
17,179 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.55cph!

4 Months Ago
Remove unused Initialize Sound.Listener Add SoundHandle.StartSubVoice SoundEvent.UI is obeyed EditorUtility sound plays are 2d by default
4 Months Ago
Remove unused Fix stopping/fading out sound immediately after play not stopping the sound
4 Months Ago
Fix editor tools, lock MainVoiceList when adding/editing
4 Months Ago
Remove unused
4 Months Ago
Fix soundstream to use new system
4 Months Ago
Delete soundopsystem, soundevent, soundstack system
4 Months Ago
Move spatialize and distance falloff to c#
4 Months Ago
Unbind all the soundop stuff
4 Months Ago
Bind some low level sound classes Lets process voices in c# instead of the soundop system
4 Months Ago
Strip unused (and broken) voicetrace stuff
4 Months Ago
Fix missing soundsystem_lowlevel Remove unused projects
4 Months Ago
Delete CEntitySystem::CreateEntity
4 Months Ago
Soundsystem defs to engine2 Move soundsystem inside engine2 (delete Interop.SoundSystem.cs when your compile fails!)
4 Months Ago
Delete some more from entity2
4 Months Ago
Remove unused soundstack stuff
4 Months Ago
Remove unused tools remove unused tool keybinds
4 Months Ago
More transform options
4 Months Ago
VR: Delete VRSkeleton, unused VR: Rename VRControllerType -> TrackedControllerType
4 Months Ago
VR: Experimental fast function for storing reprojected HMD matrix VR: Separate out stereo render/submit/blit, don't submit editor SceneCameras (We still render and blit companion while in the editor, we just don't submit a texture to the compositor while not in play mode)
4 Months Ago
Citizen/animgraph: enable "lock state when waning" on the "Tag & Reset Movement" state machines
4 Months Ago
Citizen/animgraph: further improve skid. Blending in/out should be more graceful now, respecting the movement 2D blendspace's own timings. Revamped the "noise" layer additive animation: it now scales with speed, and it inherently lowers the pelvis by a few units to avoid IK pops. Fixed duck transition potentially spazzing out if you duck while skidding, or blending in/out of skidding. Disabled crouch skidding (for now?)
4 Months Ago
Fix SceneTrace.WithAnyTags using WithAllTags
4 Months Ago
Add Vector3.WithAcceleration, Vector3.WithFriction
4 Months Ago
Citizen/animgraph: use the skid 1D Blendspace to extend the 2D Blendspace past its boundaries gracefully & infinitely rather than outright replacing it (because move_direction cannot be dampened, especially in conjuction with move_groundspeed as part of another downstream 1D Blend) + use different weightlist to do the model-space rotation blending
4 Months Ago
Citizen: add a couple of new weightlists (Only_Arms + Blend_UpperBody_HalfSpine_FullArms)
4 Months Ago
Don't apply root motion to bone transforms when animating (fixes sbox-issues/issues/4253)
4 Months Ago
Fix R for scale editortool not working (fixes sbox-issues/issues/4269)
4 Months Ago
Hitboxes update when gameobject tags change Protocol++ Sphere cleanup Plane cleanup, Frustum cleanup Rename Editor.CheckBox to Editor.Checkbox Remove Mesh.SetBounds Make Line.a + b private Mark a bunch of Vector3 parameters in Remove Label.SetText Lets obsolete one of the BBox constructors, because if we just delete it all the code using it will just implicitly use the other one - so it'll all be wrong
4 Months Ago
Remove obvious unused interfaces
4 Months Ago
SkinnedModelRenderer plays sound events
4 Months Ago
Add Sphere trace that doesn't return distance In example tool, batch all the traces Only do BuildGizmoDetails if components changed ModelRenderer, SkinnedModelRenderer selection doesn't use hitboxes Special scene selection for Model based components, because it's stupid to not do it this way Add Widget.AlignToParent Add EditorTool.AddOverlay
4 Months Ago
VR: stop NoOpPostprocess layer trying to clear again in stereo mode Added EditorTool.AllowGameObjectSelection Expose Widget.WindowFlags Add WidgetWindow Add SceneOverlayWidget system Add WIP example EditorTool Izabu: Add abstract concave shape to make it easier to derive concave shapes (mesh, heightfield, plane etc) and use the same contact code Check if managed is ready before calling physics callbacks Fixed aoproxy crash when changing model Updated CitizenAnimHelper SpecialMoveState Sitting SittingOffsetHeight SittingPose Add Scene.Trace.IncludeRenderMeshes Add Gizmo.IsLeftMouseDown Update ExampleEditorTool Another engine2 cleaning pass Missed a few more Raincoat LODs Add the same bounds checks as before to IzHeightFieldShape::CastRay VR: Fix out-of-editor rendering Move orbit camera to SceneEditorExtensions Citizen/animgraph: small tweak to the airborne blend timings to make the jump-to-airborne transition smoother (I think I recently messed with the jump blend-in timing and forgot to adjust the subsequent timings to account for that) Updater for "snaprotationangle" int -> float, so it stops fucking spamming Rewrite font manager to not use filename, instead uses font family name like normal css All ttf and otf font files are loaded from /fonts/ folder and mapped to their font family name, weight, style. This is likely to be a breaking change if you had weird named fonts. Stop scene first person camera shaking from continuous quaternion <-> angle conversions Fix stray margin when expanding/collapsing components Grid shader: Don't lose all our interpolation precision by multiplying grid scale in vertex stage. Also tessellate mesh a little for better depth bias Merge branch 'master' into updaters-test stash
4 Months Ago
public/engine2 cleaning pass
4 Months Ago
Delete CSteam3Client, (old api?) steam interfaces can be got elsewhere
4 Months Ago
4 Months Ago
Grid shader: Don't lose all our interpolation precision by multiplying grid scale in vertex stage. Also tessellate mesh a little for better depth bias
4 Months Ago
Fix stray margin when expanding/collapsing components
4 Months Ago
Updater for "snaprotationangle" int -> float, so it stops fucking spamming Rewrite font manager to not use filename, instead uses font family name like normal css All ttf and otf font files are loaded from /fonts/ folder and mapped to their font family name, weight, style. This is likely to be a breaking change if you had weird named fonts. Stop scene first person camera shaking from continuous quaternion <-> angle conversions
4 Months Ago
Citizen/animgraph: small tweak to the airborne blend timings to make the jump-to-airborne transition smoother (I think I recently messed with the jump blend-in timing and forgot to adjust the subsequent timings to account for that)
4 Months Ago
Remove SetRenderAttributesForEnvironmentMap, Handshakes, ChooseEnvironmentMap and envmap bindings (cya), we're been GPU-driven for quite some time now Backport Texture Sets from Valve code drop, much saner way to work with textures of this kind ( EnvMap sheet, LightCookie sheet )
4 Months Ago
Move orbit camera to SceneEditorExtensions
4 Months Ago
VR: Fix out-of-editor rendering
4 Months Ago
Add the same bounds checks as before to IzHeightFieldShape::CastRay
4 Months Ago
Raincoat LODs
4 Months Ago
Missed a few more
4 Months Ago
Another engine2 cleaning pass
4 Months Ago
Add Scene.Trace.IncludeRenderMeshes Add Gizmo.IsLeftMouseDown Update ExampleEditorTool
4 Months Ago
Updated CitizenAnimHelper SpecialMoveState Sitting SittingOffsetHeight SittingPose
4 Months Ago
Fixed aoproxy crash when changing model
4 Months Ago
Check if managed is ready before calling physics callbacks