
4,599 Commits over 976 Days - 0.20cph!

30 Days Ago
Gauss: add loads of screen punch when firing a charged shot
30 Days Ago
Add continuous shake whilst charging the gauss gun Gauss: Damage is evaluated on a curve based on charge power, drain ammo whilst charging until fully charged
30 Days Ago
Add Gauss Gun, missing ricochet, screenshake, charged damage bonus
30 Days Ago
Bespoke grenade crosshair
30 Days Ago
Don't play notice when topping up on grenades
30 Days Ago
Grenade supports consuming ammo
31 Days Ago
Set up throwable anims, defer deletion
31 Days Ago
Some work on the hand grenade (some missing stuff like fp anims, tweaking, impact sounds), can either throw or cook it and blow up
31 Days Ago
Can disable ammo feature in BaseWeapon Add Crowbar
32 Days Ago
Fixed player dropping under the map on death
33 Days Ago
StateMachine validity check in GameMode.StatusDisplay
33 Days Ago
Equipment validity check in AimWeaponComponent.OnIsAimingChanged
38 Days Ago
Couple of NRE fixes from reported exceptions
38 Days Ago
RandomSoundStart NRE fix CardDeck.Pop exception fix
57 Days Ago
Add upper limit for rerolls Add re-roll card effect, and card, add bool for drawing an extra card
57 Days Ago
Add game hint for rerolls
57 Days Ago
Fixed being able to shoot while reloading
57 Days Ago
Show re-rolls under the deck Can reroll cards in the UI now
57 Days Ago
Add CardInventory.Reroll, Rerolls Add an extra reroll for each player at the start of each half
57 Days Ago
ArenaInformation for meta
57 Days Ago
Fixed inline css error
57 Days Ago
End game NRE fix
57 Days Ago
Adjust hints UI
57 Days Ago
Dont query for lobbies if we're in the screen for making a lobby
57 Days Ago
Show map title in round UI
57 Days Ago
Reverse footer elements
57 Days Ago
Fixed main menu pointer events being kinda wonky
57 Days Ago
New session list and session creator, can tickbox friendsonly
58 Days Ago
Round UI adjustments, remove "Waiting for players" text
58 Days Ago
Added music toggle button to the main menu
58 Days Ago
Quick nasty pause menu
58 Days Ago
Add disconnect button to waiting ui
58 Days Ago
Should resolve not capturing wins for non-host
58 Days Ago
Override camera FX when spectating
58 Days Ago
Adjust camera DoF to be dynamic Show country code, add text overflow for names StatBoard can target a specific SteamId, really useful for testing
58 Days Ago
Don't subscribe to match win/loss stats if you're not part of the game
58 Days Ago
Minor UI adjustments
58 Days Ago
Add stat boards to the menu and waiting screens
58 Days Ago
Wrong spot for this nav blocker
58 Days Ago
Resolved card pickup networking problems
58 Days Ago
Adjust nav blockers on Arena 4
58 Days Ago
Fixed a couple of NREs we experienced in test earlier
58 Days Ago
Solve win state problem by killing any phase manager ticks outside of the current phase
59 Days Ago
Better walk friction
59 Days Ago
Fix possible NRE in GameMode.Get Proper validity checks in RoundStateDisplay
59 Days Ago
Turn Retakes back on so we can test why its game loop gets stuck sometimes
59 Days Ago
Create Networking.config
59 Days Ago
Turn off collider object when we die
59 Days Ago
Fixed wonky net flags for kill/damage
59 Days Ago
Update to use new Rpc attributes