
17,146 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.55cph!

5 Months Ago
Show a nicer loading error when can't load a game, instead of hanging on a black screen
5 Months Ago
Fix wrong username on menu
5 Months Ago
Disable now failing menu download tests
5 Months Ago
Expose Scene.NetworkFrequency to SceneInspector
5 Months Ago
Rename "Menu" Package download to "Startup". Download whole package if unset. Add Component.IsValid Map Component implements OnLoad to download and load the map Show loading screen when downloading map
5 Months Ago
Update game.minimal template, very simple default scene, example component
5 Months Ago
Fixed error when trying to creating a new component
5 Months Ago
Fixed loading screen not hiding, game not starting
5 Months Ago
Remove last of the rust assets
5 Months Ago
Moved tiled rendering buffers to lightbinner, where it should belong Remove members that have long been deprecated, start adding support for structured buffer lights Move all cbuffer stuff to legacy, standard will only have structured buffer path Start implementing structured buffer lights data structure Remove all code for calculating mixed shadows, that'll be all allocated in the main light shadow function, iterate structured buffers Iterate on new lightbinner, let all shadows render through a single rendering path, disregard legacy for now Remove bMixed from LightEntry, it's complete bullshit, let static lights render only dynamic objects when doing shadows Unified shadow casting, map indexed lights so we can fetch them easily and without needing to order sequentially, remove more deprecated stuff Get rid of lightbinner_legacy completely Eliminate legacy per view lighting constants, eliminate mixed shadows, add placeholder to some constants where they should belong Cut more code from lightbinner light allocs, means only spots will alloc properly for now but cleans a lot of this, align cbuffers, add ComputeDirectLightingForLight to unify lighting calculation on shader Remove CSunLightManager, used for old pre-hlvr sun rendering, a lot of code that's only used for dynamic sunlight different to everything else in light rendering Remove more unused parameters from lightbinner Remove remaining crumbs of old sun shadowing, remove unused shadow functions, add bBaked to ComputeDirectLightingForLight Lightcookies and point lights Remove multiview constants from lightbinner, these have been getting in my way, and we need to think a better way to handle instanced viewports, I'm leaving it to a bigger cleanup later Start Envmap support on new lightbinner, remove unused environment_map.fxc Start MATERIAL_LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL support for lightbinner, sets up frusta for lights Fix conflicts from merge that added removed stuff Fixup for directional lights, add dummy ambient lighting for fully dynamic scenes, implement flags properly Fix merge ( g_nNumEnvMaps > NumEnvironmentMaps ) Remove interface definition from Vfx ( It's fucked off from HLSL 2020+ ), add array support to members in classes in Vfx Store multiple frusta on same light definition rather than using sequential lights, makes this simpler, point light shadows Ambient light, new strategy for shadow frusta Disable r_enable_high_precision_lighting, just ends up overcomplicating code, reevaluate if this actually affects much away from world origin, will make vPositionWithOffsetWs just become vPositionWs in shaders if fully removed Take shadow frustra from BuildShadowFrustaForLight() that matches what's on the shadow map renderer, rather than rebuilding it with twice the code Test of multiple frusta support for shadow maps on shader 🥳 Support for cascaded shadow maps on new unified multi-frusta system, needs to backport old code Backport directional CSM code to unified BuildShadowFrustraForDirectionalLight in lightdesc Shadow filtering and dummy ambient lighting Calculate spot light resolution proportionally based on light cone and do a LOD system for light shadows based on distance, both are meant to be perceptual CSM Adjustments Pass envmap data to GPU Fixups for cubemaps on shader, add test for ambient light IBL support We dont need start indexes for lights anymore, just remap the index for fog and baked, fixup envmap count to shader Remove refs to CalculatePositionToCameraDirWsMultiview function call in new lightbinner shader code Cleanup, remove a bunch of unused or deprecated shit, cleaned up a lot of variable in lightbinner structured buffer that ends up not being needed, document things a bit better Rename lightconstants.hlsl to lightbinner.hlsl and call the data there BinnedLight/BinnedEnvMap, make baked lights only cast shadows if mixed lights are enabled on them Fix flags on lightbinner gpu include, oops Refactor tiled rendering builder to be compatible with new lightbinner, make it implicit under lightbinner.hlsl Fog lights support, remove second buffer that's meant for fog lights, remove bullshit code to support old directional light from it that was just meant to be tools-only, all light types just works now Fix directional light farz Remove SetShadowCascadeResolution and SetShadowCascadeDistance, both pointless, cascades use shadow resolution, add SetCascadeDistanceScale, make number of cascade count actually work Add g_vRandomFloats to replace oddly named ScreenSpaceDitherParams, fix reflections and volume fog using that Rename Tiled Light Builder to Tiled Light Culling, do fixes for the new system and shrink tiles to 32x32 from 48x48, allowing us to just take a single fetch from depth buffer for GPU culling tests Fix lightcookie support, add support for colors on indexed lights with lightcookies, remove lightcookie index from lightbinner.hlsl, just pass the transform Add unified Subsurface Scattering support for skin shadiing, previously every light type implemented this differently causing shading differences, now baked lights show this correctly too Readd SetShadowCascadeResolution and SetShadowCascadeDistance as stub obsolte methods to not break existing games Finalize things, fix misc warnings, fix SSR and enable directional lightmaps Unify Two Lobe Specular and normal Specular Test: do full checkout with clean on shader.yml, delete debug_shaders.yml ( pointless ) Pass skycolor of multiple lights to renderer, works with multiple lights, fixes skycolor attribute doing nothing, while it'd be nice to just pass envmap diffuse lighting for ambients right now it'd break some workflows Fix typo on cloth shading combos Remove references to removed files in shaders CI: Use git checkout to remove stashed changes, shouldn't error if there are no changes to save & drop debug_sunshadow_vis is gone, update all_shaders with what's actually there Add LightSupportsTimeSlicedRendering and filter directional lights out of it, fixes cascades being fucked on hammer Loop rather than unrolling CalculateLightingAtPoint, sucks for perfomance but this function shouldnt take start and end indexes of the light, focus on correctness first Fix trunkation warning Pass correct envmap index Reenable high precision lighting, it's all fine now (but still considering removing it) [ Pick ] remove specialized decal rendering path from skin Fix cascade scale for maps that arent compiled with the new light attributes Apply indirect transmissive lighting, previously would only be affectted by direct lighting Migrate light api to new lightbinner system Get light culling render buffer from rendercontext rather than from layer Fix compilation of tiled_light_culling on vulkan (wtf?) Transpose matrices on d3d11 Support for multiple suns and fog on atmosphere_sky, code for this still sucks since this came from the first days of development Remove decal references in skin shader, thought I had that sorted :S Remove decal_renderer from allshaders.txt Compile shaders
5 Months Ago
Delete previous ActiveScene when switching scenes
5 Months Ago
Fix menu compile error
5 Months Ago
Fix Asset.LoadResource refusing to return the value even though it was correct Add ProjectConfig.StartupScene, update project settings Ignore Widget Visible changes if is invalid Protect against Camera.Main being null (should never happen) Save StartupScene in meta instead Clean out GameMenuInstance, delete default game menu, load startup scene
5 Months Ago
ActionGraph editor
5 Months Ago
Expose IComponentLister Manually hide some node inputs / properties from the property panel
5 Months Ago
Update Facepunch.ActionGraph Add editor/ActionGraph Mark methods in Rotation and Vector3 as pure Add IComponentLister to make accessing components easier Allow editing all inputs / properties on a node for now
5 Months Ago
Use EditorTypeLibrary for ComponentTemplate type search
5 Months Ago
BaseComponent reference -> Component
5 Months Ago
Merge latest izabu fix
5 Months Ago
Add more options for editing particle control points
5 Months Ago
Remove out of date code files from game.minimal, made it empty for now
5 Months Ago
Don't exclude png files from base/materials dir (let me know if this is intentional, the only other file I could find was a grain LUT), fixes gizmo images not being shipped
5 Months Ago
Citizen: one last pass at the airborne flailing (tweaked hands/fingers, added head motion because I'd forgotten, and offset the loop start point)
5 Months Ago
Compile shaders
5 Months Ago
Delete unused enums and networkclient defs
5 Months Ago
More namespace
5 Months Ago
More namespacing Add GameObject templates
5 Months Ago
Squashed commit of the following: commit 04050373a0633a5122791133885299c358f4b0eb Merge: 577fcd3fec 2fd2d4d278 Author: kurozael <> Date: Wed Dec 6 13:32:00 2023 +0000 Merge branch 'master' into codegen-struct-arg commit 577fcd3fec861bb7f6cbde51621bbcd1558f2ff3 Author: kurozael <> Date: Wed Dec 6 07:39:32 2023 +0000 Update CodeGenerator unit tests for new stuff commit 64f62b40059c7d3ba16a373a1420401f6d79e2a6 Author: kurozael <> Date: Tue Dec 5 15:57:11 2023 +0000 Readonly ref for Wrapped structs. Store Identity on MemberDescription. virtual method for generating identity hash, override it for MethodDescription... store global lookup for member idents. Add TypeLibrary.GetMemberByIdent. Clear members for types when assembly removed commit 6c14f5b5784fb490e2a73c49a987df8087c8f4e6 Author: kurozael <> Date: Tue Dec 5 15:24:45 2023 +0000 Added typeparam docs for T in WrappedPropertySet/Get and WrappedMethod commit b9dbf0592cee5b4ae091670b592ace183722fb5b Author: kurozael <> Date: Tue Dec 5 15:21:17 2023 +0000 Typo commit 52253bee1e373d09adc7be59b3e8669f93cb1caf Author: kurozael <> Date: Tue Dec 5 15:20:26 2023 +0000 Unused params commit 0ff3451a31caa63537c9559e0bc59243352f8c3e Author: kurozael <> Date: Tue Dec 5 15:09:40 2023 +0000 Add TypeDescription.GetMethodByIdent, fix array param types not matching from codegen + methoddescription hash commit e251f3fc500252431683c9a36de704cdfe8cc298 Author: kurozael <> Date: Tue Dec 5 10:38:36 2023 +0000 Add support for codegen to pass methodidentity in struct, and split typename from methodname and add IsStatic as well to help differentiate properly commit 55c6710de87bb61c1eb7e141a4bc8961b67cfcc1 Author: kurozael <> Date: Tue Dec 5 10:37:43 2023 +0000 MethodDescription.Identity built from return type, name, params but not fully qualified rn as hard to correlate with results from ITypeSymbol in codegen commit 7b0d25a70a0f8ee7afac0252c6dcf0338582e0db Author: kurozael <> Date: Mon Dec 4 13:30:18 2023 +0000 Initial commit / struct names not finalized Update rpc and MakeDirtyAttribute callbacks to use new codegen structs. Authority rpcs and static rpc support Assets for createwrappedmethod These methods will need to be protected (comment with why)
5 Months Ago
Moved gizmo materials from testbed
5 Months Ago
Move GameObject and Component into Sandbox namespace
5 Months Ago
Remove old launcher
5 Months Ago
Pass engine version to discover api
5 Months Ago
Citizen: improve airborne flailing (legs move more, and line up better with the direction input)
5 Months Ago
Promote CameraComponent.AddHookAfterTransparent/AddHookBeforeOverlay to public so they can be used in games Remove a couple of obsolete docs causing warnings
5 Months Ago
Update default editor layout
5 Months Ago
Get rid of Sandbox.Server and Sandbox.Client
5 Months Ago
Scene editing widgets in addons/tools/
5 Months Ago
Fix can't inspect prefab files
5 Months Ago
Add sprite shader Move some editor stuff into Sandbox.Tools
5 Months Ago
Rename Entity to HammerEntityDefinition, make it internal, delete some other things and mark lots of attributes as internal
5 Months Ago
NetRead doesn't exist Lets run unit tests without a window
5 Months Ago
Unit tests shutdown
5 Months Ago
Remove decal_renderer from allshaders.txt
5 Months Ago
Lets make tests verbose
5 Months Ago
rename pipeline to renderingpipeline_standard Remove remaining VR references from pipeline, remove specialized viewmodel, monitor and 3d skybox rendering paths from it Remove scenemonitor and dota planar reflection stuff
5 Months Ago
Move a bunch of stuff into Sandbox.Tools
5 Months Ago
Give test-managed a 10 min timeout
5 Months Ago
This test relied on Entity properties
5 Months Ago
Expose SceneNetworkSystem Hack: Skip rendering to pixmap if framebuffer is 0x0 Move SceneFile to Engine (from Game) Manually define RPCs Ensure Paint is only ever used in main thread Replace connect, disconnect, status commands
5 Months Ago
Delete tons more Entity & Networking code