
17,087 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.54cph!

10 Months Ago
TickRate project settings
10 Months Ago
Added Texture.GetPixels<T>(srcRect, slice, mip, dstData, dstFormat, dstStride) Fix reading non-zero slice from 3D texture (#1118) CopyToStagingResource: only use 1 mip level / array slice in staging texture CopyToStagingResource: fix copy destination offset
10 Months Ago
CopyToStagingResource: only use 1 mip level / array slice in staging texture CopyToStagingResource: fix copy destination offset
10 Months Ago
Add Service/Stats
10 Months Ago
Move JumpList into Sandbox.Engine, set up in ToolsDll
10 Months Ago
Remove unused prop
10 Months Ago
Store friction hit surface (last) and if we've changed hit surface stop any previous effects and sounds
10 Months Ago
Citizen/animgraph: enabled bouncyspring on pelvis lean additive
10 Months Ago
Added Texture.GetPixels<T>(srcRect, slice, mip, dstData, dstFormat, dstStride) Fix reading non-zero slice from 3D texture (#1118)
10 Months Ago
Add Mass and Direction named control points for friction particles. Mass is body mass, direction is body velocity normal. CP0 is already setting position and contact normal Lower destroy time for effects Reorganize scrape data in surface def, lower default values. Don't fallback to rough by default. If it's a smooth scrape and there's no effects for that - do nothing by default Surface is considered smooth by default, can set roughness factor higher for rough surfaces... Get material for triangle by index for shape 2 on friction events should fix all friction events against world surfaces having hit surface be "default"
10 Months Ago
Remove cached lights
10 Months Ago
ProjectRow fixes
10 Months Ago
JumpList icons
10 Months Ago
Better JumpList API, add multiple & set categories, show projects in there
10 Months Ago
AnimGraph: Add bouncy spring mode to input damping using RK4
10 Months Ago
Fix stupid typo, GetShadowIndexForBakedLight compiles fine on vulkan now
10 Months Ago
Use ProjectRow instead of custom LaunchpadProject, move some stuff in there Use Global.BackendTitle and BackendUrl for link Remove borders from ProjectRow and SidebarButton Experimental JumpList support
10 Months Ago
Recompile glass with support for world mapping
10 Months Ago
Remove msdfgen, been there forever and we never used it for anything, better to implement it in C# if we ever need it
10 Months Ago
[pick] remove shaders that don't exist anymore from CI building Method for getting shadow index for baked light compatible with vulkan
10 Months Ago
"Open Empty Environment" button For anyone that isn't working on a specific game (addon creators, mappers, etc) SidebarButton.Clear acts more like a link
10 Months Ago
Rewrite RTK linebreaking algorithm
10 Months Ago
Draw pin button on right, make it blue when project is pinned SidebarButton.Link functionality Don't need to show the "show on startup" toggle outside of editor prefs Fix ToggleSwitch not displaying correct value when starting value is true StartScreen layout - pin menu row to top, only scroll through project launchpad itself
10 Months Ago
Tagged editor assets
10 Months Ago
Moved glass to asset party
10 Months Ago
Add CopyToStagingResource3D for when trying to get texture pixels of a 3d texture slice, CopyToStagingResource only works for 2d resources
10 Months Ago
Proper way to do light indexed on ShadingModel Light API too Sanity checks, remove debug views and some minor adjustments for viewmodel shadows Remove last traits of g_flResolutionScale
10 Months Ago
Make EditorPreferencesWindow modal StartScreen settings button, opens editor prefs ToRelativeTimeString extensions for TimeSpan and DateTime (moved from PackageCard) Launchpad project card displays relative time string Project pinning SidebarButton Link and Clear types are classes
10 Months Ago
Fancy switch button Remove Window.IsOnTop, calling Window.SetModal does the same thing Rename switch to ToggleSwitch, move into Widgets/ StartScreen UI improvements, move custom widgets into partial class
10 Months Ago
Add TaskSource.WorkerThread() Added test for GameTask.WorkerThread() / GameTask.MainThread()
10 Months Ago
Patch our C# launchers to enable discreet GPU usage by exporting NvOptimusEnablement & AmdPowerXpressRequestHighPerformance symbols
10 Months Ago
Animgraph spring demo graph/vmdl
10 Months Ago
Obsolete WorldOnly, EntitiesOnly and WorldAndEntities, Add StaticOnly and DynamicOnly
10 Months Ago
Blit cursor into in game recording when not in relative mouse mode
10 Months Ago
Button.Clear (similar to Button.Primary) New start screen UI
10 Months Ago
Initial "one game project" logic Basic start screen Add Window.IsOnTop Show start screen on boot if selected, display on top of editor Apply WindowStaysOnTopHint on top of existing window flags
10 Months Ago
Hammer: fix crash with drag dropping map view
10 Months Ago
Assign what shadow index a baked light shall read from rather than iterating through the entire buffer and figuring it out, much faster way to do baked light shadows
10 Months Ago
Audio samples can be passed to audio frame directly without resampling
10 Months Ago
Citizen/animgraph: set voice parameter back to predicted
10 Months Ago
Resample audio from FLT to FLTP
10 Months Ago
Add audio encoding to video recorder. New in game video recording using ffmpeg instead of media foundation. Delete valve_wmf
10 Months Ago
Cleanup, controls for ambient occlusion, do indexed light viewmodel shadows sequentially, cast world shadows on viewmodel
10 Months Ago
Remove ExtraShaderDataFormat, just have everything uniform Remove EXTRA_SHADERDATA_FORMAT from shaders too
10 Months Ago
Send voice level with voice data to server
10 Months Ago
Bump up voip layer volume
10 Months Ago
Citizen/animgraph: set voice parameter to not be predicted
10 Months Ago
FPArms: added proof-of-concept system for swapping to different first-person arms, with automatic adjustment for hand proportions Example with a (very roughly converted) 4-fingered Citizen hand, in use with v_usp:
10 Months Ago
Fix strikethrough and underlines not drawing at small resolutions Also a bit of cleanup around the area moving stuff to functions
10 Months Ago
Old Skin adjusted Before and After, getting it up to date with the young skin textures.