4,607 Commits over 976 Days - 0.20cph!
Players can view Settings from Pause Menu, add blur if ingame
Changed main menu style, added settings page for rebinding inputs
Hide Create A Class behind the editor for now
NotificationManager supports parsing Input Hints using a pattern https://files.facepunch.com/tony/1b3011b1/sbox-dev_zC1LT7iTAi.png
Up MP5 holster time to match @MaxLebled's new anim
Reference weapon packages in sbproj, create a class can use proper models from WeaponDefinition again
Run RichPresenceSystem.Tick in GameMenuDll instead, fixes presence being incorrect while in a game's menu
Run ServerConfig.UpdateFromPackage after ServerInformation gets set, fixes bind collection failing to load in GameMenu
Remove unneeded rich presence setter
Refactor attachment system so it's not tied to components
Menu attachment toggle test
Position WeaponViewer using model bounds, and can now edit attachments on either weapons
Group attachments by category, give them friendly names
Fixed invalid grouping of members in rich presence, need to find out why the server's SteamID can become this
Make gamepad input poll properly in GameMenu
Game.AssertClientOrMenu includes GameMenu, fix Input.GetGlyph not working in GameMenu
Update BaseFileSystem.ReadJson<T> docs
Testing out WeaponViewer w/ ScenePanel
Start framing out ClassModal
Hook it all together, create new class makes a new class and saves it
Start writing persistence for custom classes
Add Attachment.IsUnlocked()
Start framing out Create A Class page in GameMenu
Fix HTTP request parameters being flipped
Merge pull request #4 from peter-r-g/peter-r-g/fix-http-request
Docs, make WeaponAttachmentComponent abstract
Disable unsupported attachments instead
WIP Attachment Mods -> USP RMR, USP Suppressor, MP5 Rail
Add UIGlobals, UIGlobals.MenuScale and UIGlobals.GameScale. Scale up respective root panels on Steam Deck
Update InputHint when device changes, fixes controller glyphs
Update input action binds for gamepad
SteamInput: fixed left trigger action being bound to right trigger
Input: fixed AnalogInput being incorrect for right trigger
Would be good if I reflected all use of RequestAsync and not break everything, thank god for unit tests
Http.RequestAsync( string method, string requestUri ) changed to Http.RequestAsync( string requestUri, string method = "GET" ) to match all other methods
This is a breaking change, please update your code (I assume not many people are using this)
Gamepad Support Refactor (#1218)
- No manifest codegen
- Gamepads work again (including Steam Deck)
- Goes against what SteamInput is all about 😢
Rip out manifest codegen entirely
Remove Sandbox.Gamepad
Add Sandbox.GamepadCode
Add InputAction.DigitalAction which maps GamepadCode to something SteamInput can parse immediately
Refactor Input to grab action.DigitalAction
Fix up GetButtonOrigin and glyphs
Update manifest.vdf to use new actions
Only process input actions with a valid gamepad code
Remove Input.ActionSetName, Controller.GetDigitalActionOriginName( string, InputActionSetHandle_t )
Update default manifest again
Fixed controller actions not being reflected serverside
Better value for attack_hold
Remove debug log :frowning:
Hook up b_jump
Remove AimFireDelay
MP5: Hook up dry fire anim
Re-add holster times (but now per weapon)
Hooked up move_groundspeed, deploy unset, move firing mode to be on cycle instead of all the time
Set up FiringModeParameter
Add rich presence system class which is polled every so often, instead of updating presence from 7 different classes
Store player levels at the time too
Add team group header with the team's total score, add player levels to match modal
Span style adjustments
Use proper team names, not just their enum string
Remove pointer-events from some elements
Changed icon for lobby owner
Store team scores and per-player score in match data
Add MatchModal.GetData with fallback
Order player entries by score descending
Show game version in GameServerFrame
New icons, new main menu bg image
Fix NRE in ServerDll.UpdateServerDetails if playing locally, my bad
Fixed match time being incorrect in MatchCard (just didn't implement it)
Add MapName and Gamemode to MatchCard update
Add DialogModal, pop up a dialog warning user about outdated server when trying to join
Pass gamemode version tag to ServerList so games can decide what to do with servers that are out of date
Update style and content for match modal again
Use correct gamemode name
Proper flex wrap on MatchCard
MatchModal - Sort by teams https://files.facepunch.com/tony/1b2011b1/sbox-dev_7F90V5Sh36.png