
17,179 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.55cph!

6 Months Ago
Tests for delegate recreation
6 Months Ago
Update Facepunch.ActionGraphs
6 Months Ago
Moved tiled rendering buffers to lightbinner, where it should belong Remove members that have long been deprecated, start adding support for structured buffer lights Move all cbuffer stuff to legacy, standard will only have structured buffer path Start implementing structured buffer lights data structure Remove all code for calculating mixed shadows, that'll be all allocated in the main light shadow function, iterate structured buffers Iterate on new lightbinner, let all shadows render through a single rendering path, disregard legacy for now Remove bMixed from LightEntry, it's complete bullshit, let static lights render only dynamic objects when doing shadows Unified shadow casting, map indexed lights so we can fetch them easily and without needing to order sequentially, remove more deprecated stuff Get rid of lightbinner_legacy completely Eliminate legacy per view lighting constants, eliminate mixed shadows, add placeholder to some constants where they should belong Cut more code from lightbinner light allocs, means only spots will alloc properly for now but cleans a lot of this, align cbuffers, add ComputeDirectLightingForLight to unify lighting calculation on shader Remove CSunLightManager, used for old pre-hlvr sun rendering, a lot of code that's only used for dynamic sunlight different to everything else in light rendering Remove more unused parameters from lightbinner Remove remaining crumbs of old sun shadowing, remove unused shadow functions, add bBaked to ComputeDirectLightingForLight Lightcookies and point lights Remove multiview constants from lightbinner, these have been getting in my way, and we need to think a better way to handle instanced viewports, I'm leaving it to a bigger cleanup later Start Envmap support on new lightbinner, remove unused environment_map.fxc Start MATERIAL_LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL support for lightbinner, sets up frusta for lights Fix conflicts from merge that added removed stuff Fixup for directional lights, add dummy ambient lighting for fully dynamic scenes, implement flags properly Fix merge ( g_nNumEnvMaps > NumEnvironmentMaps ) Remove interface definition from Vfx ( It's fucked off from HLSL 2020+ ), add array support to members in classes in Vfx Store multiple frusta on same light definition rather than using sequential lights, makes this simpler, point light shadows
6 Months Ago
Fix assembly bytes not updating on fast hotload
6 Months Ago
Let speech recognition API work in GameMenu realm
6 Months Ago
TTS: Expose voice selection to Synthesizer + Synthesizer.InstalledVoices + Synthesizer.TrySetVoice( string name ) + Synthesizer.TrySetVoice( string gender, string age )
6 Months Ago
Should fix dedicated server crash
6 Months Ago
Added ProjectedDecalSceneObject - Removed SceneWorld related methods in DecalSystem that I added previously - Doesn't support receiving lightmap info (yet)
6 Months Ago
Scaffold out CProjectedDecalSceneObject Add ProjectedDecalSceneObject to managed, register handle More work getting new sceneobject to parity with old system (still invisible) Get rid of test code Pass size through to decal update, prep some of the older attributes for baked lighting Move decal attribute stuff into managed Validity check Small cleanup Remove DecalSystem.CreateDecal( SceneWorld ), Decal.Place( SceneWorld ) in favor of the new SceneObject type Cleanup, update flags based on material Remove unused file Docs for ProjectedDecalSceneObject Set mesh instance as owned, destroy existing mesh instance on update Expose ProjectedDecalSceneObject to public Validate material Don't need this transform code Add Material and Size properties to ProjectedDecalSceneObject, hide Update method from public API
6 Months Ago
Broad stroke networksystem replacement Adds a network system, with host, connect2, status2 console commands for testing networking in the scene system.
6 Months Ago
Clean up for merge
6 Months Ago
Citizen/animgraph: lowered distance of strides in WalkFast_E/N, reining in the look of the legs especially once other layers contribute to the pose
6 Months Ago
Scaffold out CProjectedDecalSceneObject Add ProjectedDecalSceneObject to managed, register handle More work getting new sceneobject to parity with old system (still invisible) Get rid of test code Pass size through to decal update, prep some of the older attributes for baked lighting Move decal attribute stuff into managed Validity check Small cleanup Remove DecalSystem.CreateDecal( SceneWorld ), Decal.Place( SceneWorld ) in favor of the new SceneObject type Cleanup, update flags based on material Remove unused file Docs for ProjectedDecalSceneObject Set mesh instance as owned, destroy existing mesh instance on update Expose ProjectedDecalSceneObject to public Validate material Don't need this transform code Add Material and Size properties to ProjectedDecalSceneObject, hide Update method from public API
6 Months Ago
Add longer timeout for Sandbox.Http
6 Months Ago
Add Material and Size properties to ProjectedDecalSceneObject, hide Update method from public API
6 Months Ago
Host handles channel id's Add status2
6 Months Ago
Force cursor visible if console visible Refactor NetworkUser to NetworkChannel, make NetworkSystem internal
6 Months Ago
Filesystem initialization in the right place for unit tests
6 Months Ago
Add missing dlls
6 Months Ago
Try to get FACEPUNCH_ENGINE to be an absolute path
6 Months Ago
Get the engine env var from the process
6 Months Ago
Set the env var for the test folder during run
6 Months Ago
Move unit test location Fix up unit test paths We don't need to copy all this stuff anymore Handle uri.IsPrivate exceptions Don't try to load materials during unit test (todo) Put filesystem testfolder in .source2 Don't upload unittest folder to Steam
6 Months Ago
Citizen/animgraph: added WalkFast_E/NE & updated S
6 Months Ago
Get rid of D_MULTIVIEW_INSTANCING combo Revert "Latest compiled shaders" - sunlight shadows are fucked, and are fucked in any new shaders compiled. Not worth me debugging since the new lightbinner doesn't use them and is right around the corner
6 Months Ago
Add Speech.Synthesizer.WithRate to specify speed of speech. Added Synthesizer.OnVisemeReached which gives the user data on the sound's visemes Viseme data here doesn't hook into anything right now.
6 Months Ago
Moved Sandbox.SpeechRecognition to Sandbox.Speech.Recognition, removed obsoletes Forgot to rename SpeechRecognition.Reset to Speech.Recognition.Reset Add basic text to speech support using System.Speech.Synthesis - Use Sandbox.Speech.Synthesizer to build your text to speech sound and play it - This probably doesn't work with Proton
6 Months Ago
VR - remove vulkan extension list spew, was using this to check something and forgot to remove it Fix anchor positioning VR: retrieve and save off HMD position immediately before calling RenderWithViewport Gives us much better & up-to-date info to put inside VRTextureWithPose, reprojection becomes much more accurate. VR: controllers are correctly affected by anchor
6 Months Ago
Add Time.Scope Don't send broadcast messages to connections that aren't fully connected Allow GameNetworkSystem to push
6 Months Ago
Joined/Disconnected callbacks in GameNetworkSystem Simple JsonMessage handling
6 Months Ago
Latest compiled shaders
6 Months Ago
Fix flex shorthand not catching length for basis
6 Months Ago
Add support for `white-space: pre-line` Collapses whitespace but preserves linebreaks
6 Months Ago
Citizen: updated WalkFast_N
6 Months Ago
Remove debug flex log
6 Months Ago
Clip intersecting geometry properly in directional AO, fixes intersecting ao geometry being draw white with negative division Pass transforms to aoproxy updater instead of figuring them out in the function itself, add GetTransformTable to get all transforms from a sceneobject for that
6 Months Ago
Loose Jumper reskins - Football Goalie Jumper
6 Months Ago
Don't destroy PVS if it's also used in another SceneWorld
6 Months Ago
Nah that wasn't it + it already does this further down
6 Months Ago
Fix crash when clearing SceneMap worlds, we were setting PVS to nullptr instead of the default pvs
6 Months Ago
Re-add vendor info to TrackedDevice for `vr_info` debug command
6 Months Ago
VR input system supports device roles (i.e. left hand, right elbow, waist, chest), uses newer IVRInput system (paths etc.)
6 Months Ago
Add GameNetworkSystem Snapshot transport
6 Months Ago
Assembly transfer
6 Months Ago
Add SceneParticles.SetNamedValue( string name, Vector3 value )
6 Months Ago
Update shader build github workflow
6 Months Ago
Fix out of bounds write in tiled_light_builder_cs causing nasty undefined behaviour Tiled lighting branches properly, ideally this should be matured enough to not need to be toggled as it's vital to high perf
6 Months Ago
ByteStream tweaks Put unit test project downloads in .source2 Application.IsUnitTest is true during unit tests Basic, unoptimized message splitting Reduce steam networking debug output Collect game assemblies on join
6 Months Ago
Old envmap code Fix cubemaps always using 1 extra cubemap they shouldn't be (need shader rebuild) Before: After: convolve_environment_map.shader - optimized compile + vk shader
6 Months Ago
Handshake reduce