
17,236 Commits over 1,338 Days - 0.54cph!

5 Months Ago
Fixed exception when joining a server Fixed version date parsing
5 Months Ago
Remove IMenuDll.IsGameMenuVisible Version overlay Set api version on lobbies so they can be ignored easily
5 Months Ago
Initial horizontal scroll support Changes MouseWheel naming to MouseScroll, float parameters become a Vector2. Hold shift + mouse wheel to perform a horizontal scroll, if your mouse has a horizontally scrolling wheel then that will work too. Changed my mind, everyone else just uses MouseWheel regardless of whether it's 1D or 2D, let's do the same
5 Months Ago
Citizen/animgraph: added Jump_Crouching animation
5 Months Ago
IGameMenu to IGameInstance Strip lobby stuff from GameInstance Strip unused Remove Game.Menu Internal cleanup Remove GameMenuContainer Don't use hacky GameScreen /game/ navigation shit for game instance protocol++
5 Months Ago
Apply a depth bias to grid to stop z-fighting and make it render double sided
5 Months Ago
Force terrain collider to static in OnValidate
5 Months Ago
Terrain collider needs to be a Collider, fixes receiving touches
5 Months Ago
Set game/dev status on steam lobby If we're a development host then don't load package assemblies at all Add INetworkListener.OnBecameHost
5 Months Ago
Remove "red", "white" from all the icons
5 Months Ago
TabWidget.AddPage allow optional null properly Don't create a CVolumetricFogRenderer if enabled but there's no fog volumes SceneCamera is disposable, CameraComponent disposes it OnDestroy(), frees native resources mainly volumetric fog clipmaps Editor doesn't use volumetric clipmaps Check scene fog volumes not legacy ones
5 Months Ago
Add separate Matrix test for converting from a transform, verify manually
5 Months Ago
Terrain shader includes in terrain folder Terrain obeys its transform
5 Months Ago
Make `Matrix.FromTransform` more generalized, move steamvr specific one into `VROverlay` where it's used Matrix test for converting to/from transforms
5 Months Ago
Changed my mind, everyone else just uses MouseWheel regardless of whether it's 1D or 2D, let's do the same
5 Months Ago
Initial horizontal scroll support Changes MouseWheel naming to MouseScroll, float parameters become a Vector2. Hold shift + mouse wheel to perform a horizontal scroll, if your mouse has a horizontally scrolling wheel then that will work too.
5 Months Ago
Draw a configurable grid in editor scenes
5 Months Ago
Move terrain system from testbed branch to engine
5 Months Ago
VR: Don't call GetPerformanceStats if VR isn't running (sorry)
5 Months Ago
Clean compile shader with light edge fix
5 Months Ago
VR: Lets be honest, nobody is using an xbox 360 controller or knuckles ev1 anymore VR: fix minor docs blunder VR: IsVive etc. now handled per-controller (was detecting controller type anyway before) Might be useful for anyone that likes to mix controller types (e.g. one vive controller and one knuckles) but the use case for this seems quite niche? sbox-issues/issues/994 VR: Basic internal HMD type detection VR: More HMD types, move controller type & hmd type conversion into relevant files VR: these should be internal, oops 🤦‍♂️ VR: Initial performance stats window Just basic stuff for now, will evolve over time
5 Months Ago
Add NetworkHelper component
5 Months Ago
Range slider is optional
5 Months Ago
lit decal shader
5 Months Ago
Citizen: updated Jump animation, renamed it to Jump_Standing, + safeguarded against a rare bug where jumping at a very specific time (frame-perfect?) could cause the jump to be instantly overridden by landing, probably on the exact same tick (see attached video)
5 Months Ago
Fix tiled rendering on 32x32 tiles
5 Months Ago
Loop rather than unroll on fog lights, should give worse perf but fixes horrid startup times for now
5 Months Ago
Remove obsolete GameTransform just return localposition if GameObject or Scene is null Inspector just blank instead of trying to show an empty array
5 Months Ago
Shape surfaces should now be setup, including mesh per triangle
5 Months Ago
Document IsProxy Upload ignore sln files Fix error when clicking on invalid GameObject field When querying lobbies, do one at a time - because steam drops previous queries otherwise. Fixed player counts not working
5 Months Ago
Revert to shaders just before cascade/point light edge fix, needs a full compile which is already queued
5 Months Ago
Add PhysicsShape.Surfaces for mesh or heightfield per triangle materials
5 Months Ago
Add some exceptions to AddHeightFieldShape when dumb shit is passed in
5 Months Ago
Add support for materials on heightfield shape
5 Months Ago
Lightbinner Refactor (#1266) * Moved tiled rendering buffers to lightbinner, where it should belong * Remove members that have long been deprecated, start adding support for structured buffer lights * Move all cbuffer stuff to legacy, standard will only have structured buffer path * Start implementing structured buffer lights data structure * Remove all code for calculating mixed shadows, that'll be all allocated in the main light shadow function, iterate structured buffers * Iterate on new lightbinner, let all shadows render through a single rendering path, disregard legacy for now * Remove bMixed from LightEntry, it's complete bullshit, let static lights render only dynamic objects when doing shadows * Unified shadow casting, map indexed lights so we can fetch them easily and without needing to order sequentially, remove more deprecated stuff * Get rid of lightbinner_legacy completely * Eliminate legacy per view lighting constants, eliminate mixed shadows, add placeholder to some constants where they should belong * Cut more code from lightbinner light allocs, means only spots will alloc properly for now but cleans a lot of this, align cbuffers, add ComputeDirectLightingForLight to unify lighting calculation on shader * Remove CSunLightManager, used for old pre-hlvr sun rendering, a lot of code that's only used for dynamic sunlight different to everything else in light rendering * Remove more unused parameters from lightbinner * Remove remaining crumbs of old sun shadowing, remove unused shadow functions, add bBaked to ComputeDirectLightingForLight * Lightcookies and point lights * Remove multiview constants from lightbinner, these have been getting in my way, and we need to think a better way to handle instanced viewports, I'm leaving it to a bigger cleanup later * Start Envmap support on new lightbinner, remove unused environment_map.fxc * Start MATERIAL_LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL support for lightbinner, sets up frusta for lights * Fix conflicts from merge that added removed stuff * Fixup for directional lights, add dummy ambient lighting for fully dynamic scenes, implement flags properly * Fix merge ( g_nNumEnvMaps > NumEnvironmentMaps ) * Remove interface definition from Vfx ( It's fucked off from HLSL 2020+ ), add array support to members in classes in Vfx * Store multiple frusta on same light definition rather than using sequential lights, makes this simpler, point light shadows * Ambient light, new strategy for shadow frusta * Disable r_enable_high_precision_lighting, just ends up overcomplicating code, reevaluate if this actually affects much away from world origin, will make vPositionWithOffsetWs just become vPositionWs in shaders if fully removed * Take shadow frustra from BuildShadowFrustaForLight() that matches what's on the shadow map renderer, rather than rebuilding it with twice the code * Test of multiple frusta support for shadow maps on shader 🥳 * Support for cascaded shadow maps on new unified multi-frusta system, needs to backport old code * Backport directional CSM code to unified BuildShadowFrustraForDirectionalLight in lightdesc * Shadow filtering and dummy ambient lighting * Calculate spot light resolution proportionally based on light cone and do a LOD system for light shadows based on distance, both are meant to be perceptual * CSM Adjustments * Pass envmap data to GPU * Fixups for cubemaps on shader, add test for ambient light IBL support * We dont need start indexes for lights anymore, just remap the index for fog and baked, fixup envmap count to shader * Remove refs to CalculatePositionToCameraDirWsMultiview function call in new lightbinner shader code * Cleanup, remove a bunch of unused or deprecated shit, cleaned up a lot of variable in lightbinner structured buffer that ends up not being needed, document things a bit better * Rename lightconstants.hlsl to lightbinner.hlsl and call the data there BinnedLight/BinnedEnvMap, make baked lights only cast shadows if mixed lights are enabled on them * Fix flags on lightbinner gpu include, oops * Refactor tiled rendering builder to be compatible with new lightbinner, make it implicit under lightbinner.hlsl * Fog lights support, remove second buffer that's meant for fog lights, remove bullshit code to support old directional light from it that was just meant to be tools-only, all light types just works now * Fix directional light farz * Remove SetShadowCascadeResolution and SetShadowCascadeDistance, both pointless, cascades use shadow resolution, add SetCascadeDistanceScale, make number of cascade count actually work * Add g_vRandomFloats to replace oddly named ScreenSpaceDitherParams, fix reflections and volume fog using that * Rename Tiled Light Builder to Tiled Light Culling, do fixes for the new system and shrink tiles to 32x32 from 48x48, allowing us to just take a single fetch from depth buffer for GPU culling tests * Fix lightcookie support, add support for colors on indexed lights with lightcookies, remove lightcookie index from lightbinner.hlsl, just pass the transform * Add unified Subsurface Scattering support for skin shadiing, previously every light type implemented this differently causing shading differences, now baked lights show this correctly too * Readd SetShadowCascadeResolution and SetShadowCascadeDistance as stub obsolte methods to not break existing games * Finalize things, fix misc warnings, fix SSR and enable directional lightmaps * Unify Two Lobe Specular and normal Specular * Test: do full checkout with clean on shader.yml, delete debug_shaders.yml ( pointless ) * Pass skycolor of multiple lights to renderer, works with multiple lights, fixes skycolor attribute doing nothing, while it'd be nice to just pass envmap diffuse lighting for ambients right now it'd break some workflows * Fix typo on cloth shading combos * Remove references to removed files in shaders * CI: Use git checkout to remove stashed changes, shouldn't error if there are no changes to save & drop * debug_sunshadow_vis is gone, update all_shaders with what's actually there * Add LightSupportsTimeSlicedRendering and filter directional lights out of it, fixes cascades being fucked on hammer * Loop rather than unrolling CalculateLightingAtPoint, sucks for perfomance but this function shouldnt take start and end indexes of the light, focus on correctness first * Fix trunkation warning * Pass correct envmap index * Reenable high precision lighting, it's all fine now (but still considering removing it) * [ Pick ] remove specialized decal rendering path from skin * Fix cascade scale for maps that arent compiled with the new light attributes * Apply indirect transmissive lighting, previously would only be affectted by direct lighting * Migrate light api to new lightbinner system * Get light culling render buffer from rendercontext rather than from layer * Fix compilation of tiled_light_culling on vulkan (wtf?) * Transpose matrices on d3d11 * Support for multiple suns and fog on atmosphere_sky, code for this still sucks since this came from the first days of development * Remove decal references in skin shader, thought I had that sorted :S * Remove decal_renderer from allshaders.txt * Compile shaders * Refactor fog shader to take lights by index rather than by list, unroll loops still * Minor fixes, x.Load(i) and x[i] has different behaviour between vk and d3d11? Compiled lit user shaders * Shader CI: Do git clean before pull * Compile core shaders * Compile user shaders * Compiled light culling material * Add lightData.HasFrustumFeathering() for seamless fading between light cascades * Consider one texel from edge to be considered outside the shadow region so that multiple frusta won't do smooth sampling on edges * Consider cascade to always be squared * Compile shaders --------- Co-authored-by: Matt Stevens <>
5 Months Ago
Set default render system to Vulkan 👌
5 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
Compile shaders
5 Months Ago
When joining a multiplayer game, it's permissive for the package to be invalid/missing Fix component list NRE after renaming/deleting component hotload InputSettings are sent to client via network table
5 Months Ago
Scene view falls back to a set background color if we don't have a camera (and gives prefab editor a standard look)
5 Months Ago
Fixed all treeviews being broken :dizzy_face:
5 Months Ago
Fixed DecalRenderer not creating its sceneobject when created programmatically
5 Months Ago
Clamp SceneCamera.Rect input so we can't crash the game Clamp camera width and height to always be non-zero to prevent crashing VectorControlWidget can pass RangeAttribute details to its fields CameraComponent.Viewport type change, use RangeAttribute to clamp in UI
5 Months Ago
Scene: add GameObject and Component querying to hierarchy - GameObject querying uses Contains - Component querying requires a full type match
5 Months Ago
Added multiple camera rendering support and exposed camera viewports - Added CameraComponent properties - CameraComponent.Priority - CameraComponent.Viewport
5 Months Ago
Fixed not editing all cameras (viewported cameras, etc) when outside of play mode
5 Months Ago
Different approach to multiple cameras support. Camera.Main is set to the camera that has the "maincamera" tag Set default camera priority to 1 Give Camera prefab the "maincamera" tag by default Add "maincamera" tag to default editor scene Editor viewport camera shouldn't really care about render tags Render game viewport from tools if game isn't playing Clean up GameMenuDll.OnRender Docs Use IsMainCamera bool instead of a tag, documented all CameraComponent properties Don't continuously set Camera.Main Add CameraComponent.Viewport Couple more documented properties
5 Months Ago
Couple more documented properties
5 Months Ago
Fix activity tracking (fixes sbox-issues/issues/4187)
5 Months Ago
Add ModelPhysics.PhysicsGroup