc2ec2cf663cad39073e295168. CameraMode uses ISingletonComponent, RemoveSingletons on component Add Fix components not being updated clientside if they were swapped out for another one Fix material errors Make NavBlocker ShouldTransmit = false Fix ForceStartGame warning Fix NRE when Package.Tags is null Fixed components getting fucked about after hotload/rebuilding the network tables Hotload timings Removing debugging, sealing some classes
2 Years Ago
park bin - colour skins
2 Years Ago
Park bin - feedback changes
2 Years Ago
Scruffy long brown hair! We have new hair! May need some slight adjustments to the shader to see what works best. Small adjustment to Longsleeve jacket.
2 Years Ago
Texture tweaks to large aircon set made it more grimy and rusty, darkenned paint renamed capital letters in lower case for clarity
2 Years Ago
Multithread DXT compression
2 Years Ago
Animgraph: Fix single frame anim nodes not setting context for tag spans, fixes <invalid tag>
2 Years Ago
Fix not being able to pan in TimingsView Fixed particle collections deleting child objects which in turn try to double delete their own objects
2 Years Ago
Clicking a timing section will take us to that code Spin the async queue during init to let things finish/continue Don't wait for GetAuthSessionTicket
2 Years Ago
Update sceneobject flags, remove VR_ prefix
2 Years Ago
Create a UI that allows us to time load & compile times (#188)
2 Years Ago
Delete a bunch more code from other games and remove their rendering pipeline flags