
17,174 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.55cph!

3 Months Ago
ActionGraph: Undo / redo ActionGraph: Undo / redo property changes
3 Months Ago
Add GameObject.Network.OwnerConnection
3 Months Ago
Extract VoiceManager from VoiceComponent Add Application.IsMicrophoneListening, IsMicrophoneRecording Mic overlay
3 Months Ago
Add IsValidType and use that for now instead of IsValueType on the property. Support using `string` for Sync
3 Months Ago
Delete rendering world session, not used anymore
3 Months Ago
Don't support FIELD_VARIANT (not used) to get entity2 usage out of tier2
3 Months Ago
Don't include entitykeyvalues where it's not needed
3 Months Ago
CharacterController Sync vars don't have to be query now we have codegen NetworkHelper respawn will auto use SpawnPoint components if available
3 Months Ago
Replace entitykeyvalues with keyvalues3 for map game data node
3 Months Ago
Trim down entitykeyvalues some more
3 Months Ago
Default fps_max to 200 instead of unlimited
3 Months Ago
When calling SetMaterialOverride with a null texture, remove just that entry instead of clearing
3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
Allow modelphysics to disable collision sounds
3 Months Ago
ModelPhysics bodies sets their gameobject CollisionSoundSystem doesn't rely on collider so allow it to run without one
3 Months Ago
Remove last remaining networking code from animgraph (I think)
3 Months Ago
Remove last remaining CLIENT_DLL and SERVER_DLL defines
3 Months Ago
Remove these daft unused damping functions from physics interface
3 Months Ago
Optional params for SoundStream.Play
3 Months Ago
Add GetBodyGroup to ModelRenderer
3 Months Ago
New project wizard creates a directory in your selected location instead of you explicitly selecting the location
3 Months Ago
ActionGraph: Fixed not being able to set properties
3 Months Ago
Change EditorWindow.StateCookie so everyone on main gets a sane default layout reset on them when staging is flipped
3 Months Ago
Unused networking engine events Delete some unused VR specific stuff from scenesystem
3 Months Ago
Write vertexobject on end of scope
3 Months Ago
Fix conversion errors when setting FieldDescription value Fix NRE in MapSelectButton Fix NRE when joining local. package game
3 Months Ago
Updated Facepunch.ActionGraph
3 Months Ago
Add Component.INetworkSpawn - calls with owner when a GameObject is network spawned Fix not network spawning
3 Months Ago
ActionGraph array linking fixes
3 Months Ago
Remove GameResources able to load from keyvalues Fix asserts/trying to make 0 width&height render targets on startup TryLoadGameResource catches exceptions as expected, doesn't brick your game if you have a malformed gameresource now
3 Months Ago
Fix uninitialized variables in model anim, this will make IsWorldSpace assert reliably trigger when it should Set morph frame source anim to worldspace, fixes assert
3 Months Ago
Softer depth comparison for subsurface scattering Implement Depth::GetWorldPosition properly, document it nicely Recompile sprite with depth feathering
3 Months Ago
Make gizmos use DynamicSceneObject, add CMeshBuilder2::WithInstancedTransforms to flag mesh to use transform system without changing vertex layout, fix transforms on dynamicsceneobject in native
3 Months Ago
Spawn point gizmo tweaks Better define what happens when host leaves (destroy their shit) Tweak network transform lerp
3 Months Ago
Merge fuckup
3 Months Ago
Add PhysicsBody.SmoothRotate Expose TimeSince, TimeUntil, so they're usable in RPCs and Sync vars Connection.Local.IsHost should make the right noises now, fixed some id confusion Update parent and owner during network updates Remove Game.Server Delete EngineRpc Add Networking.FindConnection Draw owner next to GameObject Give players a unique display name when joining (if there's a clash)
3 Months Ago
Sod that, remove Input.VR.IsActive
3 Months Ago
Obsolete Input.VR.IsActive since it's grabbable via Game (and this code path hasn't been working for ages)
3 Months Ago
Fix vertexobject reusing on gizmos
3 Months Ago
StyleSheet String Table (#1437) * Initial commit * Make it better * Clear entries in StringTable.Reset * Remove unused method * Remove unused using statement * .scss and .prefab both valid small network files * Send .prefab_c instead of .prefab
3 Months Ago
Send .prefab_c instead of .prefab
3 Months Ago
Include "vr" in connection userdata
3 Months Ago
Remove ManagedSceneObject/SceneCustomObject, only causes problems now, use DynamicSceneObject if you use it Fix transforms on dynamicsceneobject Move VertexSceneObject to use SceneDynamicObject, upload queue to GPU when it wants a new instance Add MeshBuilder2::WithInstancedTransforms to add per-instance transform info to the input layout, does not change the data structure of the layout but makes transforms be ellegible with them programatically
3 Months Ago
Terrain: Move mode selection to EditorTool overlay, component inspector is settings only dotnet format
3 Months Ago
Updated spawnpoint component + friend @DanduwFP
3 Months Ago
Citizen: new Swim_N animation
3 Months Ago
format this
3 Months Ago
Fixed looping sounds suck at 0,0,0 on soundscape
3 Months Ago
Fix transformed terrain incorrect lods by transforming camera pos in shader
3 Months Ago
env_combined_light_probe_volume are boxes for Map Instance