4,607 Commits over 976 Days - 0.20cph!
Refactor so we can switch between panel traversal and virtual cursor based on input
Start drafting out UI navigation with controller, by traversing panels
Use GunfightCamera.Target everywhere so spectating is more accurate
Support loadout system working without a gamemode set
Fixed friendly fire error when not playing on a gamemode
Give bots the default loadout
Try pieceing together the spectator system
Show return button on all pages of class modal
Fixed up thirdperson mode
Fixed a bunch of other NREs found from the errors page on AP
Fix WeaponViewer NRE
Fix FFAGamemode.OnGameStateChanged NRE
Fix GameStatus NRE
Can't aim while holstering
Add holster angle offset, reduced time taken to switch to your sideram
Fixed FFA error spam
Try to make sliding a bit more snappy, add slide cancelling :grimacing:
Save custom class when setting it as an active class
New class modal style
Don't allow multiple attachments to be active if they're in the same category
Redo team scoring system, should fix winner decision logic. Remove use of INetworkSerializer while we're at it
Add WeaponViewer.FlipYaw, use for KillFeedEntry
Redone KillFeed to provide clients and weapon info, use WeaponViewer to show weapon image instead of name, add IsHeadshot
Assume a death that isn't from a weapon as suicide for now
Add WeaponDefinition.EmptyReloadTime
Loading screen adjustments
Add SteamInput manifest file for deck
At the moment, all it does is make the right trackpad work
Fixed GunfightWeapon NRE on death
Sorted out ammo text wrap bug
Changed SwitchWeapon action bind from Q to 2
Fixed loadout sys starting the player on their secondary weapon
Fixed Loading Screen not fetching map correctly - also support finding map from Game.Server.MapIdent
Fixed holster fucking up weapon deploy on next respawn
Reduced base menu UI scale
Add MatchmakingSystem.CreateLobby, add quick-start to matchmaking page
GameServerFrame low-res improvements
Trace from eyepos to vault end pos to make sure we can't jump through world geometry and shit like that
Make player loadout assignment safer
Set b_empty param properly on all weapons
Reduced annoyance of player movement sounds / weapon switching sounds / jump and land sounds
Improved button style & hover state of WeaponCard
Show selected class clearly
Class Modal style update
Update landing page and pause menu
Remove spammy bodygroup logs
Show create a class for everyone
Disable VaultMoveMechanic for now - too many exploits
Create a class list is horizontal instead
ClassCard creates two WeaponViewers to show primary & secondary at a glance
Moved Create New Class button to be separate from the class list
More UI position adjusting, xp bar width, opacity, blend-mode
Moved hints around so they don't clash with each other
Improved cover aim eye height
Refactor Ammo component to accept a weapon property. Remove unused actions, add SwitchWeapon action
Remove old loadout system, replace with custom classes, gamemodes can define default class
Experiment: Use gamepad gyro for aiming (will probably make this handheld only but we'll see)
Adjust Steam Deck game scale, still high but not as insane as before
Keep Deck main menu scale the same as PC for now, server browser is totally unusable currently
Restyle weapon hud
Create new class button adds new class and opens it instead of erroring out
Add WeaponCard, refactor WeaponViewer to self-handle attachments, implement save/delete methods
Matchmaking map list sorts by most popular