
17,146 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.55cph!

8 Months Ago
Generate FillDefaults() function, call inside PreLayout.BuildFinal, add Length.Undefined
8 Months Ago
Strip IAttachmentOverride Fix attachment lookup using old/unused view Strip GetPlayerViewSetup() related paths - none of this was working anyway
8 Months Ago
Restore default_fov Strip IVModeManager
8 Months Ago
Remove unused + unneeded Graphics callbacks Remove IPhysicsWorldEventListener Render physics debug worlds if enabled
8 Months Ago
SceneCamera Tonemap (#1251) Add tonemap properties to SceneCamera
8 Months Ago
Stricter Rotation.Angles() tests sboxgame/issues/3984
8 Months Ago
Remove all the player stuff from CViewId, give each camera a CViewId (debatable whether CViewId is needed)
8 Months Ago
Don't spam "CTextConsoleWin::GetLine: !GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents"
8 Months Ago
Fix dedicated server crash Add dedicated server test to ci workflow
8 Months Ago
Fix Vector3.ToScreen not working as it did before and breaking lots of stuff. Implement backwards compatibility and evaluate if this is the right solution later.
8 Months Ago
Add the remaining tonemap properties
8 Months Ago
Experiments with layering cameras and multiple viewports
8 Months Ago
Remove unused spherical vignette from renderingpipeline and core shaders Unused viewport shit in camera renderer CCameraRenderer inherits SceneCamera Name for debugging
8 Months Ago
▄▆▋'█ █▉▉▄▅▍ ▋▇▌▆ ▊██▉▊▌ ▅▅█ ▄▌▋█▌ ▆▄▇▊▌▄▇ ▊▅ █▇▇▄▍▅█▌ ▆▉▄▍ ▋▊▌█ ▍▍▍ ▌▋▊▊▅▋ ▋▅▉▄▉▌▍▍▆
8 Months Ago
Turn BaseStyles members into a table containing type, default value, and inheritance state, generate BaseStyles.Defaults Auto-generate layout cascading based on inheritance state Use BaseStyles.Default instead of hardcoding defaults Similar to `css-defaults` branch but this does it better - so I'm deleting that in favour of this. Rather than hard-coding the default value every time we fetch it: ```cs var value = Styles.BackgroundColor ?? Color.White; ``` We should be doing something like: ```cs var value = Styles.BackgroundColor ?? Default.BackgroundColor; ``` Provide default values as fallbacks for style transitions, use LerpProperty inside BaseStyles.FromLerp In FromLerp, check if the property we're trying to change is actually changing Prevents us from stomping property changes when a transition is running with `transition: all` if you have an animation running simulataneously Move default styles into `DefaultStyles`, make everything readonly VirtualScrollPanel uses DefaultStyles Only use fallback inside Lerp functions if from/to are null Move null checks into Lerp functions, remove logs Tidy up, use same code path for lerps Refer to default values in docstrings, inherited/cascading values lerp to their initial `from` values if `to` is unset Merge fixes, Name -> TypeName
8 Months Ago
Allow local packages in game menu if we are not ourself a remote package. Fixes sboxgame/issues#3614
8 Months Ago
Initial support for `calc( ... )` Length.Calc (LengthUnit.Expression), evaluate on demand Add failing test for nested calc (`calc( ... + calc( ... ) )`) Add support for nested `calc()` statements Do GetPixels inside calc functions (for percentages) Division by zero throws correct DivideByZeroException Tests & support for invalid syntax, constants (e, pi, nan), scaling percentages Remove token count check, will need to re-think this validation later Rename test class to CalcTests, clean up Check if length unit is expression & evaluate on demand Implicit eval Pass parent property values into ToYoga() for calc
8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
Fix (Rotation / Vector2 / Vector3).Random Also add Vector2.RandomCircle, Vector2.RandomDisk, Vector3.RandomSphere, Vector3.RandomBall, Random.Gaussian Obsolete old VectorX.Random properties, add extensions to System.Random Random.FromSphere( Sphere ), Random.FromBall( Sphere ) Un-obsolete Rotation.Random, fix Angles.Random Get rid of "Unit" in random extensions, replace "From" with "Inside" Random.Rotation() / Random.Angles() documentation fix InsideSphere -> VectorInSphere etc Add `extents` parameter to VectorInCube / VectorInSquare Vector2/3.Random is now inside a unit circle / sphere
8 Months Ago
Rotation -> Angles -> Rotation test Fails because of #1250 Deal with singularities in Rotation.Angles() Fixes #1250
8 Months Ago
Sandbox check more unmanaged types
8 Months Ago
█▄▆█▌▅ ▍▍▋ ▊▅█▊▋ ▄▍▋▆▌▍ ▇▆▊ ▆▄▋▇█▉ █▄▆ ▉▇▉█▍ ▇▉█▉▆▅▇ ▅▉ ▄▉▆▄▇▆▄▆, ▇▅▇▍█▄ ▋▉█▆▉▌ ▍▆▅▉ ▍▇▊██▅▅
8 Months Ago
Implicit eval Pass parent property values into ToYoga() for calc
8 Months Ago
Rotation -> Angles -> Rotation test Fails because of #1250 Deal with singularities in Rotation.Angles() Fixes #1250
8 Months Ago
I didn't actually delete the debug output
8 Months Ago
Lets remove these stream extensions while they're not being used by anything since they will probably cause us some trouble in the future
8 Months Ago
Don't set ITonemapSystem ptr if tonemap is disabled on scene camera
8 Months Ago
I forgot to remove all the debug output
8 Months Ago
Sandbox bytes to value conversions
8 Months Ago
Add SceneCamera.Tonemap.Enabled and SceneCamera.Tonemap.Rate via accessor
8 Months Ago
Noodling with nodes More noodling WIP blueprint node interface Fleshed out NodeType
8 Months Ago
Out Of Game Rendering + Custom Map Loader Api
8 Months Ago
Fix (Rotation / Vector2 / Vector3).Random Also add Vector2.RandomCircle, Vector2.RandomDisk, Vector3.RandomSphere, Vector3.RandomBall, Random.Gaussian Obsolete old VectorX.Random properties, add extensions to System.Random Random.FromSphere( Sphere ), Random.FromBall( Sphere ) Un-obsolete Rotation.Random, fix Angles.Random Get rid of "Unit" in random extensions, replace "From" with "Inside" Random.Rotation() / Random.Angles() documentation fix InsideSphere -> VectorInSphere etc Add `extents` parameter to VectorInCube / VectorInSquare Vector2/3.Random is now inside a unit circle / sphere Remove vmpi lib from vfxcompile
8 Months Ago
Remove vmpi lib from vfxcompile
8 Months Ago
Hook up MainViewOrigin() etc for backcompat Clean out g_pView
8 Months Ago
Refactor Remove now unused code
8 Months Ago
Increase network protocol Remove debug output
8 Months Ago
WorldTextEntity: Hammer gizmo uses specified color too
8 Months Ago
Merge fix
8 Months Ago
Stats.GetPlayerStats uses steamid parameter Fixes sboxgame/issues/issues/3766 Add Entity.IsPawn Fixes sboxgame/issues/issues/3927 Add SteamInput manifest file for deck At the moment, all it does is make the right trackpad work Citizen/animgraph: improved jumping feel by making the body & legs lean towards the landing direction This exploits the system used to partially reflect your input while airborne, but it now *reverses it* once the initial jump impulse is over. Delete info_spawngroup_landmark & info_spawngroup_load_unload, never worked and we'll think of something better after meld Delete info_dynamic_shadow_hint & info_dynamic_shadow_hint_box - unused Delete env_spherical_vignette info_overlay editor only c# definition, remove .fgd entry info_notepad editor only c# definition, remove .fgd entry remove func_instance fgd, unused Trim some fat from the .fgd Physics awake list uses aggregate instead of skeleton, cherry picked to make meld easier info_cull_triangles .fgd -> c# editoronly def Fix oopsie on info_overlay visibility_hint .fgd -> c# editoronly def Clear a bunch of these native -> nice conversions Delete native point_worldtext Remove game rules proxy entity, whatever that is Fix asset spray tool model selection not working Native can set managed asset picker initial search filter, material editor uses this for _color shit filtering fuck off mysql_wrapper Can right click textures for managed asset menu in met Whitelist System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith and System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions closes sboxgame/issues/issues/3751 Delete env_clock and resourceprecacher Delete keyframe_track and move_keyframed Delete spatialentity and env_ambient_light, not even in the build Delete some more unused client headers Delete damagemodifier Fix fgd dying because of func_instance line Remove unused manual base address setting Fix minor typo in vpc WorldTextEntity draws its text in Hammer & added GIzmo.Draw.WorldText Merge branch 'master' into oog-rendering
8 Months Ago
These transform scopeguards add complication where it's not needed Don't assert on MATERIAL_LIGHT_POINT mixed light, just ignore it
8 Months Ago
Remove unused manual base address setting Fix minor typo in vpc WorldTextEntity draws its text in Hammer & added GIzmo.Draw.WorldText
8 Months Ago
Editor window for vtex Load vtex from kv3 so we can load from json Serialize a test texture to test loading from json Deserialize texture file from vtex Serialize and write to file on save Add "Create Texture" to image context menu
8 Months Ago
Render Camera.Main once
8 Months Ago
Rename test class to CalcTests, clean up Check if length unit is expression & evaluate on demand
8 Months Ago
Tests & support for invalid syntax, constants (e, pi, nan), scaling percentages Remove token count check, will need to re-think this validation later
8 Months Ago
Remove unused CreateWorld arguments
8 Months Ago
Simplify MapLoader, reduce mentions of Entities
8 Months Ago
Create a new camera on reset gamemenu env
8 Months Ago
Fixed calculation of virtual cursor position