256,504 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Automated Windows Build #548
Automated Linux Build #548
Automated Linux DS Build #547
* Entity.PrintMessage clientside will appear as type "none" in GM:ChatText
Automated Windows Build #547
Automated Linux Build #547
* Added 2 more types to ChatText - servermsg and teamchange
UnitViews now raycast to tiles and positing above their offset so they will stay on top of moving tiles
NRE catch in UnitPortraitManager
Broke attacks to make them better
Reduced fog in clear weather
Session kill cleanup, reset for UnitPortraitManager.
Sessions correctly save loaded scenes when loading from an existing game zone scene in the editor.
Some fixes to Desire persistence.
SmartObject persistence removed for now.
Added back potato mode for terrain and objects; only active when shader level equals 100
Deprecated _NORMALMAP keyword; not used
Removed a few keywords in terrain related shaders
Automated Linux DS Build #546
Automated Windows Build #546
Automated Linux Build #546
Better handling of ref-counting in CMaterialVar::SetTextureValue/CMaterialVar::SetMaterialValue - won't screw up when called from render thread
Added network stats into debug UI
Player cleanup, now derived from SingletonBehaviour
Player selection works properly in editor when not restricted to tribe units
UnitCollection trigger profiler hook tweak
tweaked loot placement in MT
Light prefabs with shadows
Automated Linux DS Build #545
Industrial fixtures greybox